The Day of Pentecost Christian Religious Studies Primary 5

Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2
Topic: The Day of Pentecost
Sub-topic: The coming of the Holy Spirit
Duration: 40 minutes
Class: Primary 5
Age: 10-11 years
Term: Second Term
Week: 2

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of Pentecost.
  2. Describe what happened on the Day of Pentecost.
  3. State the significance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian.


  • Pentecost
  • Holy Spirit
  • Apostles
  • Tongues of Fire
  • Jerusalem

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by asking students if they know the meaning of Pentecost and why it is celebrated. Show a picture or drawing representing the Day of Pentecost to create interest.

Entry Behavior:

Students should have basic knowledge of Jesus Christ’s ascension and His promise to send the Holy Spirit to His disciples.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Bible
  • Flashcards (depicting Pentecost and disciples receiving the Holy Spirit)
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Remind the students about Jesus’ promise to His disciples before He ascended to heaven, stating that He would send the Comforter (Holy Spirit).

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening and comprehension
  • Reflective thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration

Learning Materials:

  • Bible: Acts 2:1-13.
  • Flashcards: Visual aids showing the Apostles and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard: For key points and explanations.

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “Christian Religious Studies for Primary Schools” by Adebayo & Adeyemo

Instructional Materials:

  • Bible
  • Flashcards
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard


  1. What is Pentecost?
    • Pentecost is a Christian celebration that commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus.
    • It happened 50 days after Easter Sunday (Resurrection of Jesus Christ).
  2. Events on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13):
    • The disciples were gathered together in one place in Jerusalem.
    • A sound like a rushing wind filled the room.
    • Tongues of fire rested on each of them.
    • They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages (tongues).
    • People from different nations who were in Jerusalem were amazed as they heard the disciples speaking their languages.
  3. The Significance of Pentecost:
    • The fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit.
    • The beginning of the Christian Church.
    • Empowerment of the disciples to preach the gospel.
  4. Roles of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s Life:
    • Guides Christians in making the right decisions.
    • Comforts believers in times of trouble.
    • Helps Christians understand the Bible.
    • Strengthens faith and provides boldness to share the gospel.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options:

  1. Pentecost is celebrated __________ days after Easter Sunday.
    a) 30
    b) 40
    c) 50
    d) 60
  2. The Day of Pentecost took place in __________.
    a) Bethlehem
    b) Galilee
    c) Jerusalem
    d) Nazareth
  3. The sound that filled the room on Pentecost was like __________.
    a) Thunder
    b) A rushing wind
    c) Waterfall
    d) Earthquake
  4. Tongues of __________ rested on the disciples during Pentecost.
    a) Ice
    b) Fire
    c) Water
    d) Cloud
  5. The disciples were filled with the __________.
    a) Holy Spirit
    b) Holy Water
    c) Holy Oil
    d) Holy Light
  6. The Day of Pentecost marked the beginning of __________.
    a) Christianity
    b) Judaism
    c) Islam
    d) Hinduism
  7. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples the ability to __________.
    a) Sing
    b) Dance
    c) Speak in different languages
    d) Read the Bible
  8. The event of Pentecost is recorded in the book of __________.
    a) Matthew
    b) Acts
    c) Luke
    d) John
  9. The Holy Spirit helps Christians to __________.
    a) Fight
    b) Understand the Bible
    c) Build houses
    d) Speak louder
  10. On Pentecost, the disciples were gathered in __________.
    a) A boat
    b) A market
    c) A room
    d) A garden

FAQ with Answers for Class Activity Discussion:

  1. What is Pentecost?
    • Answer: Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, 50 days after Easter.
  2. Where did Pentecost take place?
    • Answer: In Jerusalem.
  3. What happened to the disciples on Pentecost?
    • Answer: They were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in different languages.
  4. What is the significance of Pentecost?
    • Answer: It marks the beginning of the Christian Church.
  5. What does the Holy Spirit do in the life of a Christian?
    • Answer: The Holy Spirit guides, comforts, and strengthens Christians.
  6. What sound was heard on Pentecost?
    • Answer: A rushing wind.
  7. What rested on the disciples during Pentecost?
    • Answer: Tongues of fire.
  8. Who promised the Holy Spirit?
    • Answer: Jesus Christ.
  9. Why were people amazed on Pentecost?
    • Answer: They heard the disciples speaking in their own languages.
  10. What book of the Bible records the Day of Pentecost?
    • Answer: The Book of Acts.


  1. Step 1 (Revision of the Previous Topic):
    • The teacher reviews the topic of Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit before His ascension.
  2. Step 2 (Introduction of the New Topic):
    • The teacher introduces the Day of Pentecost and its significance.
  3. Step 3 (Student Contributions and Corrections):
    • Students share what they know about Pentecost while the teacher provides corrections and additional explanations.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the meaning and significance of Pentecost.
  • Read Acts 2:1-13 with the students.
  • Use flashcards to illustrate key events.
  • Engage students with questions.

Learner’s Activities:

  • Listen and ask questions for clarification.
  • Participate in discussions and answer questions.
  • Complete the fill-in-the-blank exercises.


  • Students’ participation during discussions.
  • Correct responses to fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Ability to explain the significance of Pentecost.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does Pentecost celebrate?
  2. What sound was heard on Pentecost?
  3. What rested on the disciples on Pentecost?
  4. How did the Holy Spirit help the disciples?
  5. What book of the Bible tells the story of Pentecost?
  6. Who promised the Holy Spirit?
  7. What is the significance of Pentecost to Christians?
  8. What happened to the disciples on Pentecost?
  9. How does the Holy Spirit help Christians today?
  10. Where did Pentecost take place?


The teacher summarizes the lesson by emphasizing the importance of Pentecost as the beginning of the Christian Church and the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise. The role of the Holy Spirit in guiding, comforting, and strengthening Christians is also highlighted.