Personal Gifts. 1ST Term Exams.Home Economics

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………   1.) __________ are things that belong to you alone (a) personal gift (b) personal belongings (c) personal matters 2.) All of the following are examples of personal belongings except _____ (a) combs (b) petticoats (c) marker 3.) ___________ and ________ are good

List 5 simple clothing article

WEEK1 Topic: Clothing Subtitle: simple clothing artocle Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.Define clothing 2. list the simple clothing articles 3. mention the materials needed for making simple clothing article INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: clothing like apron and cap The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of:

Mention two table manner rules.

EDU DELIGHT TUTORS ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS.   FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 20 CLASS: PRIMARY 6                                                  SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS   NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………   1.)  All these are beverages except ____________ (a) cocoa (b) tea                  (c) corn flakes 2.)  Which of the following types of oil is not used for cooking ____________. (a) palm oil (b)

List the materials needed for making apron

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Home Economics Topic: Revision Questions Constructing Simple articles. List the materials needed for making apron: 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________ 6. Why is an apron used? 7. Mention three examples of people wearing apron. _________________, _________________ and _________________. 8. An apron has two __________ and

Mention two examples of people that use apron.

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Home Economics Topic: Revision Instructions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. 1. Soap for washing can be in ____________, _____________ and ______________ forms. 2. Can we use bleach to wash coloured cloth? ( Yes / No) 3. Why do we wear apron? 4. Mention two examples of people that

Mention five items needed to make simple article. 

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Home Economics   Topic: Tests     Instruction: Read and answer the following questions correctly.     Mention five items needed to make simple article.   _________________   _________________   _________________   _________________   _________________   Identify two methods of cooking.   _________________   _________________   State three

We should take care of the body everyday

CLASS: Basic 1 SUBJECT: Home Economics TOPIC: Assessment Test The human body has a neck which joins the head to the rest of the body. a) May be b) True c) False The _______ is a part of the body. a) Head b) Spoon c) Paper We should take care of the body every day.

Mention five income yielding Cookery

    Class :Primary 6     Subject :Home Economics   Topic : income Yielding Cookery   Income yielding Cookery involves petty cooking that are done for commercial purposes.   It involves preparation, cooking and selling of food in order to make money.   Examples of income yielding Cookery are   Small chops Plantain chips

Basic 2 Home Economics Answer all questions

Class: Basic 2 Subject:Home Economics Test Answer all questions 1.A____________is a place where we live?(a)home(b)office(c)toilet 2.The__________is where we prepare our food(a)dinning (b)kitchen(c)sitting 3.The sitting room can also be referred to as__________ (a)dinning room(b)living room (c)bathroom 4.The act of washing our body is known as__________(a)bathing (b)cooking(c)frying 5.We preserve our food to food to avoid wastage(a)true(b)false (c)maybe


  FIRST TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 1                       SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………   Name the three main parts of the human body. ________________, _________________, ________________ The finger is part of the ______________ (a) hand (b) head  (c) tongue Name five part of the body ___________________, ____________________ ____________________, ____________________, ____________________. We use our eyes to _______________


…………………………..       CLASS: PRIMARY 2                  SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:………………………………… Exercise is a deliberate _____________ of the body. (a) jogging                (b) movement  (c) eating Exercise helps in circulation of blood and __________________               (a) product (b) breathing (c) oxygen Exercise helps the breathing system.    (  Yes   /    No) Exercise helps in the digestion of _____________________

Functional Rooms in the Home.

  Class: Basic 2       Subject: Home Economics   Topic:Functional Rooms in the Home.   #Contents:Meaning Of Functional Rooms in the Home.   Types of functional rooms in the home.   Different homes usually have a lot Of rooms.Functional rooms are useful rooms in the home.   However,the following are the rooms that

Unskilled labour rewards are referred to as ___

  Class: Primary 6     Subject : Home Economics     Topic : Revision       Read the following sentences and pick the right answer from the given alternatives.   1.) _______ is the money that we receive when we work (a) promotion (b) income (c) selection     2.) Unskilled labour rewards