Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 1 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 1 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Meaning and Importance of Animal Husbandry Sub-Topic: Areas of Animal Husbandry Importance of Animal Husbandry to Individuals, Communities, and the Nation Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 2 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 2 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Classification of Farm Animals Sub-Topic: Classification Based on Nutrition Ruminants (Polygastrics) Small Ruminants (e.g., Sheep and Goats) Non-Ruminants (Monogastrics) a. Poultry (Avian) b. Pigs (Swine) c. Rabbits
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 3 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Classification of Farm Animals II Sub-Topic: Classification Based on Nutrition Non-Ruminants a. Horses or Donkeys b. Snails c. Bees d. Grass Cutters Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives:
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 4 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 4 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Classification of Farm Animals III Sub-Topic: Distinction between Ruminants and Non-Ruminants Distinction between Macro and Micro Farm Animals Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 5 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Classification of Farm Animals IV Sub-Topic: Economic Importance of Farm Animals Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 6 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 6 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Parts, Organs, and Functions of Farm Animals I Sub-Topic: Parts and Organs of Farm Animals Functions of Parts and Organs Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the
Parts, Organs, and Functions of Farm Animals II – SS 1 First Term, Week 7: Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 7 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Parts, Organs, and Functions of Farm Animals II Sub-Topic: Nervous System Circulatory
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 8 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 8 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Parts, Organs, and Functions of Farm Animals III Sub-Topic: Skeletal System Reproductive System (Male and Female) Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson,
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 9 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 9 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Parts, Organs, and Functions of Farm Animals IV Sub-Topic: Digestive System Respiratory System Nervous System Reproductive System (Male and Female) Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the
Animal Husbandry SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 10 Subject: Animal Husbandry Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: 10 Age: 14 – 16 years Topic: Livestock Reproduction I Sub-Topic: Definition of Terms in Livestock Reproduction Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define
Animal Husbandry SS 1 Mid-Term Assessment Mid-Term Assessment and Break Assessment Components: Part A: Objective Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options) Ovulation is the release of a ______ from the ovary. a) Sperm b) Egg c) Placenta d) Ovary The ______ cycle prepares the female animal for mating. a) Estrous b) Growth c) Lactation d)
Here’s a structured revision plan for Week 11 in Animal Husbandry SS 1. This plan includes various components for review, ensuring clarity and readability for the students. Animal Husbandry SS 1 Week 11 Revision Revision of All Topics Covered with Necessary Review Questions Part A: Review and Revision (20 FAQs with Answers) What is animal
Here’s a comprehensive examination plan for Week 12 in Animal Husbandry SS 1, including exam instructions for both teachers and students, as well as the required components for the examination. Animal Husbandry SS 1 Week 12 Examination Exam Instructions for Teachers and Students For Teachers: Preparation: Ensure that all exam materials are printed and organized
Here’s a brief overview of the topics covered throughout the first term in Animal Husbandry SS 1. This can be used as a weekly outline or revision guide. Weekly Brief List of Topics Covered in Animal Husbandry SS 1 – First Term Week 1: Meaning and Importance of Animal Husbandry Definition of animal husbandry Areas