First Term Mid Term Test History Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
History Primary 5 First Term Mid-Term Assessment – Week 7
Subject: History
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 10 years
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Part A: Objective Questions (20 Marks)
Instructions: Choose the correct answer from the options provided.
- Who were the first Europeans to try and occupy Nigeria? a) British
b) Portuguese
c) French
d) Germans - Where is Nigeria located? a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Europe
d) America - The British first occupied which part of Nigeria? a) Lagos
b) Kano
c) Sokoto
d) Calabar - What was the British Royal Niger Company? a) A trading company
b) A school
c) A political party
d) A religious group - Who amalgamated Nigeria in 1914? a) Queen Victoria
b) Lord Lugard
c) Sir George Goldie
d) Arthur Richards - Which year was the Royal Niger Company’s Charter revoked? a) 1800
b) 1899
c) 1900
d) 1914 - The main reason for the British occupation of Nigeria was: a) To spread religion
b) To control trade
c) To educate the locals
d) To explore the land - What is amalgamation? a) Division of states
b) Unification of regions
c) Occupation by foreigners
d) Establishment of trade routes - Who is known as a traditional nationalist in Nigeria? a) Lord Lugard
b) Jaja of Opobo
c) Richard’s of Lagos
d) Lord Clive - The Nigeria Council of 1914 was introduced by: a) Hugh Clifford
b) Arthur Richards
c) Lord Lugard
d) Queen Victoria - Which of these is a form of nationalism? a) Economic nationalism
b) Religious nationalism
c) Traditional nationalism
d) Cultural nationalism - Madam Tinubu was a famous nationalist from: a) Sokoto
b) Opobo
c) Lagos
d) Calabar - Which European country was not involved in the attempt to occupy Nigeria? a) Spain
b) Portugal
c) France
d) Germany - The main reason for the growth of traditional nationalism in Nigeria was: a) Economic decline
b) Preservation of culture
c) Spread of religion
d) Education - Which of the following is a British constitutional reform in Nigeria? a) Nigeria Council 1914
b) French Constitution 1900
c) German Treaty 1884
d) American Policy 1910 - The revocation of the Royal Niger Company’s Charter was in the year: a) 1800
b) 1899
c) 1900
d) 1914 - The first place the British occupied in Nigeria was: a) Sokoto
b) Lagos
c) Ibadan
d) Benin - Who was the founder of the Royal Niger Company? a) Queen Victoria
b) Sir George Goldie
c) Lord Lugard
d) Jaja of Opobo - Nationalism in Nigeria aimed to: a) Promote British culture
b) Resist foreign rule
c) Establish trade routes
d) Spread religion - The impact of British rule on Nigeria included: a) Economic growth
b) Cultural exchange
c) Resistance and nationalism
d) All of the above
Part B: Theory Questions (20 Marks)
Instructions: Answer the following questions in short sentences.
- Who were the British and why did they come to Nigeria?
- Mention two European countries that attempted to occupy Nigeria.
- Explain the meaning of amalgamation.
- What was the main reason for British rule in Nigeria?
- Name two notable traditional nationalists in Nigeria.
- Describe the activities of the British Royal Niger Company.
- Why was the Royal Niger Company’s Charter revoked?
- Who amalgamated Nigeria, and in what year?
- What is the significance of the Nigeria Council of 1914?
- List two positive effects of the British amalgamation of Nigeria.
- Mention one effect of traditional nationalism on Nigeria.
- Define the term “nationalism.”
- Who was Jaja of Opobo, and why is he remembered?
- Explain the role of Madam Tinubu in Nigerian history.
- What was the elective principle introduced in 1922?
- State one reason for the introduction of British constitutional reforms in Nigeria.
- Discuss the importance of regionalism in Nigerian constitutional history.
- What were the consequences of the British rule on Nigerian culture?
- How did traditional nationalism contribute to Nigeria’s independence?
- Who was Kosoko of Lagos, and what did he do?
Part C: True or False Questions (20 Marks)
Instructions: Indicate whether the following statements are True or False.
- The British were the only European country that attempted to occupy Nigeria.
- Amalgamation refers to the division of regions in Nigeria.
- The Royal Niger Company was founded by Lord Lugard.
- Madam Tinubu resisted British colonial policies in Lagos.
- The Nigeria Council of 1914 was introduced by Hugh Clifford.
- Traditional nationalism did not contribute to Nigeria’s independence.
- Jaja of Opobo was a supporter of British rule in Nigeria.
- The British Royal Niger Company controlled trade in Nigeria.
- The amalgamation of Nigeria occurred in 1914.
- Sultan Attahiru resisted British conquest of Sokoto.
- Regionalism was a significant factor in Nigeria’s constitutional development.
- The main goal of nationalism is to resist foreign control.
- The British introduced the elective principle in Nigeria in 1922.
- Kosoko of Lagos supported the British occupation.
- Nationalism helped in the preservation of Nigerian culture.
- The revocation of the Royal Niger Company’s Charter happened in 1899.
- The British first occupied Lagos in Nigeria.
- The Nigeria Council was established in 1900.
- Lord Lugard was responsible for the amalgamation of Nigeria.
- The impact of British rule was entirely negative on Nigeria.
Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (20 Marks)
Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct answers. No options are provided.
- The first Europeans to attempt to occupy Nigeria were the ____________.
- Nigeria is located in the continent of ____________.
- The first place the British occupied in Nigeria was ____________.
- The British Royal Niger Company was primarily involved in ____________.
- Nigeria was amalgamated in the year ____________.
- The Nigeria Council of 1914 was introduced by ____________.
- ____________ was a notable traditional nationalist who resisted British rule in Lagos.
- The revocation of the Royal Niger Company’s Charter occurred on ____________.
- ____________ was the founder of the Royal Niger Company.
- The main goal of traditional nationalism in Nigeria was to resist ____________.
- The ____________ amalgamated Nigeria in 1914.
- Madam Tinubu is remembered for her resistance against ____________ policies.
- The term “nationalism” refers to a strong sense of ____________ for one’s country.
- The elective principle was introduced in Nigeria in ____________.
- The Royal Niger Company controlled trade along the ____________ River.
- Sultan Attahiru resisted the British in the ____________ Caliphate.
- The amalgamation of Nigeria combined the ____________ and ____________ protectorates.
- ____________ of Opobo was a key figure in resisting British trade policies.
- The effects of British amalgamation of Nigeria included both ____________ and ____________ impacts.
- Regionalism in Nigerian constitutional history refers to the division of the country into ____________ regions.
This assessment covers the topics studied in the first half of the term and will help gauge the pupils’ understanding and retention of the material. The variety of question types ensures that different aspects of learning are tested, from recall to comprehension and analysis.
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