TOPIC: Transportation.
CONTENT: Advantages and disadvantages of each form of transportation
Sub-Topic 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Land and Pipeline Transport
Land Transport: this is divided into road and rail transportation.
Advantages of Road Transportation
- Convenience: Road transportation provides for convenience in the sense that it offers door to door services to the owners of goods.
- Flexible: There is high degree of flexibility in the use of road transportation because there is no fixed time schedule for passengers who use them.
- Suitable of perishable goods: Perishable goods like tomatoes are better conveyed through this means because road transportation is fast and easily accessible to farmers in the rural areas.
- Low cost of maintenance: The cost of keeping motor vehicles in order is higher than that of airplanes and ships
- Special routes are not required: Road transport does not need special routes like terminals, rail tracks, etc. before it can operate.
- Suitable for short journey: Road transport is very easier, faster and cheaper for short distances. For instance, the distance between Lagos and Ogun State can be covered within a short time.
- Availability: Road transportation is always readily available for use because of their number and strategic location.
Disadvantages of Road Transportation
- Prone to accident: Road transport is more exposed to accident, especially where roads available are not in good condition.
- Road transport is not suitable for heavy and bulky goods: Road transport is not suitable and economical for the movement of heavy and bulky goods like machinery, motor vehicles etc
- Fragile goods: Road transport is not good for the conveyance of fragile goods like glass plates, drinking glasses, mirrors and so on.
- Low capacity: What thirty trailers cannot carry, a train will conveniently do. This shows that road transport is not suitable for bulky materials because of the cost involved.
- Welfare facilities are not provided: Facilities such as toilet, canteen, and television are not usually provided for in road transport as these are available in trains, water and air transports. This reduces the comfort of the means.
- Road transport is faced with the problem of high traffic congestion on bushy roads, thereby causing delay.
- Increase in highway robbery
- Traffic congestion.
Rail Transportation
Advantages of Rail Transportation
- Suitable for long distance: The rail system is good for long distances. For instance, goods and people can be moved from Lagos to Kano
- It is very cheap: Rail transport is the cheapest means of transportation. Because of the cost and volume of goods and passengers it can carry per time.
- Suitable for heavy and bulky goods: Bulky and heavy goods can be carried over a long distance.
- High capacity: Trains carry more passengers than motor vehicles. This because of the roomy nature of trains.
- Less prone to accident: Accident is not common in rail transport as in road transport.
- Provision of welfare service: Passengers can enjoy toilet facilities, canteen services, television programmes, video and film shows etc. in rail transport. In other words, there is comfort and convenience in rail transportation.
- No traffic hold up: Unlike road transport, rail transport is not usually affected by hold up.
- Standard rate of charges: Goods are weighed and charged at standardized rate. etc
Disadvantages of Rail Transport
- It is not flexible: The way rail system is operated id not flexible because it requires special facilities like tracks and terminals.
- High cost of operation and maintenance: The construction and maintenance of rail way lines and terminals are very expensive.
- Not suitable for Perishable goods: Rail transportation is not suitable for goods like vegetables etc because of its speed rate.
- Slow on short distance
- It is not convenient: It cannot provide door-to door services like road transport.
- There is much delay: Trains stop at almost all stations, and this causes delay.
- Large capital outlay: High capital outlay is required in rail transport which individuals or firms cannot afford to provide
Transport by Pipeline
Advantages of transport by pipeline
- Low maintenance cost: It is cheap because of low maintenance cost. Since pipes are not exposed, it can hardly be damaged.
- Free flow of goods: Unlike land transportation, there is usually free movement of goods without any hindrance or obstruction on the way.
- Safety: Transport by pipeline is very safe. Since pipelines are constructed underground, they are less likely to encounter accidents that are common with vehicles on the roads.
- Pipeline transport is not easily affected by change in weather and climatic condition.
- It is best suitable for transporting liquid products like oil, gases, kerosene etc.
Disadvantages of Pipeline transport
- Prone to leakages and unauthorized tapping: pipeline transportation has the problem of leakages and unauthorized tapping by the people called bunkerers.
- High cost of construction: The cost of constructing and laying pipes underground is quite expensive.
- It is easily damaged: Pipeline can be easily damaged during road and other constructions thereby leading to the waste of its content.
- Limited in scope: It is only meant for conveying liquid. Solid goods cannot be transported by pipeline.
- It is vulnerable to climatic and weather changes: Climatic and weather conditions can affect the pipeline by causing it to rot leading to leakages. Excessive rain can rust the pipes.
- State five advantages and five disadvantages of road transportation
- Mention five advantages and five disadvantages of rail transportation.
Sub-Topic 2: Advantages and disadvantages of Air and water transportation.
Advantages of Air Transport
- It is very fast: Air transport can cover a very long distance within a short time (five or six days) whereas other means of transportation would take many days to cover the same distance.
- Comfort ability: Air transport provides comfort to its passenger because of the welfare facilities like canteen television, toilet, etc available for the passengers.
- Safety: The safety of lives and properties are ensured in air transport. Air transport is free from hijacking or armed robbery.
- Suitable for perishable and fragile goods: Air transport is suitable to convey perishable goods from one place to another especially on long distances without getting bad.
- Reduction in damages and pilferages: Pilferage and damages to goods as a result of mal handling of such goods by bus conductors of road transport is rare with air transport
- No traffic congestion: Hold up caused by accident, road blocks, check points common with road transportation is not associated with air transport.
- It aids communication: This is achieved because air mails are sent through air transportation.
- Reliability: Air transportation travels on fixed schedule and therefore it is reliable.
- Suitable for long distance journeys: Air transport provides a very good means of transport over long distance journeys.
Disadvantages of Air Transport.
- Expensive: The cost of travelling by air is very exorbitant in price. Also, it requires huge amount of money to construct airport and aerodrome.
- Weather and climate Condition: Air transport is seriously affected by weather and climate. For instance, during the harmattan season planes cannot move freely because of mist.
- Heavy and bulky goods: Unlike other means of transportation, air transport cannot carry heavy equipment and machinery.]
- Restricted Movements: Aircrafts do not take passengers and cargoes to their final destinations. It requires a supplementary means of transportation (road).
- Prone to accidents: Accidents are always fatal when they occur.
- It is inflexible: This is because it travels on schedule.
- High cost of operation: The cost of buying and maintaining aircraft is usually very high.
- State five advantages of and five disadvantages of air transport.
- Mention three advantages and three disadvantages of pipeline transport.
- The main disadvantage of rail transport to the trader is that a. it carries bulky goods only b. its cost of carriage is high c. it is slow and inflexible d. it caused road congestion. E. it travels on schedule.
- The main advantage of water transport is that it a. is safe b. is slow c. can carry heavy goods. D. can go long distances e. is owned by private firms.
- Air transport is of considerable importance today because it A. is faster than other means of transport B. can deliver goods to owner’s destination. C. is relatively cheaper d. can carry bulky goods. E. travels on schedule.
- Which of the following are advantages of road over air transport? I flexibility II speed III cost IV delivery to owners destination V comfort. A. I, II, IV only b. I, II, III and V only C. II, III, and V only D. I, II, and IV only E. I, II, III, IV only.
- Which of the following is an advantage of transportation by sea? A. goods can be delivered from door to door b. it is a cheaper means of transporting goods c. it is accident free d. it is the fastest means of transport.
- Which of the following is true of rail transport? A. suitable for perishable goods. B, fast over long distances c. maximum handling of goods d. guarantees safety for goods e. does not travel on schedule.
- In what ways foes transport aid trade? (b) Explain the following in connection with water transport: (i) freight (ii) charter party.
- State four factors that would determine the choice of transport by a businessman. (b) state four advantages of road transport over rail transport.
- Explain five factors affecting the choice of transport of frozen products. (b) State five disadvantages of air transport.
- Mention five disadvantages of road transportation
- List five disadvantages of containerization.
Read commerce for Senior Secondary School book2 by Onuka P S et al; (pages 69-77)
Read about Documents used in transportation (f) functions of Ports authority and Airports authority
State five documents used in transportation and state five functions of ports authority.
- Commerce for Senior Secondary School book2 by Odedokun et al; Longman Nigeria PLC.
- Commerce for Senior Secondary School book2 by Onuka P S et al; Melrose Books and Publishing Limited.
- Extension Modern Commerce for Senior Secondary School by A .A. Bello et al; Extension Publication Limited.
- Commerce for Senior Secondary Schools by Ahukannah et al; African First Publishers PLC.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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