Tag: Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Examination Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 12 Topic: Examination Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies Duration: 40 minutes Obedience to Allah means following _______ rules. a) School’s b) Parents’ c) Allah’s d) Friend’s What should you do to obey Allah? a) Clean toys b) Play all

Revision Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 12 Topic: Revision Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies Duration: 40 minutes Obedience to Allah means following _______ rules. a) School’s b) Parents’ c) Allah’s d) Friend’s What should you do to obey Allah? a) Clean toys b) Play all

Obedience to Allah and Parent Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 11 Topic: Obedience to Allah and Parents Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Greet students warmly. Ask if they remember the last topic discussed. Key Words: Obedience Allah Parents Rules Happy Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be

Ablution (Al-Wudu): Meaning, Reasons, How to perform Ablution and The Materials that are needed for Ablution Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 10 Topic: Ablution (Al-Wudu): Meaning, Reasons, How to Perform, and Materials Needed Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Greet students warmly. Ask if they remember the last topic discussed. Key Words: Ablution Al-Wudu Meaning Reasons How to Perform Materials Needed Behavioural Objectives:

Suratul- Al Falaq (Q 113 Verses 3 – 5) Transliteration, Translation, and the uses of the surah to Muslims Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

    Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 9 Topic: Suratul-Al Falaq (Q 113 Verses 3 – 5) – Transliteration, Translation, and Uses of the Surah to Muslims Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Greet students warmly. Ask if they remember the last topic discussed. Key Words: Surah

Suratul- Al Falaq (Q 113 Verses 1 – 2) Transliteration, Translation, and the uses of the surah to Muslims Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 8 Topic: Suratul-Al Falaq (Q 113 Verses 1 – 2) – Transliteration, Translation, and Uses of the Surah to Muslims Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Greet students warmly. Ask if they remember the last topic discussed. Key Words: Surah Al-Falaq Transliteration

Second Term Mid Term Test Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 7 Topic: Second Term Mid Term Test Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies Sub-topic: Attempt all the questions Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should recall the previous lesson and answer the questions that are related to the topics that have been

Surah An Nas [114 Verses 4 – 6] – Transliteration, Translation, and list the uses of the surah to Muslims Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 5 Topic: Surah An Nas [114 Verses 1 – 3] – Transliteration, Translation, and Uses Sub-topic: Understanding Surah An Nas Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Greet the students warmly and ask if they remember the last Surah learned. Encourage them to

At-Taharah: Cleanliness in Islam Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 6 Topic: At-Taharah: Cleanliness in Islam Sub-topic: Practices for Cleanliness Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should recall the previous lesson on Surah An Nas and its uses. Key Words: At-Taharah, Cleanliness, Wudu, Prayer Mat, Clean Clothes Behavioural Objectives: Students will

Surah An Nas [114 Verses 1 – 3] – Transliteration, Translation, and list the uses of the surah to Muslims. Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 4 Topic: Surah An Nas [114 Verses 1-3] – Transliteration, Translation, and Uses Sub-topic: Understanding and Applying Surah An Nas Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should recall the previous lesson on Arabic Alphabets with Objects. Key Words: Surah An Nas,
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