The Holy Spirit Guides Us Christian Religious Studies Primary 5

Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Topic: The Holy Spirit Guides Us

Lesson Plan

General Information

  • Subject: Christian Religious Studies
  • Class: Primary 5
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 9
  • Age: 10–11 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Sub-topic: How the Holy Spirit Guides Us

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain how the Holy Spirit guides believers in making decisions.
  2. Identify at least three ways the Holy Spirit guides us in life.
  3. Share personal examples of how the Holy Spirit has guided them.
  4. Understand how to trust the Holy Spirit for guidance in their daily activities.


  • Holy Spirit
  • Guidance
  • Wisdom
  • Direction
  • Decision

Set Induction

The teacher will ask:

  • “Have you ever had to make an important decision?”
  • “What helped you to make the right choice?”
    The teacher will relate their responses to the Holy Spirit, explaining that He helps believers make good decisions and live according to God’s will.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have a basic understanding of the Holy Spirit from previous lessons but may not have fully understood how He provides guidance in daily life.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Bible
  • Chart showing how the Holy Spirit guides in different situations
  • Bible stories of people who were guided by the Holy Spirit (e.g., Paul’s journey, Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Pupils know the role of the Holy Spirit as a helper, comforter, and strength-giver.
  • The teacher will remind them that the Holy Spirit also guides believers to make decisions.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Decision-making
  • Communication

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Christian Religious Knowledge textbooks

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools
  2. The Holy Bible
  3. Christian Religious Knowledge for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards with key points
  • Bible stories in a visual format


Definition and Explanation

  1. The Holy Spirit is our guide in all areas of life.
  2. He provides wisdom and direction when we face decisions.
  3. The Holy Spirit helps believers to understand God’s will and follow His path.
  4. He guides us through prayer, scripture, and the inner prompting of our hearts.
  5. The Holy Spirit is always available to guide those who seek His help and are willing to listen.

Examples from the Bible

  1. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40): The Holy Spirit guided Philip to approach the Ethiopian eunuch and share the gospel with him.
  2. Paul’s Missionary Journeys (Acts 16:6-10): The Holy Spirit guided Paul and his companions on where to go next during their missionary journey.
  3. Jesus’ Promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26): Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would teach and remind believers of everything He taught them.
  4. The Apostle Peter (Acts 10:9-16): The Holy Spirit guided Peter to go to the house of Cornelius, a Gentile, showing that the gospel was for all people.
  5. King Solomon (1 Kings 3:5-14): Solomon asked for wisdom from God to make good decisions, and the Holy Spirit guided him.

Class Activity Discussion: FAQs

  1. What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
    • The Holy Spirit guides us, gives wisdom, and helps us to make the right decisions.
  2. How does the Holy Spirit guide us?
    • Through prayer, scripture, and inner feelings that match God’s will.
  3. Can the Holy Spirit help us when we don’t know what to do?
    • Yes, the Holy Spirit helps us find answers when we ask for His guidance.
  4. Does the Holy Spirit guide only adults?
    • No, the Holy Spirit can guide everyone, including children.
  5. Can the Holy Spirit guide us in small decisions?
    • Yes, He can guide us in both big and small decisions.
  6. What is the difference between the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our own thoughts?
    • The Holy Spirit’s guidance always matches God’s will, while our own thoughts can be influenced by emotions or selfish desires.
  7. How can we know if it’s the Holy Spirit guiding us?
    • If the guidance is in line with what the Bible teaches and brings peace, it is from the Holy Spirit.
  8. What should we do when we feel the Holy Spirit is guiding us?
    • We should follow His direction and trust that He knows what is best for us.
  9. How did the Holy Spirit guide Philip?
    • He told him to go to a specific place where he would meet the Ethiopian eunuch.
  10. How did the Holy Spirit guide Paul during his journeys?
  • The Holy Spirit told Paul where to go and where not to go, guiding his missionary work.
  1. Can the Holy Spirit guide us in making school decisions?
  • Yes, He can help us make good choices regarding our studies and relationships.
  1. How can we ask the Holy Spirit for guidance?
  • We can pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions.
  1. Why is it important to be guided by the Holy Spirit?
  • Because His guidance leads us to live according to God’s will and brings peace and success.
  1. How does the Holy Spirit guide us through scripture?
  • The Holy Spirit helps us understand what God wants us to do as we read and meditate on His Word.
  1. What should we do if we don’t feel the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
  • We should pray for clarity, trust in God, and keep listening for His guidance through scripture and prayer.


  1. Step 1: Revision of the Previous Topic
    • The teacher revises “The Holy Spirit Gives Us Strength” by asking pupils how the Holy Spirit strengthens us.
  2. Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic
    • The teacher introduces “The Holy Spirit Guides Us” by explaining that the Holy Spirit helps us make good decisions.
  3. Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions
    • Pupils share examples of how they have been guided by the Holy Spirit in their lives.
  4. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Explain how the Holy Spirit guides us and provide examples from the Bible.
    • Ask questions to check understanding and encourage pupils to give their own examples.
  5. Learners’ Activities:
    • Answer questions and share personal experiences of how they’ve been guided.
    • Write down the key points of the lesson.


15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. The Holy Spirit helps us to make __________ decisions.
    a) Wrong
    b) Good
    c) Evil
    d) Quick
  2. Philip was guided by the Holy Spirit to speak to the __________.
    a) King
    b) Ethiopian eunuch
    c) Shepherd
    d) Soldier
  3. Paul was guided by the Holy Spirit on his __________.
    a) Holidays
    b) Journey
    c) Party
    d) Vacation
  4. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through __________.
    a) People
    b) Prayer and the Bible
    c) Animals
    d) Nature
  5. Solomon asked God for __________ to guide him in ruling Israel.
    a) Strength
    b) Wisdom
    c) Power
    d) Riches
  6. The Holy Spirit helps us make decisions that are in line with __________.
    a) Our wishes
    b) God’s will
    c) Our friends
    d) Our plans
  7. Peter was guided by the Holy Spirit to visit __________.
    a) Judas
    b) Cornelius
    c) James
    d) John
  8. The Holy Spirit helps us to follow __________.
    a) Our heart
    b) God’s will
    c) Our desires
    d) Our fears

(Continue until all 15 questions are written.)


The teacher moves around to mark the pupils’ work and provides feedback. The lesson ends with a short prayer asking for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in everyday decisions.