CLASS: PRIMARY 5                                                        






Sample Testimonial


Fill in the gaps with the right answers from the given alternative 

Certainly! Here are the revised fill-in-the-blank questions with options a, b, or c:

1) The _______ child was always smiling and cheerful.
a) familiar
b) humble
c) gracious

2) She had a _______ voice that captivated the audience.
a) reliable
b) dedicated
c) pleasant

3) The _______ student scored the highest marks in the class.
a) award-winning
b) humble
c) acceptable

4) The _______ dog wagged its tail happily.
a) reliable
b) misunderstood
c) humble

5) The _______ athlete won the race by a large margin.
a) dedicated
b) gracious
c) humble

6) He played the piano with great _______.
a) ability
b) dedication
c) graciousness

7) The _______ baby slept peacefully in her crib.
a) familiar
b) gracious
c) acceptable

8) The _______ student always completed his homework on time.
a) reliable
b) gracious
c) readable

9) After a long day, she felt _______ and exhausted.
a) bedridden
b) anxious
c) humble

10) The _______ patient had to stay in the hospital for several weeks.
a) bedridden
b) misunderstood
c) reliable

11) The _______ horse galloped across the field.
a) familiar
b) dedicated
c) humble

12) He showed _______ in his speech, fidgeting and stuttering.
a) anxiousness
b) dedication
c) graciousness

13) The _______ child thanked her parents for the gift.
a) humble
b) anxious
c) acceptable

14) She received an _______ from the school for her outstanding performance.
a) award-winning
b) reliable
c) dedicated

15) The _______ tree provided shade on a hot summer day.
a) reliable
b) dedicated
c) humble

16) The _______ rainstorm flooded the streets.
a) reliable
b) award-winning
c) humble

17) The _______ student diligently completed her assignments.
a) dedicated
b) award-winning
c) acceptable

18) His _______ efforts paid off when he passed the exam.
a) dedicated
b) award-winning
c) anxious

19) The _______ doctor was highly respected by her patients.
a) reliable
b) award-winning
c) dedicated

20) The _______ puppy wagged its tail in excitement.
a) reliable
b) humble
c) acceptable

21) She wrote a _______ letter expressing her gratitude.
a) reliable
b) dedicated
c) acceptable

22) The _______ leader guided the team to victory.
a) reliable
b) dedicated
c) gracious

23) He had a _______ personality and was loved by everyone.
a) familiar
b) reliable
c) gracious

24) The _______ student excelled in every subject.
a) familiar
b) reliable
c) acceptable

25) The _______ job applicant impressed the interviewers.
a) familiar
b) award-winning
c) acceptable

26) The _______ sunset painted the sky with vibrant colors.
a) familiar
b) reliable
c) dedicated


27) The _______ employee always goes above and beyond to meet deadlines.
a) dedicated
b) anxious
c) reliable

28) The _______ student showed great humility when accepting the award.
a) humble
b) gracious
c) dedicated

29) The _______ worker was bedridden due to illness.
a) reliable
b) bedridden
c) misunderstood

30) The _______ person is open to feedback and willing to learn from mistakes.
a) humble
b) anxious
c) reliable

31) The _______ student won an award for her outstanding academic performance.
a) award-winning
b) dedicated
c) reliable

32) The _______ child faced challenges due to being misunderstood by others.
a) misunderstood
b) anxious
c) humble

33) The _______ proposal was accepted by the committee.
a) acceptable
b) reliable
c) humble

34) The _______ friend is always there to lend a helping hand.
a) reliable
b) dedicated
c) gracious

35) The _______ employee consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic.
a) dedicated
b) anxious
c) humble

36) The _______ student felt anxious before the exam but remained focused.
a) anxious
b) reliable
c) dedicated

37) The _______ attitude of the team members contributed to their success.
a) gracious
b) humble
c) award-winning

38) The _______ decision was made after careful consideration of all options.
a) acceptable
b) reliable
c) misunderstood

39) The _______ car mechanic always delivers high-quality work.
a) reliable
b) dedicated
c) humble

40) The _______ teacher is committed to helping students reach their full potential.
a) dedicated
b) award-winning
c) gracious
