Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes

Mid Term Test Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term

Mid-Term Assessment for Computer Studies – Primary 6, Second Term Age Group: 10–12 years Topics Covered: Adobe Photoshop (Toolbars, Drawing, Painting) Computer Networks (WAN, LAN, Types of Network Topologies) Network Topologies (Sketching and Describing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Networks) Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice) Fill in the blanks with the correct option. The main

Scratch in the classroom (Basic Mathematical Operations)

Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 9 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 9 Topic: Scratch in the Classroom – Basic Mathematical Operations Behavioral Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain the concept of mathematical operations in Scratch. Use Scratch blocks to perform

Scratch Computer Programming in the classroom community 

Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 10 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 10 Topic: Scratch in the Classroom – Community Behavioral Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand the concept of a community within the context of Scratch. Use Scratch to create

Scratch in the classroom Drawing shapes Primary 6

Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 8 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 8 Topic: Scratch in the Classroom – Drawing Shapes Behavioral Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: Define Scratch and explain its purpose in the classroom. Identify the tools in Scratch

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networks for Primary 6

Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 6 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 6 Age Group: 10-12 years Topic: Computer Networks Sub-Topics: Sketching and Describing Network Topology Advantages of Computer Networks Disadvantages of Computer Networks Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able

Understanding Computer Networks and Network Topology for Primary 6

Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 4 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 4 Age Group: 10-12 years Topic: Computer Networks Sub-Topics: Definition of Computer Networks Types of Networks (WAN, LAN) Types of Network Topology (Bus, Star, Ring, etc.) Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson,

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop for Primary 6 Students

Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 2 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Age Group: 10-12 years Topic: Adobe Photoshop Sub-Topics: Identification of Toolbars on the Adobe Photoshop Interface Drawing with Adobe Photoshop Painting Objects with Adobe Photoshop Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson,

Examination Questions Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes

Primary 6 Second Term Computer Studies Examination Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 12 General Instructions for Teachers and Students: For Teachers: Ensure all students understand the instructions before beginning the exam. Remind students to avoid any form of malpractice. Let them know that fairness and honesty are important to help

Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes

NEW SCHEME SECOND TERM COMPUTER STUDIES E LESSON NOTE FOR BASIC SIX Primary 6, Basic 6, Second Term, Computer Studies, ICT     Week 1 SECOND TERM COMPUTER STUDIES E LESSON NOTE FOR BASIC SIX     Week 2 Adobe Photoshop Identification of toolbars on the Adobe Photoshop tool bars Drawing with Adobe Photoshop Painting

Revision of Previous Computer Studies Topics – Primary 6

Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 1 Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age Group: 10-12 years Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered in the Previous Term Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recall the key topics covered in

Caring for Computer Users (Information Communication Technology – ICT)

Lesson Plan: Caring for Computer Users Subject: Computer Studies Topic: Caring for Computer Users (Information Communication Technology – ICT) Class: Primary 6, Basic 6 Term: Third Term Week: Week 6 Instructional Materials: Computer hardware (e.g., computer system, UPS, stabilizer) Monitor, table, fan, air conditioning, hard disk Neat duster, cotton, wool, furniture Spirit, Antivirus CD, etc.

Functions of the Desktop Computer Studies Primary 5

Lesson Note: Functions of the Desktop Class: Primary 5 & 6 Subject: Computer Studies Term: Second Term Week: 5 Topic: Functions of the Desktop Sub-topic: How to Delete and Restore a Folder on the Desktop Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain what the desktop

Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 5 Computer Studies

PRIMARY 5 & 6 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Read all questions carefully before answering. Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Do not engage in any form of examination malpractice. Write your answers clearly and neatly. Do not talk