Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 5 Class: SSS 1 Topic: Emerging Issues in Health (HIV/AIDS) Previous Lesson: Community Services and Its Values Behavioral Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Explain the meaning of emerging health issues. Define HIV. Describe AIDS. Discuss the effects
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 4 Class: SSS 1 Previous Lesson: Meaning of Justice and Selflessness Topic: Community Services and Its Values Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain what community service is. Express the need for community services. Identify and discuss
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 3 Class: SSS 1 Previous Lesson: Revision on the previous lesson which covered our values Topic: Meaning of Justice and Selflessness Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define justice Explain the meaning of selflessness State the importance
COMMERCE S S ONE SECTION B [ ANSWER FIVE QUESTIONS ONLY,NUMBER 3 IS COMPULSORY] [1] Define cooperative society [b]. State four characteristics of cooperative society [c]. Explain three as given in [b] above. [2]. Explain shares and shares certificate [b] Mention and explain 3 classes of shares [3] State the steps for the formation of
OFFICE PRACTICE S S ONE SECTION A THEORY ANSWER FOUR UESTIONS ONLY 1]. Define the term departmentalization B].List out six departments C]. Write two functions for each departments listed above [2]. What is office layout B]. Differentiate between the types of office layouts C]. Write two advantages and two disadvantages of the office layouts given
SUBJECT: C.R.K CLASS: NURSERY 1 1. Who lied against Joseph? (a) Joseph’s brother (b) Joseph master’s wife 2. Who made Joseph rule over his people? (a) Pharaoh (b) Moses 3. There was no food any where except __(a) Egypt (b) Lagos 4. Who was the wicked king ___ (a)teacher (b) Pharaoh 5. Who was hidden
Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART JSS 1 Section A Choose the correct option Drama comes from the Greek word called (a)dran (b)drent (c)drant (d)dant Which of following is basic to all forms of visual arts (a)drawing (b)paining (c)sculpture (d)photography The two main type of
Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Shimawa Ogun State 1st Term Examination CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE Basic 5 Name:……………………… Another name for Paul is ______ (a)Stephen (b)Abraham (c)Saul (d)Peter Paul was born in _______ (a)Iraq (b)Tarsus (c)Canada (d)Tokyo Paul studied under __________ (a)Jesus (b)Gamaliel (c)president (d)Moses Who spoke to Saul on his way to
AGRIC Jss 1 Examination Questions Agricultural Science Dicotyledonous plants have a. four cotyledons b. three cotyledons c. two cotyledons d. one cotyledon Which of these is very difficult to use if the number of pest is high a. chemical control b, physical control c. biological control d. cultural control? _____involves the use of natural
SOCIAL STUDIES 1.The study of man and his interaction with his social and physical environments is———A. geography B. social studies C. music D .basic science Which of the following is not an example of physical environment? A. Hills B. Lake C. Family D. Oceans All BUT one of the following are the three areas /