Revision Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8
Christian Religious Studies SS 3 – Second Term Week 8 Revision & Review
This revision helps students recall and reinforce their understanding of topics covered in Weeks 1–7.
Part A: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with Answers
- Who promised the coming of the Holy Spirit?
- Jesus (Acts 1:8).
- When did the Holy Spirit come upon the apostles?
- On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).
- What happened when the Holy Spirit came?
- The apostles spoke in different languages (Acts 2:4).
- Who preached the first sermon after receiving the Holy Spirit?
- Peter (Acts 2:14-41).
- How many people were converted after Peter’s sermon?
- About 3,000 people (Acts 2:41).
- Where was Saul going when Jesus appeared to him?
- Damascus (Acts 9:1-3).
- Who healed Saul of his blindness?
- Ananias (Acts 9:17-18).
- What did Saul become after his conversion?
- A preacher of the gospel (Acts 9:20).
- What was Peter doing in Lydda?
- He healed a paralyzed man named Aeneas (Acts 9:32-34).
- Who was raised from the dead in Joppa?
- Dorcas (Tabitha) (Acts 9:36-42).
- Who was the first Gentile to receive the Holy Spirit?
- Cornelius (Acts 10:44-48).
- What did Peter see in his vision before meeting Cornelius?
- A sheet with unclean animals (Acts 10:9-16).
- Who was the first Christian martyr?
- Stephen (Acts 7:59-60).
- Who approved the killing of Stephen?
- Saul (Acts 8:1).
- Which king killed James, the brother of John?
- King Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12:1-2).
- What happened to Herod Agrippa I?
- He was struck by an angel and died (Acts 12:23).
- How is HIV/AIDS transmitted?
- Through blood contact, unprotected sex, and sharing needles.
- Can HIV/AIDS be cured?
- No, but it can be managed with drugs.
- How should Christians treat people with HIV/AIDS?
- With love and care, like Jesus treated the sick.
- Who healed the official’s sick son?
- Jesus (John 4:46-54).
Part B: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)
- The Holy Spirit came on the day of ______.
a) Passover
b) Pentecost
c) Easter
d) Good Friday - Peter preached his first sermon in ______.
a) Antioch
b) Corinth
c) Jerusalem
d) Ephesus - Saul was traveling to ______ when he saw a bright light.
a) Samaria
b) Bethlehem
c) Damascus
d) Galilee - Who baptized Saul after his conversion?
a) Peter
b) Ananias
c) John
d) Philip - Cornelius was a ______.
a) Fisherman
b) Soldier
c) Priest
d) Carpenter - Peter stayed in Joppa with ______.
a) Barnabas
b) Ananias
c) Simon the Tanner
d) Lydia - Stephen was stoned to death because he preached about ______.
a) Moses
b) Jesus
c) John the Baptist
d) Paul - Who persecuted Christians before becoming an apostle?
a) Barnabas
b) Saul
c) Philip
d) Peter - The apostles were arrested for ______.
a) Stealing
b) Preaching about Jesus
c) Lying
d) Selling goods in the temple - Herod Agrippa I killed ______.
a) Peter
b) James
c) John
d) Paul
Part C: Theory Questions (Short Answer)
- What is Pentecost?
- Who was Peter?
- What happened to Saul on the road to Damascus?
- Why did Peter visit Cornelius?
- What miracle did Peter perform in Lydda?
- What was the vision Peter saw in Joppa?
- Why was Stephen stoned?
- How did the apostles respond to opposition?
- How did the church grow despite persecution?
- Who was the first Gentile convert?
- What happened to Herod Agrippa I?
- What did Jesus say about caring for the sick?
- How does HIV/AIDS affect the body?
- What are two ways to prevent HIV/AIDS?
- Who healed Saul of his blindness?
- What is the significance of Cornelius’ conversion?
- How did the apostles escape from prison?
- Who helped Saul in his early ministry?
- What does it mean to be a Christian witness?
- How should Christians respond to opposition?
Part D: True or False Questions
- The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. (____)
- Saul was a follower of Jesus before his conversion. (____)
- Peter refused to preach to Gentiles. (____)
- Stephen was the first Christian martyr. (____)
- Cornelius was a Jewish priest. (____)
- Peter healed a paralyzed man named Aeneas. (____)
- The apostles never faced opposition. (____)
- Saul became known as Paul. (____)
- Jesus healed a sick boy by sending him home in faith. (____)
- HIV/AIDS is spread by shaking hands. (____)
- Sharing needles can spread HIV/AIDS. (____)
- The first church members were only Jews. (____)
- The apostles stopped preaching after being arrested. (____)
- Jesus cares for the sick and suffering. (____)
- Peter preached the first sermon after Pentecost. (____)
- Paul was never imprisoned. (____)
- The church prayed when Peter was arrested. (____)
- Stephen forgave those who killed him. (____)
- Herod Agrippa I killed James. (____)
- Saul wrote many letters in the Bible. (____)
Part E: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions
- The Holy Spirit came on the day of ______.
- Saul was traveling to ______ when Jesus appeared to him.
- ______ healed Saul of blindness.
- Peter preached his first sermon in ______.
- The first Christian martyr was ______.
- Jesus healed the official’s son in ______.
- Peter stayed with ______ in Joppa.
- The first Gentile convert was ______.
- The apostles faced opposition from ______.
- Stephen was killed by ______.
- Saul later became known as ______.
- The church prayed when ______ was arrested.
- Peter healed a paralyzed man named ______.
- Dorcas was also called ______.
- Herod Agrippa I died because he did not give ______ to God.
- Jesus healed the blind man at the Pool of ______.
- The final stage of HIV infection is called ______.
- HIV/AIDS is spread through ______ contact.
- Christians should show ______ to sick people.
- The Bible teaches us to ______ our enemies.
This revision will help students recall the topics and prepare well for their exams.
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