English Grammar Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes

Primary 3 Second Term Examination English Studies Week 12

Class 3 Scheme Of Work Second Term English Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Scheme Of Work Second Term Class 3 /Primary 3/Basic 3 English Grammar [mediator_tech] Week 12 Primary 3 Second Term Examination English Grammar Answer the following questions  Part A Comprehension Passage Read the comprehension passage and answer the questions that

Primary 3 Second Term Examination ENGLISH STUDIES

ENGLISH STUDIES. CLASS: PRIMARY 3 Attempt all the questions. 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions to make meaningful sentences. Would you like something to eat ________ drink? Answer: or I will go to the party ____ you come with me. Answer: if Taiwo is kind ____ helpful. Answer: and She was extremely careful

English Grammar Primary 3 Second Term Examination Questions

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TIME: 1 HOUR NAME: ………………………………………………………………… GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions. Write your answers clearly. Avoid any form of malpractice. Make sure to read each question carefully before answering. PART A: COMPREHENSION (10 QUESTIONS) Read the passage below and answer the following questions. Leke is Punished Akin