Subject : HOME ECONOMICS Term : First Term Week: Week 3 Class : JSS 2 / BASIC 8 Previous lesson: MYSELF AS A HOMEMAKER QUALITIES OF A HOMEMAKER Topic : FOOD NUTRITION CLASSES OF FOOD Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Define nutrition
Subject : HOME ECONOMICS Term : First Term Week: Week 2 Class : JSS 2 / BASIC 8 Previous lesson: FAMILY CRISIS Topic : MYSELF AS A HOMEMAKER Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Explain a homemaker Explain the characteristics of homemaker Write
Subject : HOME ECONOMICS Term : First Term Week: Week 1 Class : JSS 2 / BASIC 8 Previous lesson: HOME ECONOMICS FIRST TERM JSS 2 Topic : FAMILY CRISIS Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Explain the concept of family Say different
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SECTION A Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions. Don’t be involved in it. 1) Clothing is one of the basic necessity of life._____ (a)True (b)false (c)I can’t say 2) All these are examples
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY 6 1) A sewing machine operated by hand is called a (a)Treadle sewing machine (b)Hand sewing machine (c)Electric sewing machine (d)None of the option 2) A sewing machine that involves the use of the legs or feet is called
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY 3 1) Which of these foods contain carbohydrate? ____________ (a)beans (b)Vegetables (c)Rice 2) ____________ is one of the food we can find in our locality (a)Yam (b)Pizza (c)Lettuce 3) Fish belongs to
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY ONE 1) A is a place where family members live in (a)hut (b)shop (c)home 2) is a room or place for cooking our food and washing our plates (a)Parlour (b)sitting room (c)kitchen 3) Shelves
THIRD TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. Subject: HOME ECONOMICS Duration: 1HR 30mins Class: JSS 3 Answer all questions in sections A and B, then answer just 3 questions in section C The fabric that absorbs moisture easily is
Week 1 FOOD STORAGE FACILITIES CONTENT Meaning of Food storage Storage of Perishable Foods Storage of Non-perishable Foods Importance of Proper Storage of Food Food Storage Facilities Hints on Storage of Perishable and Non-perishable Foods Meaning of Food storage Food storage involves keeping preserved or purchased food in safe condition and suitable facilities for
Subject : Home Economics Primary 1 Class : Primary 1 / Basic 1 Term : Third Term SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 1 (BASIC 1) WEEKLY TOPICS WEEK 1 Revision Examination Home Economics Second Term WEEK 2 Meaning of Toilet Types of Toilet WEEK 3 Items Found in the Toilet Primary
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY 3 1) Which of these foods contain carbohydrate? (a)beans (b)Vegetables (c)Rice 2) is one of the food we can find in our locality (a)Yam (b)Pizza (c)Lettuce 3) Fish belongs to one
1ST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: … 1. Personal belongings are things that belong to you alone. (a) True (b) False 2. ________________ is an example of personal belonging (a) toothbrush (b) house (c) school 3. We can care for our personal belongings by _____ (a)
2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: Instruction: Answer all question Section A: Underline the correct option 1. We must always use __________ and ___________ to take care of our body. (a) oil and pepper (b) clean water and soap (c) dirty water and soap. 2. Body hygiene
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Section A: 1. The cooking of food in a pot with enough water is ________ frying (b) boiling (c) roasting (d) smoking 2. When cooking beans, water should _____ the food (a) not cover (b) cover (c) fill (d) burst