Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes

First Term Recap: Agricultural Science for Primary 5

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1: Review of First Term Scheme of Work Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 9–10 years Topic: Review of First Term Scheme of Work Sub-Topic: Recap of Agricultural Science Topics from First Term Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives By the

Primary 5 Agricultural Science Second Term Questions

List one importance or benefit of weed. What are weeds? What is a monocotyledon plant? Write out one characteristic of weed. Give one example of weed. Write one use of cocoa. It is used to produce ______. What are cereals? Give one example of a tuber crop. Give two examples of vegetables. Give two examples

Effects of Weeds to farmers Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan: Agricultural Science (Primary 5) Term: Second Week: 3 Topic: Effects of Weeds to Farmers Sub-topic: Understanding the Impact of Weeds on Farms Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Review: Begin by discussing the meaning of weeds and the different types of weeds learned in the previous lesson. Engagement: Ask students to share any experiences

Classification of Insect Pests: Piercing and Sucking Insect Pests, etc

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8 Topic: Classification of Insect Pests: Piercing and Sucking Insect Pests, Burrowing and Boring Insect Pests Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Classify insect pests according to their mouth parts. Outline examples of insects in each group. Justify the

Damages Caused by Pests Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9 Topic: Damages Caused by Pests Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify the damages caused by pests on crops. Describe the types of damages pests cause on crops. Provide solutions on how to avoid pest damage. Keywords Pest

Mid Term Test Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Mid-Term Assessment Mid-Term Test Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 7 Instructions Answer all questions. Read each question carefully before answering. Write your answers clearly. Part A: Objective Questions Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) for each question. Weeds are ____. a.

Benefits of Weeds for Humans and Animals: Primary 5 Lesson Note

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5: Benefits of Weeds Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 5 Age: 9–10 years Topic: Benefits of Weeds Sub-Topic: Uses of Weeds as Animal Feed, Medicine, and Food Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be

Weed Control Methods and Importance: Primary 5 Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4: Control of Weeds Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 4 Age: 9–10 years Topic: Control of Weeds Sub-Topic: Methods and Importance of Weed Control Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Outline

Revisited Vulnerable Effects Of Weeds On Crops And Farmers

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3: Effects of Weeds on Farmers Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 3 Age: 9–10 years Topic: Effects of Weeds on Farmers Sub-Topic: Identifying Effects of Weeds and Suggesting Solutions Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils

Understanding Weeds: Agricultural Science for Primary 5

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2: Weeds Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Age: 9–10 years Topic: Weeds Sub-Topic: Meaning and Identification of Common Farm Weeds Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define weeds. Identify common