Bible Knowledge for Primary 4: Sin, Forgiveness, Love, and Prayer


SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE (Sin, Forgiveness, Love, and Prayer)
NAME: ______________________________________

General Instructions for Teachers and Students:

  • This examination is designed to assess your understanding of Sin, Forgiveness, Love, and Prayer.
  • Read each question carefully and answer to the best of your ability.
  • This exam contains multiple-choice, short-answer, True or False, and fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Do not copy from others. Answer each question by yourself. Working independently is important.
  • Take your time to understand the questions before answering.
  • Ensure your handwriting is clear and neat.
  • You are allowed to use pencil or pen, but make sure your answers are legible.
  • Be honest and avoid any form of malpractice. Integrity is key.

Good luck!

Part A: Objective Questions

Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option:

  1. The act of asking for forgiveness for wrong actions is called _______
    (a) sin
    (b) forgiveness
    (c) repentance
    (d) love
  2. ________ is the condition for sins to be forgiven.
    (a) Pride
    (b) Repentance
    (c) Anger
    (d) Jealousy
  3. Jesus taught us to pray to _______.
    (a) God
    (b) Satan
    (c) Angels
    (d) Friends
  4. When we say “Father forgive us our sins,” we are showing _______.
    (a) Love
    (b) Anger
    (c) Repentance
    (d) Hate
  5. Love is important because it helps us to _______ others.
    (a) forgive
    (b) hurt
    (c) ignore
    (d) punish
  6. The Bible teaches us that God is _______ and will forgive our sins.
    (a) Angry
    (b) Loving
    (c) Weak
    (d) Unforgiving
  7. _______ is when we feel sorry for the bad things we have done and ask for God’s help to do better.
    (a) Love
    (b) Repentance
    (c) Greed
    (d) Prayer
  8. The story of the _______ son teaches us about forgiveness and repentance.
    (a) Lost
    (b) Prodigal
    (c) Wise
    (d) Angry
  9. Jesus prayed to _______ when He needed help or guidance.
    (a) Friends
    (b) God
    (c) Himself
    (d) His disciples
  10. Jesus’ death on the cross shows His great _______ for us.
    (a) Hate
    (b) Love
    (c) Anger
    (d) Jealousy
  11. When we forgive others, we show _______ in our hearts.
    (a) Love
    (b) Fear
    (c) Pride
    (d) Anger
  12. We should pray to God _______.
    (a) Once a year
    (b) Every day
    (c) Once a week
    (d) When we are in trouble
  13. Jesus gave His life for us to show His _______.
    (a) Love
    (b) Anger
    (c) Hate
    (d) Fear
  14. We should always forgive others, just as God _______ us.
    (a) punishes
    (b) loves
    (c) forgets
    (d) forgives
  15. The prayer Jesus taught His disciples is called the _______ prayer.
    (a) Lord’s
    (b) Satan’s
    (c) King’s
    (d) Prophet’s

Part B: Theory Questions

Answer the following questions in short, clear sentences:

  1. What is sin?

  2. Why is forgiveness important?

  3. What should we do when we make a mistake?

  4. How can we show love to others?

  5. Why did Jesus pray to God?

  6. What does it mean to repent?

  7. How did God show His love for us?

  8. What did Jesus teach about forgiveness?

  9. Why should we pray regularly?

  10. What is the role of love in our relationship with God?

Part C: True or False Questions

Write “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if it is not.

  1. Sin is when we do things that please God. _______
  2. Repentance means feeling sorry for our sins and trying to do better. _______
  3. Jesus gave His life because He hated us. _______
  4. Forgiveness is not necessary if someone has hurt us. _______
  5. We should pray only when we are in trouble. _______
  6. Love is important because it shows how much we care for others. _______
  7. Jesus taught us to pray by using the Lord’s Prayer. _______
  8. God does not forgive our sins if we do not repent. _______
  9. Prayer helps us to talk to God and ask for His help. _______
  10. We should pray to other people instead of God. _______

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s):

  1. Jesus taught His disciples to pray the _______ prayer.
  2. Sin is doing things that _______ God.
  3. The Prodigal Son _______ when he realized he was wrong.
  4. God’s love for us is shown through the death of _______ on the cross.
  5. _______ is when we feel sorry for our sins and ask God to forgive us.
  6. _______ is important for us to follow God’s teachings.
  7. We should pray _______ to keep our relationship with God strong.
  8. Jesus prayed to _______ when He needed strength.
  9. _______ is an act of kindness where we choose to let go of anger or hurt.
  10. When we forgive others, we show _______ in our hearts.
  11. God is _______ and always ready to forgive us.
  12. To repent means to turn away from _______ and choose to live in a good way.
  13. Jesus died for us because of His _______ for all people.
  14. Prayer is how we _______ with God.
  15. God’s _______ is always greater than our sins.

Instructions for Students:

  • Check your answers before submitting.
  • Remember to write clearly and carefully.
  • Do your best and work independently.

Good luck!