Tag: KG 1


Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : WHAT NUMBER COMES NEXT?   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught. INTRODUCING RECTANGLE in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 10   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson , pupils


Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : INTRODUCING RECTANGLE   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught. INTRODUCING TRIANGLE in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 9   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be


Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : INTRODUCING TRIANGLE AND RECTANGLE   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught. WEEKENDS in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 8   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson , pupils should


WEEKDAYS   Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : WEEKENDS   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught. Days Of The Week in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 7   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson ,

Days Of The Week

WEEKDAYS   Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : WEEKDAYS   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught. Counting On in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 6   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson , pupils should

Counting On

Counting On   Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : Counting On    Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught The ab pattern in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 5   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson

The abc or abb pattern (complex pattern)

The abc or abb pattern (complex pattern)   Subject : NUMERACY / MATHEMATICS LESSONS Topic : The abc or abb pattern (complex pattern)   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught The ab pattern in their previous classes Class : KG 1   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week


Subject : Number Work Topic : Introduction to number 71 to 75    Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught Patterning recognition and creation in their previous classes Class : KG   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 2   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson ,

Back to School Revision on Numbers from 1 to 70

Patterning recognition and creation   Subject : Number Work Topic : Revision of numbers from 1 to 70 Class : KG   Term : 2nd Term / Second Term   Week : Week 1   BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to Interact and discus how they spent


Subject: PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT Topic: Third Term Scheme of work Class: KG 1   Term: 3rd Term   : Weekly Lesson Plans and Notes     PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT Weekly lessons Healthy eating You are what you eat Balanced Diet Temperature Hot or cold Dangerous insects in our homes Meaning of insects Examples