Understanding Resource Distribution in Social Studies


Comprehensive Lesson Plan on Resources Distribution

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Basic 5 / Primary 5
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 6
Age: 10–11 years

Topic: Resources Distribution

Sub-topic: Reasons for Uneven Resource Distribution and Solutions

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain what resource distribution means.
  2. State reasons why resources are not evenly distributed.
  3. Suggest ways to solve the problem of uneven distribution of resources.


  • Resources
  • Distribution
  • Even/Uneven
  • Raw Materials
  • Social Amenities

Set Induction

The teacher starts by showing a chart of different resources such as land, labor, and capital. The teacher then asks the pupils to identify and discuss which resources they have around their homes and communities.

Entry Behaviour

The pupils are familiar with the concept of resources from the previous lesson on “Resources Development.”

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Wall charts showing types of resources
  • Pictures of industries and raw materials
  • A short video or online resource on industrial setups
  • Relevant textbooks

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher reminds the pupils of the previous topic, “Resources Development,” where they discussed the factors of production.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem-Solving

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Recommended Social Studies Textbooks for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials

  • Wall charts
  • Visual aids (pictures of raw materials and industries)
  • Textbooks


Definition of Resources Distribution

  • Resources Distribution refers to the way natural, human, and capital resources are spread across different places or regions.
  • Some areas have abundant resources (e.g., oil in the Niger Delta), while others may have limited or no resources.

Types of Resources

  1. Capital: Includes money, buildings, roads, electricity, and equipment.
  2. Labor: Work done for wages, e.g., teachers, doctors, and engineers.
  3. Land: Natural resources like water, minerals, and forests.
  4. Entrepreneurship: Individuals who organize other resources to produce goods and services.

Why Resources Are Not Evenly Distributed

  1. Nature: Some resources occur naturally in specific areas (e.g., crude oil in the South-South of Nigeria).
  2. Climatic Factors: Unequal rainfall, vegetation, and temperature affect the distribution of resources.
  3. Lack of Access: Remote locations may lack the infrastructure to utilize resources.
  4. Market Availability: Some regions may not have enough demand to support resource development.
  5. Location of Raw Materials: Industries tend to concentrate near resource sites, leading to uneven distribution.

Problems of Over-Concentration of Industries in One Place

  1. Environmental pollution.
  2. Overpopulation in industrial areas.
  3. High cost of living.
  4. Pressure on facilities like water and electricity.
  5. Decline in agricultural activities in over-concentrated areas.

Ways to Ensure Even Resource Distribution

  1. Provide social amenities in rural areas to encourage development.
  2. Formulate policies for rural development.
  3. Site industries close to raw material sources.
  4. Improve transportation systems to link remote areas to urban centers.


  1. Oil resources are concentrated in the Niger Delta.
  2. Agricultural products like cocoa are majorly grown in the Southwest.
  3. Industries in Lagos attract more workers due to better infrastructure.
  4. Some Northern states focus on livestock farming due to suitable climate.
  5. Forest reserves are more prevalent in the South due to high rainfall.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the old topic, “Resources Development,” and asks pupils about the types of resources they learned.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Resources Distribution,” with examples of how resources are spread across Nigeria.
  3. Step 3: Pupils are allowed to contribute by sharing what they know about the availability of resources in their locality.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show a chart of Nigeria’s resource map and discuss it.
  • Lead a conversation on why industries are concentrated in urban areas.
  • Explain how even resource distribution can reduce poverty.

Learners’ Activities

  • Mention resources found in their community.
  • Suggest ways the government can help develop rural areas.
  • Discuss the challenges of living in areas with few resources.

Evaluation Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Resources distribution means how __________ are spread across places. (a) schools (b) resources (c) books (d) roads
  2. __________ is an example of a capital resource. (a) Teacher (b) Road (c) Forest (d) Rainfall
  3. Uneven distribution of resources is caused by __________. (a) weather (b) natural factors (c) textbooks (d) teachers
  4. Overpopulation in cities is caused by __________ of industries. (a) pollution (b) over-concentration (c) spread (d) isolation
  5. __________ can help improve rural areas. (a) Social amenities (b) Overpopulation (c) Industries (d) Pollution


Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What are resources?
    • Resources are materials used to develop society.
  2. Why are resources not evenly distributed?
    • Due to nature, climate, and raw material availability.



The teacher moves around the class to mark pupils’ work, provides corrections, and reinforces the key points on even resource distribution.


Read about employment and its relation to resource distribution. Prepare for a discussion in the next lesson.

SEO Details

Captivating Title: Understanding Resource Distribution in Social Studies
Focus Keyphrase: Resource Distribution
SEO Title: Resource Distribution: Meaning, Examples, and Solutions
Slug: resource-distribution-primary-5
Meta Description: Learn about resource distribution, its causes, and solutions in this detailed Social Studies lesson for Primary 5. Ideal for teachers and students.

Prepared by: Edu Delight Tutors

Home work

  1. __________ is the process of keeping things for future use. (A) Restoration (B) Preservation(C )investment (D) Investigation
  2.  _____________is the proper use of our resources and other material resources.(A) Resource usage (B) Resource pushing(C) Resource keeping (D) Resource preservation
  3.  Money can be used to provide _____________ for the children.A schools B hospitalsC pipe-borne water D all of the above
  4.  In the past, people kept their money _____________.(A) with pastors (B) at home(C) in the bank (D) on the mountains
  5. In the past, some people dug the floors of their houses to _____________ their money there.A plant B throw C bury D wrap
  6. One of the safe places to keep our money is _____________.A at home B with mallamsC the village D the bank
  7.  Other safe places where we can keep our money are _____________.A thrift and credit societies C cooperative societiesB insurance companies D all of the above
  8.  Not keeping some money at home for our use will make us go to the bankall the time we need money, and it _____________ our time and energy.A saves B adds to

    C wastes D increases

  9.  One can buy the _____________ of a company to become one of theowners of the company.A property B shares

    C cars D building

  10.  To save money in a bank, we need to open an/a ______________ with thebank.