Further Mathematics Third Term SSS1 Revision WEEK 2 Reference Materials: New Further Mathematics project 1, by Adigun et al. Page 178 Previous Knowledge: Students can identify calculating devices. Instructional Materials: Charts showing flowcharts. Content FLOWCHART A flowchart is a diagrammatical representation of a solution to a problem. Example: The perimeter of a rectangle
Opposing the statement: “It is the home and not the school that contributes more moral laxity among students Subject : Civic Education Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 4 Class : Primary 5 Previous lesson : Conflict Resolution For Kids Topic : Opposing the statement: “It is the home and
Subject : Agricultural Science Class : Jss 2 / Basic 8 Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Topic : Scope of Agriculture Learning Objectives: Understand the different branches and areas of study within the scope of agriculture. Identify the importance and interdependence of various aspects of agriculture. Develop an appreciation for
Class: Jss one Choisissezl’optionjuste 1.Comment s’appele ta soeur? Elle ________ Lola s’appele b.m’appellec.t’appele 2.Cece Porte une robe a.vertsb.vertec.vertes 3.TezzyPorte un _________ un vélo b.une reigne c.un pantalon 4.Zeenatmarcheavec_____ a.lespiedsb.lenezc.les mains 5.Aujourdhui c’est mardi,demainsera _________ a.vendredib.mercredic.lundi 6.Combien de mois y a tildansuneannée? a.dix_huitb.sixc.douze 7.Quel temps fait- il? a.ildort b. Il y a du soleil
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY FIVE SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME:……………………………………………………… Text comprehension Mon école Mon école s‘appeleIslandBuildersBaptist.c’est une école mixte. Elle estsur 15, tapa obalendedansl’etat de Lagos. C’est une grande écoleavec cinq cents eleves, vingt salles de classe ttrente professeurs qualifiés. Il y a des belles fleurs a l’entrée . La directrice s’appele Madame Bode
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY FOUR SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME ……………………………………………… Texte comprehension Ma famille Je m’appele Balqis, j ai huit ans. Ma meilleureamie s’ appele Fridaus, Elle habiteàLekki. Le papa de Balqis s’ appele Mr Segun, ilestdocteur et travaille a eko hospital, la maman de Fridaus s‘appeletolani, Elle a trente-cinq ans et
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY THREE SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME:………………………………………………………………… Subject: French Class: primary three Complete the gaps with the correct number Dix,________________________,douze_________________ quatorze_____________________seize, ________ _________________,dix-huit,_________________ vingt. Trente-cinq ,___________________,trente-sept,__________________,Trente –huit, trente-neuf, _______________________, quarante-un. Answer the following questions in French Which number comes aftertwenty-four _______________________________________________ Comment tu t’ appeles? ____________________________________________________________ Quel âge as- tu?__________________________________________________________________
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY TWO SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME:………………………………………………… Underline the correct answer from the option given. Which of the items can be found in the: 1.la cuisine a.un gobelet b.un lit c. un réchaud 2.la chambre a.un sceau b.un drap c.un couteau 3.la salle de Bain a.un canapé b.un savon c.une
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY ONE SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Write the following numbers in figures (8,16, 11, 2, 20) Vingt _____________________________________________________________ Deux ____________________________________________________________ Seize ____________________________________________________________ Onze _____________________________________________________________ Huit _____________________________________________________________ Choose the correct answer from the options given and complete it with the correct answer Comment tu t’
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION _______ is a group of people who come together to pursue a common interest (a) social value (b) civil society (c) social justice ________ is one of the function of civil society (a) they are against human right (b) protecting and promoting (c) they
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:……………………………………………… There are ________ types of bathrooms (a) four (b) nine (c) three ___________ and __________ are example of toilets (a) plate toilet and folk toilet (b) water closet and pit toilet (c) old toilet and new toilet __________ and _________ are materials needed
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Which of these is not part of the home (a) kitchen (b) bedroom (c) classroom A place where we urinate and pass faeces is called (a) toilet (b) store (c) bedroom ____ is one of the reasons for cleaning the toilet (a) to
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Abraham was called _________ (a) brother of all nation (b) father of many nation (c) mother of all nation God guided Abraham to the promised land called _______ (a) Babylon (b) Canaan (c) Egypt On the first day, God created the _____ and
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:………………………………… … _____ are things a citizen is expected to do for the government. (a) protest (b) disagree (c) duties and obligation All these are duties and obligation of citizens except ______ (a) paying taxes (b) voting during election (c) destroying government properties A
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………… Who was the first man God created? (a) Moses (b) Adam (c) Mary We should _____ those who offend us (a) forgive (b) beat (c) fight Who did Jesus call his friend? (a) the disciples (b) his followers (c) the enemies Where was