LESSON PLAN: CORRECT POSTURE FOR SITTING Subject: Physical Development Class: Kindergarten (Age 5) Term: Second Term Week: 5 Age: 5 years Topic: Correct Posture for Sitting Sub-topic: Demonstrating and Practicing Proper Sitting Posture Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Demonstrate the correct sitting posture with
Physical Development Nursery 2 – Second Term Weekly Brief List Week 1: Introduction to Physical Development: Importance of movement and physical activity Basic exercises and games: Running, hopping, and jumping Motor skills development: Fine and gross motor skills Week 2: Animal movement game: Imitating different animals Coordination exercises: Balancing and hopping Enhancing flexibility with simple
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Gross Motor skills, coordination of fine muscles with dexterity, eye hand coordination, sense of balance, physical co-ordination and awareness of space and direction, nutrition, health status and practices Motor Development Fine Motor development through activities such as bending, peg-boards and puzzles, large muscle development through running (short distances), jumping balancing activities e.t.c Physical
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery II SUBJECT: Physical Development NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION A: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (Choose the correct option a, b, or c) Exercise should be done in the _______. (a) night (b) morning (c) afternoon Is it good to eat while running? (a) yes (b) no Running is an exercise? (a) yes (b) no