- The full meaning of ‘www’ is: World Wide Web
- Terrorism is one of the disadvantages of the internet.
- The biggest of the computers based on classification on size is: Supercomputer
- The generation of computers uses Artificial Intelligence: Fifth generation
- A motherboard is found in: Every generation of computers (it is a core component in all computers)
- computers are designed for a single person’s use: Personal computers
- A scanner is used to transfer images or documents into the computer system.
- Is dot-matrix a type of computer printer?: Yes
- Which Function key is used to open the help screen and CMOS setup?: F1
- Mention one type of computer mouse: Optical mouse
Label the below mouse parts:
- Left Button
- Scroll Wheel
- Right Button
- Body
- Sensor
- After powering on a computer system, it will boot and come to a graphical user interface (GUI) environment.
- The two negative sides of the internet are: Cyberbullying and Hacking
- The word ‘Internet’ means: A global network connecting millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks.
- This icon represents which internet browser: (This would depend on the specific icon shown, typically could be Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.)
- A television set can be used to play video games. TRUE or FALSE: TRUE
- How many Function keys does a computer keyboard have?: 12 (F1 to F12)
Which unit of the hardware components are these devices?
- System Unit = Processing
- Light pen = Input
- Monitor = Output
- Magnetic tape = Storage
- Viruses or malware affects the smooth running of the computer system.
- The most used computer input device is the: Keyboard
- State one reason why we should always clean our computers: To prevent dust buildup which can cause overheating and damage components.
- Unwanted files deleted from the computer can still be retrieved in the: Recycle Bin or Trash
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.