Parental Responsibilities.


  • To define parental responsibility and its importance.
  • To examine examples of parental responsibility in the Bible.
  • To identify the consequences of neglecting parental responsibility.
  • To encourage students to reflect on their own parental responsibilities.


  • Bible
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with relevant Bible passages
  • Worksheet for students to reflect on their own parental responsibilities


  • Essential Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3. By Edmond Ugochukwu.
  • Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3. By Martins I.Amaechi,
  • Holy Bible R.S.V (compulsory)
  • WAEC CRK PAQ. (1988-2017)




  • The sons of Eli and Samuel
  • God’s pronouncement of judgement on Eli and sons.
  • Fulfillment of God’s judgement.

THE SONS OF ELI 1 SAM 2: 12-25

Eli was a priest in Israel. As he advanced in age, his two sons: Hophni and Phineas, took over the priesthood. However, they did not walk in the ways of their father. They were regarded as worthless men that have no regard for God. They treated the offering of the Lord with contempt. Apart from this, they lay with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. They blasphemed against God.


Out of His love, God sent a man to Eli to warn his sons. God said he would slay his two sons and remove the priesthood from his lineage permanently. Eli could only do little due to his old age. But, they did not listen to him. God spoke to Samuel, the little boy serving the Lord in the house of Eli. God told Samuel that he will fulfill all that he had spoken against the house of Eli in one day because his sons had sinned against God and their father did not restrain them.


God’s punishment on the house of Eli came when the Philistines battled the Israelites. Both Hophni and Phineas were killed and the Ark of Covenant was captured. When Eli heard the news that the Ark had been captured, he fell off his seat, broke his neck and died. Phineas’ wife, who was pregnant, heard about the demise of her husband, gave birth to her  baby prematurely and died. However, before she died, she named her baby “Ichabod” meaning “The glory has departed from Israel”.

Parental responsibility refers to the duties and obligations that parents have towards their children. These responsibilities include providing for their basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and education, as well as teaching them values, discipline, and guiding them towards becoming responsible adults.

The story of the Sons of Eli in 1 Samuel 2:12-25 is a good example of how parents can fail in their parental responsibilities. Eli was a priest and judge in Israel, and his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were also priests. However, they were corrupt and disobedient to God’s laws. They would take portions of the sacrifices that were meant for God and engage in sexual immorality with the women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

Eli was aware of his sons’ sinful behavior, but he did not take any serious action to stop them or discipline them. Instead, he only rebuked them lightly, saying, “Why do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the Lord’s people is not good.” (1 Samuel 2:23-24)

As a result of Eli’s failure to discipline his sons and correct their behavior, God pronounced judgment on Eli’s household. God said that Eli’s family would not remain in the priesthood, and his descendants would die young.

This story illustrates the importance of parental responsibility. As parents, we must take our responsibilities seriously and not neglect our duty to teach and discipline our children. We must set good examples for them to follow and guide them towards a righteous path. Failure to do so can have serious consequences, not only for our children but also for our families and communities.


Samuel took over from Eli after the death of Eli. His two sons; Joel and Abijah, were appointed as judges in Israel. Unfortunately, they were like the two sons of Eli who did not follow their father’s footsteps. They took bribes and perverted justice. Their attitude made the people of Israel to demand for a king to rule them instead of judges so as to be like other nations around them.

Samuel was a prophet and judge in Israel, and his sons, Joel and Abijah, were also appointed as judges in Beersheba. However, unlike their father, they were not righteous and were known for taking bribes and perverting justice. This caused the people of Israel to lose trust in them and complain to Samuel about their corruption.

The people of Israel demanded that Samuel appoint a king to rule over them, like the other nations around them. Samuel was displeased with their request and prayed to the Lord. But God told him to listen to the people and give them a king, warning him that the king would take their sons and daughters, their fields and vineyards, and their servants to serve him.

This story shows the consequences of unrighteousness and corruption, even among those who are supposed to be leaders and judges. Samuel’s sons failed in their duty to administer justice fairly, which caused the people to lose trust in them and seek a different form of government. The people’s demand for a king also reflects their desire to be like other nations, rather than trusting in God’s leadership.

Additionally, this story emphasizes the importance of listening to God and following His guidance, even when it goes against our personal desires or the desires of others. Samuel was initially reluctant to appoint a king, but he ultimately obeyed God’s command and anointed Saul as the first king of Israel


  1. Who were the sons of Eli? A. Joel and Abijah B. Hophni and Phinehas C. Saul and David D. None of the above
  2. What were the sons of Eli known for? A. Taking bribes and perverting justice B. Engaging in sexual immorality C. Both A and B D. None of the above
  3. How did Eli respond to his sons’ sinful behavior? A. He disciplined them severely B. He rebuked them lightly C. He ignored their behavior D. None of the above
  4. What was the consequence of Eli’s failure to discipline his sons? A. His family remained in the priesthood B. His descendants died young C. He was removed from his position as judge D. None of the above
  5. Who were the sons of Samuel? A. Joel and Abijah B. Hophni and Phinehas C. Saul and David D. None of the above
  6. What were the sons of Samuel known for? A. Taking bribes and perverting justice B. Engaging in sexual immorality C. Both A and B D. None of the above
  7. Why did the people of Israel demand a king? A. Because they wanted to be like other nations B. Because they were unhappy with Samuel’s leadership C. Because they believed it was God’s will D. None of the above
  8. What did God warn Samuel about when he asked for a king? A. The king would take their sons and daughters, their fields and vineyards, and their servants to serve him B. The king would bring peace and prosperity to the land C. The king would be a righteous leader D. None of the above
  9. What did Samuel ultimately do in response to the people’s demand for a king? A. He refused to appoint a king B. He appointed Saul as the first king of Israel C. He appointed David as the first king of Israel D. None of the above
  10. What is the main lesson we can learn from the stories of the Sons of Eli and the Sons of Samuel? A. The importance of being a good leader and judge B. The consequences of unrighteousness and corruption C. The importance of listening to God and following His guidance D. All of the above



  • King Asa
  • King Jehoshaphat

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KING ASA. 1KINGS 15: 9-15

King Abijam was the father of Asa. He was described as one of the worst kings of Israel. His son, Asa, took over from him. He reigned for forty one years in Judah. He did what was pleasing in the sight of the Lord. The following were some of Asa’s landmark achievements:

  1. Asa stamped out male cult and prostitution from the land.
  2. He destroyed all the idols that his father had made.
  3. He removed Maacah, his mother, from being the queen because she had an abominable image made for Asherah.
  4. He cuts down Asherah’s image and burnt it.
  5. His heart was true to God all his days.
  6. King Jehoshaphat 1Kgs 22:41-44


King Jehoshaphat succeeded his father, King Asa. He was thirty five years old when he began to reign. He walked in the ways of his father, doing the things that pleased God. He always sought the ways of God on any issue that confronts him which always brings him victory. He also made peace with the king of Israel.



Parents play vital roles in the lives of their children. They are the first set of teachers a child will ever have at his/ her early stage of life. The relationship and bond built over the years will mold the life of such child when he gets old (Proverbs 22:6). The child usually learns through parents’ actions, inactions, attitudes, conducts and lifestyles which often shape their views and life.

In the Bible, we can find examples of kings who also had parental responsibilities towards their children, and how they fulfilled or failed in their duties.

King Asa was a king of Judah who followed God’s laws and commands. He removed the foreign idols and high places and encouraged the people of Judah to worship the Lord. Asa also took responsibility for the spiritual well-being of his people, and he made sure that the law of God was taught throughout the land. When Asa’s grandmother, Maacah, made an idol, he removed her from her position as queen mother and destroyed the idol. Asa was also a good father, as he taught his son Jehoshaphat to follow in his ways and to seek the Lord.

King Jehoshaphat was the son of King Asa, and he also followed God’s laws and commands. He removed the idols from the land and sent out teachers to instruct the people in the law of the Lord. Jehoshaphat also took responsibility for his children’s spiritual well-being. He appointed judges in the land to administer justice fairly and established a system of religious education for the people, including his own children.

These examples show the importance of parental responsibility, not just for everyday people, but also for leaders such as kings. Asa and Jehoshaphat fulfilled their parental responsibilities by teaching their children the ways of the Lord, and by ensuring that the law of God was taught throughout their kingdoms. By doing so, they set an example for their people to follow and led them towards a righteous path.

In contrast, there are also examples of kings who failed in their parental responsibilities. For example, King David failed to discipline his son Absalom, who rebelled against him and almost caused a civil war in Israel. King Solomon’s many wives and concubines led him astray from God, and his son Rehoboam’s poor leadership led to the division of Israel. These examples illustrate the importance of parental responsibility and the consequences that can result from neglecting it.


  1. Who was King Asa? A. A king of Israel who followed God’s laws and commands B. A king of Judah who followed God’s laws and commands C. A king of Egypt who followed God’s laws and commands D. None of the above
  2. What did King Asa do to encourage the people of Judah to worship the Lord? A. He removed the foreign idols and high places B. He built a temple for the Lord C. He established a system of religious education D. Both A and C
  3. What did King Asa do when his grandmother Maacah made an idol? A. He destroyed the idol B. He banished Maacah from the kingdom C. He did nothing D. None of the above
  4. Who was King Jehoshaphat? A. The son of King Asa B. The son of King David C. The son of King Solomon D. None of the above
  5. What did King Jehoshaphat do to ensure the spiritual well-being of his people? A. He removed the idols from the land B. He sent out teachers to instruct the people in the law of the Lord C. He appointed judges to administer justice fairly D. All of the above
  6. What did King Jehoshaphat do to ensure the spiritual well-being of his children? A. He appointed judges to administer justice fairly B. He established a system of religious education C. He taught his children to follow in his ways and to seek the Lord D. Both B and C
  7. Why did King David fail in his parental responsibilities? A. He neglected to discipline his son Absalom B. He allowed his son Solomon to have many wives and concubines C. Both A and B D. None of the above
  8. What was the consequence of Rehoboam’s poor leadership? A. The division of Israel B. The destruction of Jerusalem C. The exile of the Israelites to Babylon D. None of the above
  9. What can we learn from the examples of King Asa and King Jehoshaphat? A. The importance of parental responsibility B. The importance of following God’s laws and commands C. The importance of teaching and guiding children towards becoming responsible adults D. All of the above
  10. How can we apply the lessons from King Asa and King Jehoshaphat in our own lives? A. By setting a good example for our children to follow B. By teaching them values, discipline, and guiding them towards becoming responsible adults C. By ensuring their spiritual well-being and providing for their basic needs D. All of the above.



  1. Describe the sons of Samuel.
  2. Mention three achievements during the reign of King Asa.
  3. Give an account of the first creation.
  4. Narrate the second account of creation.
  1. The sons of Samuel were Joel and Abijah, who were appointed as judges in Beersheba. However, they were known for taking bribes and perverting justice, causing the people of Israel to lose trust in them and complain to Samuel about their corruption.
  2. Three achievements during the reign of King Asa include:
  • Removing the foreign idols and high places in the land
  • Encouraging the people of Judah to worship the Lord
  • Appointing judges in the land to administer justice fairly
  1. The first creation account is found in Genesis 1:1-2:3, where God creates the world in six days. On the first day, God creates light. On the second day, He creates the sky. On the third day, He creates dry land and vegetation. On the fourth day, He creates the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, He creates sea creatures and birds. On the sixth day, He creates land animals and humans. On the seventh day, God rests.
  2. The second creation account is found in Genesis 2:4-25, where God creates Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In this account, God forms man from the dust of the ground and breathes life into him. He places him in the Garden of Eden to care for it and provides him with a companion, Eve, whom He creates from one of Adam’s ribs. God also commands Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil


Essential Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3. By Edmond Ugochukwu.Pgs 35-37

Fulfillment of God’s judgements

The fulfillment of God’s judgments refers to the execution of His righteous judgments and punishments for sin and unrighteousness. Throughout the Bible, we see numerous examples of God’s judgments being carried out, both on individuals and on entire nations.

One of the most well-known examples is the flood, which God sent to cleanse the earth of the wickedness and corruption that had become prevalent. God instructed Noah to build an ark and to take two of every kind of animal, and then sent the floodwaters to destroy everything else on the earth.

Another example is the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities that were notorious for their wickedness and immorality. God sent two angels to rescue Lot and his family before destroying the cities with fire and brimstone.

God’s judgments were not limited to the Old Testament, as we also see examples of His judgments in the New Testament. An example is the judgment of Ananias and Sapphira, who lied to the apostles about the sale of their property and were struck dead as a result.

Ultimately, the fulfillment of God’s judgments serves as a reminder of His holiness, justice, and righteousness. It also serves as a warning to those who would disregard His laws and commands, and an encouragement to those who would seek to live according to His will


  1. The father of Jehoshaphat is_____. A. Job B. Asa C. Rehoboam D. Nimrod
  2. The sons of Samuel were______. A. Joshua and Caleb B. Joel and Abijah C. Jehu and Abishai D. Dan and Gad
  3. The queen mother that was removed was_____. A. Maacah B. Abigail C. Mary D. Esther
  4. Ichabod means____. A. the glory of Israel B. the decay of the society C. the glory had departed from Israel D. God with us
  5. Abijam was the father of____. A. Nimrod B. Asa C. Cain D. James



  1. Mention three achievements of King Asa.
  2. State two of the punishments against the house of Eli.

Fulfillment of God’s judgements on sons of Eli and Sons of Samuel

The fulfillment of God’s judgments on the sons of Eli and the sons of Samuel serves as a warning to all who would neglect their responsibilities, especially those who are entrusted with leadership positions.

The sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were priests who were appointed by their father to serve in the Tabernacle. However, they abused their positions of authority and engaged in immoral behavior, such as taking the best portions of the sacrifices and sleeping with women who served at the Tabernacle. As a result, God pronounced judgment on them and their father, declaring that their family line would be cut off from the priesthood.

Likewise, the sons of Samuel, Joel and Abijah, were appointed as judges in Beersheba, but they too were corrupt and perverted justice by taking bribes. The people of Israel lost trust in them and complained to Samuel about their corruption. Samuel warned his sons about their behavior but they refused to listen, and as a result, they were rejected by the people and lost their positions as judges.

The judgments on the sons of Eli and Samuel serve as a warning to all who would abuse their positions of authority and neglect their responsibilities, especially those who are entrusted with leading others. They demonstrate that God holds leaders accountable for their actions, and that He will not tolerate corruption or unrighteousness. They also remind us of the importance of fulfilling our responsibilities with integrity and righteousness, and of the consequences that come with neglecting them

Lesson Plan Presentation: Parental Responsibility in the Bible

Grade Level: SS2

Subject: Religious Studies

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Ask students to define parental responsibility and why it is important.
  • Discuss their responses and provide additional information as necessary.
  • Introduce the topic of parental responsibility in the Bible and explain that we will be examining examples of parents in the Bible who fulfilled or neglected their parental responsibilities.

Lesson Development (30 minutes):

  • Divide the class into groups and assign each group a Bible passage that illustrates parental responsibility, such as the stories of the Sons of Eli, the Sons of Samuel, King Asa, and King Jehoshaphat.
  • Instruct the groups to read and analyze their assigned passage, identifying the parental responsibilities demonstrated and the consequences of fulfilling or neglecting them.
  • Each group will present their findings to the class and engage in a class discussion of the implications of the passage for our lives today.
  • After all groups have presented, summarize the main points and emphasize the importance of parental responsibility.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Distribute the worksheet for students to reflect on their own parental responsibilities.
  • Discuss the importance of reflecting on our own parental responsibilities and encourage students to take steps to fulfill their duties as parents or future parents.
  • Conclude the lesson by reiterating the importance of parental responsibility and its implications for our lives.


  • Evaluate students based on their participation in group discussions and presentations.
  • Assess their understanding of the importance of parental responsibility through their completion of the worksheet on their own parental responsibilities

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. What is parental responsibility? A. A parent’s duty to provide for their child’s basic needs B. A parent’s duty to teach and guide their child towards becoming a responsible adult C. Both A and B D. None of the above
  2. What are some examples of parental responsibility in the Bible? A. The stories of the Sons of Eli, the Sons of Samuel, King Asa, and King Jehoshaphat B. The story of David and Goliath C. The story of Noah and the flood D. None of the above
  3. What were the sons of Eli known for? A. Taking bribes and perverting justice B. Engaging in sexual immorality C. Both A and B D. None of the above
  4. Who was King Asa? A. A king of Israel who followed God’s laws and commands B. A king of Judah who followed God’s laws and commands C. A king of Egypt who followed God’s laws and commands D. None of the above
  5. What did King Asa do to encourage the people of Judah to worship the Lord? A. He removed the foreign idols and high places B. He built a temple for the Lord C. He established a system of religious education D. Both A and C
  6. What was the consequence of Eli’s failure to discipline his sons? A. His family remained in the priesthood B. His descendants died young C. He was removed from his position as judge D. None of the above
  7. Who were the sons of Samuel? A. Joel and Abijah B. Hophni and Phinehas C. Saul and David D. None of the above
  8. What did King Jehoshaphat do to ensure the spiritual well-being of his people? A. He removed the idols from the land B. He sent out teachers to instruct the people in the law of the Lord C. He appointed judges to administer justice fairly D. All of the above
  9. What can we learn from the examples of parental responsibility in the Bible? A. The importance of being a good leader and judge B. The consequences of unrighteousness and corruption C. The importance of listening to God and following His guidance D. The importance of teaching and guiding children towards becoming responsible adults E. All of the above
  10. How can we apply the lessons from the Bible on parental responsibility in our own lives? A. By setting a good example for our children to follow B. By teaching them values, discipline, and guiding them towards becoming responsible adults C. By ensuring their spiritual well-being and providing for their basic needs D. All of the above

Fill The Gaps

  1. Parental responsibility refers to the duties and obligations that parents have towards their ___________.
  2. The Sons of Eli were known for taking ___________ and perverting justice.
  3. King Asa removed the ___________ idols and high places in the land.
  4. King Jehoshaphat sent out ___________ to instruct the people in the law of the Lord.
  5. In the first creation account, God creates the world in ___________ days.
  6. In the second creation account, God creates Adam and Eve in the ___________ of Eden.
  7. The consequences of neglecting parental responsibility can be seen in the stories of King David’s son ___________ and King Solomon’s son Rehoboam.
  8. The Sons of Samuel were appointed as ___________ in Beersheba.
  9. King Asa encouraged the people of Judah to worship the Lord and established a system of ___________ education.
  10. The importance of parental responsibility in the Bible emphasizes the need for parents to teach and guide their children towards becoming ___________ adults.


  1. What is parental responsibility and why is it important?
  2. What are some examples of parental responsibility in the Bible?
  3. What were the Sons of Eli known for and what were the consequences of their actions?
  4. Who was King Asa and what were some of his achievements during his reign?
  5. What did King Jehoshaphat do to ensure the spiritual well-being of his people and his children?
  6. What are some consequences of neglecting parental responsibility?
  7. What can we learn from the examples of parental responsibility in the Bible?
  8. How can we apply the lessons from the Bible on parental responsibility in our own lives?
  9. What is the first creation account in the Bible and what does it teach us about God’s power?
  10. What is the second creation account in the Bible and what does it teach us about the importance of relationships and responsibility?