Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Literature

Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Literature



[1]. The main character in a play or novel is called……….. [a] protagonist [b] narrator [c] villain [d] antagonist

[2] A dramatic performance with only bodily movements and no speech is a……. [a] farce [b] mime [c] slapstick [d] burlesque

[3] Before a play is performed it is …… [a] auditioned [b] farce [c] rehearsal [d] recited

[4] A play that moves the audience to pity and fear is ……. [a] comedy [b] farce [c] pantomime [d] tragedy

[5] A sonnet has a final complete when it has……. [a] a sestet [b] an octave [c] two sestets [d] three quatrains

[6] He is my most beloved enemy illustrates ………… [a] synecdoche [b] oxymoron [c] metonymy [d] litotes

[7] The cast appears at the end of a play for the ………. [a] musical interlude [b] curtain call [c] intermission d] introduction

[8] Diction is a writer’s choice of ………….. [a] style [b] syntax [c] rhythm [d] words

[9]. A poem which celebrates simple country life is …….. [a] pastoral [b] a dirge [c] ode [d] an epic

[10] Hamartia in a literary work refers to a hero’s………… [a] tragic flaw [b] inordinate [c] ambition [d] good works

[11] A short play performed during a stop Is called………… [a] an interlude [b] an epilogue [c] a prologue [d] an interval

Read the extract and answer questions 12 – 14.

But the towering earth was tired of sitting on one position . She moved suddenly and the houses crumbled, the mountains heaved horribly and the works of a million years was lost.

[12] The predominant figure of speech in the passage is … [a] oxymoron [b] personification [c] contrast [d] paradox

[13] The extract is about …. [a] an earth quake [b] a flood [c] an explosion [d] a storm

[14] The effect of the extract is conveyed through the use of….. [a] antithesis [b] parallelism [c] conceit [d] climax

[15]. Beware her faintly failing frail health and gentle gallands, illustrates…….. [a] oxymoron [b] alliteration [c] synecdoche [d repetition

[16] A poem written in humour but to praise somebody is called……… [a] an eulogy [b] a lyric [c] an elegy [d] an epistolary

[17] Which of the following is not a form of play…. [a] comedy [b] limerick [c] tragedy [d] farce

[18] The main difference between drama and other genres of literature is ………. [a] theme [b] plot [c] dialogue [d] diction

[19] The period of laughter or amusement in a tragic play is called…… [a] comic relief [b] comedy [c]denouncement [d] interlude

[20] One of the main aims of a didactic literary work is to………. [a] laugh at the society [b] make people laugh [c] show man’s weakness [d] teach a moral lesson

[21] A protagonist who has a distraous end is …….. [a] flat character [b] comic character [c] round character [d] tragic hero

[22] In a drama the clown………. [a] create confusion [b] create humor [c] generate horror [d] create hatred

[23] The expression ‘ he is a living dead ‘ is an example of…….. [a] antithesis [b] imagery [c] oxymoron [d] paradox

[24]. Which of the following is not a genre of literature [a] farce [b] novel [c] play [d] poetry

[25] Which of the following is odd in appreciation of poem…….. [a] chapter [b] rhythm [c] setting [d] stanza

[26].The identical sound at the end of the poem is known as……… [a] metre [b] refrain [c] rhyme [d] verse

[27] The use of a mild direct statement of an unpleasant truth is……… [a] euphemism [b] hyperbole [c] irony [d] simile

[28] A story which explain natural phenomenon is known as…… [a] legend [b] parable [c] myth [d] fiction

[29] A struggle between opposing forces in a play is ………… [a] denouncement [b] conflict [c] comedy [d] tragedy

[30]. A person’ s life story written by another person is called. [a] autography [b] biography [c] an epistle [d] a and b only

31. Which of the following is common to all forms of literature?

A. language

B. chorus

C. action

D. narrator


The three major forms of literature are

A. tragedy,comedy, tragi-comedy

B. poetry,drama,folktales

C. drama,lyric,prose fiction

D. poetry, drama,prose


Beauty in poetry depends mainly on

A. expression and rhythm

B. length and theme

C. vowels and consonants

D. mood and verse form


Read the extract below and answer this question.

35. But the towering earth was tired of sitting in one position. She moved, suddenly, and the houses crumbled, the mountains heaved horribly, and the work of a million years was lost.

The predominant figure of speech in the above extracts is

A. Oxymoron

B. Metaphor

C. Simile

D. Personification


Read the extract below and answer this question.

37. But the towering earth was tired of sitting in one position. She moved, suddenly, and the houses crumbled, the mountains heaved horribly, and the work of a million years was lost.

The subject matter of the above extract is

A. earthquake

B. house movement

C. sea waves

D. storm

38. The choice of appropriate words to convey the thoughts of an author is called

A. idiomatic language

B. setting

C. figure of speech

D. diction


The state of mind of a poet can be described as

A. style

B. mood

C. setting

D. theme


Which of the following is a likely source of traditional oral poetry?

A. Theatre

B. fiction

C. books

D. songs


An African author who has written plays, poems and prose is

A. Wole Soyinka

B. Zaynab Alkali

C. Chinua Achebe

D. Flora Nwapa


In a novel, the antagonist is

A. a fully developed character

B. a flat character

C. the main female character

D. the archrival of the hero

43. The literary device in the statement – ‘Students are to come to class with their Shakespeare’ is called

A. metonymy

B. litotes

C. synecdoche

D. personification


The first person narrator is usually

A. the protagonist

B. a villain in the novel

C. the antagonist

D. a character in the novel


The first person narrator is usually

A. the protagonist

B. a villain in the novel

C. the antagonist

D. a character in the novel


Which of the following is closest to the novel?

A. the short story

B. fable

C. tale

D. epic


”The people’s voices rutted like pigs in the mud” is an example of

A. simile

B. metaphor

C. personification

D. metonymy



[1] ‘The pulley’ by George Herbert is a metaphysical poem of creation, explain.

[2] Discuss ‘ the school boy’ as an example of romantic poetry.

[3] Juxtapose the character of Ochuole and Ogeyi in the text ‘ harvest of corruption ‘

[4] Explain the plot of the poem ‘ crossing the bar’

[5] Discuss the theme of ‘vanity’

[6] What is the role of piano and drums in the poem ‘ piano and poem’.