Home Economics Primary 4 Second Term Examination

    SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………… 1. _____ are light foods eaten in-between meals (a) bulky foods (b) snack (c) bread and butter 2. Main meals are bulky food that contains _____ (a) little ingredients (b) many ingredients (c) a particular ingredients 3. Snacks restore __________ (a) loss

Home Economics Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Section A: 1.) __________________ is not a bathing material (a) blood (b) soap (c) water 2.) ________________ is an example of artificial hair (a) wig (b) suku (c) weaving 3.) Unsterilized materials are materials that are not ________ (a) cooked (b) roasted (c) cleaned

Home Economics Primary 4 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) _____________ are items (things) that belong to one person (a) personal belongings (b) general belongings (c) public belongings 2.) Personal belongings are used _____________ and not to be shared with anyone (a) yearly (b) everyday (c) weekly 3.) An act of choosing particular

Home Economics Primary 3 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all Questions 1.) ______________________ refers to the things you do to keep your body clean (a) staying in the sun (b) body hygiene (c) body odour 2.) ________________ helps to promote our health (a) dirtiness (b) uncleanliness (c) cleanliness 3.) Always dry your

Home Economics Primary 2 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………… 1.) ________ is a physical activity that we do always to keep our body in good health (a) driving (c) exercise (c) fighting 2.) Is dancing an exercise (a) Yes (b) No 3.) Exercise helps the body to keep fit and _________ (a) lazy

Jss 1 Basic 7 First Term Examination Home Economics

FIRST TERM 2021/2022 SESSION EXAMINATION HOME ECONOMICS JSI 1 HOURS SUBJECT: CLASS: TIME: Answer all questions in this section. 1. Each hair grows from a narrow tube in the skin called hair A. follicle B. scalp C. organ D. root   2. The knowledge of chemistry in Home Economics helps to understand the A. effect


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… _____ are light refreshments eaten in-between meals (a) snacks (b) snakes (c) transport _____ are drinks made from fruits extract (a) fruit drinks (b) action drinks (c) five alive Snacks help to replenish energy which gets low as a result of daily activities(a) True (b)


HOME ECONOMICS …………. Is a substance for rubbing surface to make shine. [a] stone [b] water [c] polish Avoid wastage when using cleaning agents [a] yes [b] no [c] I don’t know ……………. Is not a type of surface in the home [a] mud surface [b] wooden surface [c] tarred surface Wooden floor can be

1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 3

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 3 Section A Choose the correct option __________ are threads which are obtained by twisting several fibres together (a)yarns (b)wefts (c)warps (d)fabrics __________ is a long, finished or self knitted edge of a fabric (a)selvedge (b)weaving (c)gram (d)yam __________ are threads

1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 2

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 2 Section A Choose the correct option Clothes are kept in the following except (a)wardrobe (b)box (c)bathroom (d)drawer Clothes need to be washed to improve its (a)taste (b)appearance (c)statics (d)shape Calico patch is usually used for (a)bed sheets and pillowcases (b)bed

1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 1 Section A Choose the correct option The area of Home Economics that deals with using what the family has to get what it needs is called (a)economics (b)home knowledge (c)home care (d)home management Home Economics deals with (a)how people live

JSS 1 Third Term Examination Home Economics

HOME ECONOMICS The following are major areas in Home economics except (a) food and nutrition (b) clothing and textile (c) consumer education (d) agricultural science. Home Economics is the study of (a) how we gossip at home (b) how we relate to others (c) how we take care of the home (d) culture ——- areas


2ND TERM EXAMINATION SESSION: . CLASS: BASIC 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS 1. How do we maintain healthy body? (a) by dreaming (b) by fasting (c) by eating balance diet and exercise our body   2. How can we maintain our health (a) by scratching our body (b) by bathing regularly (c) by beating our body

Nur 2 Exams Home Economics

TERM:       SECOND TERM EXAMINATION . CLASS:         NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS  [mediator_tech]  The nose enables us to _____(a) breathe (b) dance (c) walk The nose is used for _____(a) eating (b) smelling (c) biting What are the two hole of the nose called? (a) eyes (b) ears (c) nose What should be used to clear


  EDU DELIGHT TUTORS (NURSERY & PRIMARY) ONLINE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS AND LEARNERS THIRD TERM EDT EXAMINATION EDT 017 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) The bedroom is a room where we ______ (a) dance (b) jump (c) sleep (d) cook 2.) It is good to keep our bedroom ______ (a) rough (b)