Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: SS 3
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 7
Islamic Moral Education
- Unity and Brotherhood in Islam (Qur’an 3 :103, Qur’an 49:10)
- Religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence
- Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil (Qur’an 3: 104,110)
Personal hygiene and environmental sanitation
- Danger of smoking (Qur’an 2 : 195)
Behavioural Objectives:
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the concepts of unity, brotherhood, religious tolerance, and peaceful co-existence in Islam
- Recognize the importance of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil in promoting moral values and upholding the greater good in society
- Develop skills in critical thinking and analyzing information related to Islamic moral education and health education
- Understand the importance of personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices in maintaining good health and preventing the spread of diseases
- Recognize the dangers of smoking and its impact on health
Unity and Brotherhood in Islam (Qur’an 3 :103, Qur’an 49:10)
In Islam, unity and brotherhood are highly valued and emphasized in the Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Qur’an 3:103 states, “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.”
This verse emphasizes the importance of holding onto the teachings of Allah together and avoiding divisions. It also highlights how Allah has brought people together as brothers through His favor and how unity can save people from destructive outcomes.
Similarly, Qur’an 49:10 states, “The believers are but brothers, so make peace between your brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” This verse highlights that all believers in Islam are considered brothers, emphasizing the importance of peace and unity among them.
Thus, in Islam, unity and brotherhood are essential principles that guide the behavior and relationships of believers towards each other, emphasizing the importance of respect, love, and harmony among people
- What is the importance of unity and brotherhood in Islam? a) It is not important b) It is somewhat important c) It is highly valued and emphasized
- Which verse of the Qur’an emphasizes the importance of unity and avoiding divisions? a) Qur’an 3:103 b) Qur’an 49:10 c) Qur’an 2:256
- According to Qur’an 3:103, what does Allah do to bring people together as brothers? a) He creates a bond of love and respect among them b) He brings their hearts together by His favor c) He rewards them for their unity
- According to Qur’an 49:10, who are considered brothers in Islam? a) All human beings b) All believers in Islam c) All people of the same race or nationality
- What is the significance of peace between brothers according to Qur’an 49:10? a) It is not important b) It is somewhat important c) It is necessary to receive mercy from Allah
- How does unity save people from destructive outcomes according to Qur’an 3:103? a) It prevents them from making bad decisions b) It protects them from harm and danger c) It helps them to achieve their goals
- What does Qur’an 3:103 say about believers who were enemies before? a) They should continue to be enemies b) Allah has brought their hearts together by His favor and made them brothers c) They should forget the past and move on
- What is the rope of Allah according to Qur’an 3:103? a) A physical rope that brings people together b) The teachings of Islam that unite believers c) A metaphor for the bond of love and respect among believers
- According to Qur’an 49:10, what should believers fear? a) The disapproval of their peers b) Allah c) Failure
- What is the ultimate goal of unity and brotherhood in Islam? a) To gain power over others b) To form exclusive groups c) To foster love, respect, and harmony among people
Religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence
Islamic moral education emphasizes the importance of living a virtuous life and treating others with respect, kindness, and compassion. This means that Muslims are taught to follow certain values and principles that guide their behavior towards others. One of these values is religious tolerance, which means respecting and accepting other people’s religious beliefs, even if they differ from one’s own.
For example, in the Qur’an, Muslims are taught to “not revile those who invoke other than Allah, lest they revile Allah in enmity without knowledge” (Qur’an 6:108). This verse highlights the importance of treating others with respect, even if they believe in different gods or have different religious practices.
In addition to religious tolerance, Islamic moral education also emphasizes peaceful co-existence, which means living in harmony with others and avoiding violence and conflict. Muslims are taught to resolve conflicts peacefully and to seek forgiveness and reconciliation with others. For example, in the Qur’an, Muslims are taught to “repel evil with good” (Qur’an 23:96), which means responding to hostility or negativity with kindness and compassion.
Furthermore, Islamic moral education also teaches the importance of social justice and equality, which means treating all people fairly and with dignity. Muslims are encouraged to help those in need and to fight against oppression and injustice. For example, in the Qur’an, Muslims are taught to “stand firmly for justice, even if it be against yourselves or your parents or your kin” (Qur’an 4:135), which means speaking out against injustice, even if it affects one’s own interests or those of one’s family.
Overall, Islamic moral education teaches important values and principles that promote religious tolerance, peaceful co-existence, and social justice. These values are essential for building a harmonious and compassionate society where people of all beliefs and backgrounds can coexist peacefully
- What is the goal of Islamic moral education? a) To encourage violence and conflict b) To promote virtuous behavior and compassion c) To discourage religious tolerance
- What does religious tolerance mean in Islam? a) Respecting and accepting other people’s religious beliefs, even if they differ from one’s own b) Trying to convert others to Islam forcefully c) Belittling other religions and beliefs
- What does peaceful co-existence mean in Islam? a) Living in harmony with others and avoiding violence and conflict b) Aggressively imposing one’s beliefs on others c) Resisting forgiveness and reconciliation
- What does the Qur’an teach about responding to hostility or negativity from others? a) Respond with hostility and negativity in return b) Respond with kindness and compassion c) Ignore the other person and walk away
- What does social justice mean in Islam? a) Treating all people fairly and with dignity b) Oppressing those who are different from oneself c) Favoring one’s own interests over the interests of others
- What does the Qur’an teach about standing up for justice? a) Stand up for justice only when it benefits oneself b) Stand up for justice, even if it is against oneself or one’s family c) Ignore injustice and focus on one’s own life
- What is the role of compassion in Islamic moral education? a) Compassion is not emphasized in Islamic moral education b) Compassion is important for treating others with kindness and respect c) Compassion is only important for Muslims, not for non-Muslims
- What is the role of forgiveness in Islamic moral education? a) Forgiveness is not emphasized in Islamic moral education b) Forgiveness is important for promoting peaceful co-existence c) Forgiveness is only important for those who are in positions of power
- What is the role of respect in Islamic moral education? a) Respect is not emphasized in Islamic moral education b) Respect is important for promoting religious tolerance c) Respect is only important for those who belong to one’s own religious group
- How do Islamic values promote peaceful co-existence? a) By encouraging violence and conflict b) By emphasizing religious tolerance, social justice, and compassion c) By ignoring the differences between people and cultures
Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil (Qur’an 3: 104,110)
Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil is an important concept in Islam, which emphasizes the role of individuals in promoting good and preventing evil in society. Enjoining righteousness means encouraging people to do what is right, while forbidding evil means discouraging people from doing what is wrong. This concept is based on the idea that individuals have a responsibility to uphold moral values and promote the greater good in society.
For example, in the Qur’an, it states “Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity” (Qur’an 3:104). This verse highlights the importance of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil as a means to attain happiness and success in life.
Similarly, in Qur’an 3:110, it states “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.” This verse emphasizes the importance of Muslims being role models in society, promoting what is right and discouraging what is wrong, and upholding their belief in Allah.
In practical terms, enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil can take many forms. For example, it can involve encouraging others to pray, to be honest, to be kind to others, and to treat people with respect. It can also involve discouraging others from lying, stealing, harming others, and engaging in other immoral behaviors.
Overall, enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil is an important concept in Islam that emphasizes the role of individuals in promoting moral values and upholding the greater good in society
- What is enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil in Islam? a) Encouraging people to do what is wrong b) Discouraging people from doing what is right c) Encouraging people to do what is right and discouraging them from doing what is wrong
- What is the basis of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil in Islam? a) The idea that individuals have a responsibility to promote good and prevent evil in society b) The idea that people should only focus on their own interests c) The idea that people should ignore moral values and principles
- What is the reward for those who enjoin righteousness and forbid evil, according to the Qur’an? a) Punishment and suffering b) Happiness and success c) Disappointment and failure
- What is the role of Muslims in society according to Qur’an 3:110? a) To promote immorality and wrongdoing b) To be role models, promoting what is right and discouraging what is wrong c) To ignore the moral values and principles
- How can enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil be practiced in practical terms? a) By encouraging people to do what is wrong b) By discouraging people from doing what is right c) By encouraging people to do what is right and discouraging them from doing what is wrong
- What are some examples of behaviors that enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil can involve? a) Stealing and lying b) Praying and being honest c) Harming others and engaging in immoral behaviors
- What is the ultimate goal of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil in Islam? a) To punish those who do wrong b) To promote the greater good in society c) To promote selfish interests and desires
- What is the relationship between enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil and Islam? a) They have no relationship b) They are central concepts in Islam c) They are irrelevant to Islam
- How can enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil contribute to building a better society? a) By promoting moral values and principles that benefit everyone b) By encouraging people to focus only on their own interests c) By creating divisions and conflicts in society
- What is the importance of individual responsibility in enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil? a) Individuals have no responsibility in promoting moral values b) Individuals have a responsibility to uphold moral values and promote the greater good in society c) Individuals should focus only on their own interests and desires
- What is the role of Islamic teachings in enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil? a) Islamic teachings provide guidance on promoting moral values and principles b) Islamic teachings are irrelevant to enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil c) Islamic teachings promote immorality and wrongdoing
- How can enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil be practiced in daily life? a) By promoting what is right and discouraging what is wrong through one’s actions and words b) By ignoring moral values and principles c) By promoting what is wrong and discouraging what is right
- What is the relationship between enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil and social justice? a) There is no relationship b) Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil can contribute to promoting social justice c) Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil can contribute to promoting social injustice
- What are some challenges that individuals may face when enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil? a) Resistance from others who do not share the same values and principles b) Lack of understanding about what is right and wrong c) The belief that enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil is not important
Danger of smoking (Qur’an 2 : 195)
Personal hygiene and environmental sanitation are important practices that help to maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases. Personal hygiene refers to the daily habits and practices that individuals can adopt to keep their bodies clean and healthy. Environmental sanitation refers to the practices that individuals and communities can adopt to keep their surroundings clean and healthy.
Some examples of personal hygiene practices include washing hands regularly, brushing teeth twice a day, taking regular baths or showers, and wearing clean clothes. These practices help to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria that can cause diseases.
Environmental sanitation practices include proper waste disposal, keeping homes and public areas clean, and ensuring access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities. These practices help to prevent the spread of diseases and reduce the risk of environmental pollution.
In addition to personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, it is also important to be aware of the dangers of smoking. Smoking is harmful to both smokers and those around them, as it can cause a range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness.
In the Qur’an, it states “And do not make your own hands contribute to your destruction” (Qur’an 2:195). This verse emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s body and health, and avoiding behaviors that can cause harm. Smoking is one such behavior that can contribute to the destruction of one’s health and well-being.
Overall, personal hygiene and environmental sanitation are important practices that can help individuals maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases. Being aware of the dangers of smoking is also important in promoting good health and well-being
- What is personal hygiene? a) The practice of keeping the environment clean and healthy b) The practice of keeping the body clean and healthy c) The practice of keeping the mind clean and healthy
- What is environmental sanitation? a) The practice of keeping the body clean and healthy b) The practice of keeping the environment clean and healthy c) The practice of keeping the mind clean and healthy
- What are some examples of personal hygiene practices? a) Proper waste disposal and access to clean water b) Washing hands regularly and taking regular baths or showers c) Keeping homes and public areas clean
- What are some examples of environmental sanitation practices? a) Wearing clean clothes and brushing teeth twice a day b) Proper waste disposal and keeping homes and public areas clean c) Washing hands regularly and taking regular baths or showers
- What is the purpose of personal hygiene and environmental sanitation? a) To maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases b) To promote unhealthy habits and behaviors c) To spread diseases and illnesses
- What is the danger of smoking? a) It is not dangerous b) It can cause a range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness c) It can improve health and well-being
- What does Qur’an 2:195 say about taking care of one’s health? a) It is not important b) It is important to take care of one’s body and health c) It is important to take care of one’s mind and mental health
- How can personal hygiene practices help prevent the spread of diseases? a) By promoting unhealthy habits and behaviors b) By spreading diseases and illnesses c) By keeping the body clean and reducing the risk of infection
- How can environmental sanitation practices help prevent the spread of diseases? a) By promoting unhealthy habits and behaviors b) By spreading diseases and illnesses c) By keeping the environment clean and reducing the risk of infection
- What is the relationship between personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, and overall health? a) There is no relationship b) Personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices can help individuals maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases c) Personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices are not important for overall health.
Lesson Presentation
Introduction (10 minutes):
- Begin by asking students what they know about Islam and Islamic moral education
- Write their responses on the whiteboard
- Introduce the topic of unity, brotherhood, religious tolerance, and peaceful co-existence in Islam and the importance of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil
- Explain the importance of personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices and the dangers of smoking
Body (60 minutes):
- Present a PowerPoint presentation on Islamic moral education, including the concepts of unity, brotherhood, religious tolerance, and peaceful co-existence, and the importance of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil
- Use relevant passages from the Qur’an to emphasize the importance of these concepts and practices
- Discuss the importance of personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices and the dangers of smoking, including their impact on health and well-being
- Provide examples of practical ways to implement personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices in daily life
- Distribute handouts on Islamic moral education, personal hygiene, and environmental sanitation practices and discuss any questions or concerns students may have
Conclusion (10 minutes):
- Recap the main points of the presentation
- Encourage students to adopt Islamic moral education concepts and practices, and personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices in their daily lives
- Emphasize the importance of taking care of one’s health and well-being
- Answer any remaining questions or concerns students may have
- Ask students to write a reflection on the importance of Islamic moral education concepts and practices, and personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices in promoting good health and well-being
- Evaluate their reflections based on the depth of their analysis and critical thinking skills demonstrated in their writing
General Evaluation
- What does Qur’an 49:10 say about brotherhood among Muslims? a) Muslims should not consider each other as brothers and sisters b) Muslims should consider each other as brothers and sisters and avoid suspicion and conflict c) Brotherhood among Muslims is not important
- What is the importance of religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence in Islam? a) It promotes intolerance and conflict among people of different faiths b) It fosters a sense of respect and understanding among people of different faiths c) It encourages people of different faiths to isolate themselves from each other
- What does Qur’an 3:104 say about enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil? a) It is not important to promote moral values and principles in society b) Muslims have a responsibility to promote moral values and principles in society c) Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil promotes immoral behavior
- What is the relationship between enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil and social justice? a) There is no relationship b) Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil can contribute to promoting social justice c) Enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil can contribute to promoting social injustice
- What is personal hygiene? a) The practice of keeping the environment clean and healthy b) The practice of keeping the body clean and healthy c) The practice of keeping the mind clean and healthy
- What is environmental sanitation? a) The practice of keeping the body clean and healthy b) The practice of keeping the environment clean and healthy c) The practice of keeping the mind clean and healthy
- What is the danger of smoking? a) It is not dangerous b) It can cause a range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness c) It can improve health and well-being
- What does Qur’an 2:195 say about taking care of one’s health? a) It is not important to take care of one’s health b) It is important to take care of one’s body and health c) It is important to take care of one’s mind and mental health
- What is the importance of unity and brotherhood in Islam? a) It promotes division and conflict among Muslims b) It fosters a sense of community and mutual support among Muslims c) It encourages Muslims to prioritize their own interests over the interests of others
- What does Qur’an 3:103 say about unity among Muslims? a) Muslims should not unite and should remain divided b) Muslims should unite and hold fast to the rope of Allah c) Unity among Muslims is not important
Weekly Assessment /Test
- What is the importance of enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil in Islam?
- What do Qur’an 3:103 and Qur’an 49:10 say about unity and brotherhood in Islam?
- How can religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence contribute to a better society?
- What are some examples of personal hygiene practices?
- What are some examples of environmental sanitation practices?
- What does Qur’an 2:195 say about taking care of one’s health?
- What is the danger of smoking?
- How can enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil contribute to building a better society?
- What is the role of Islamic teachings in promoting personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices?
- How can individuals promote religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence in their daily lives?
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