Types of Stitches for Primary 4 Students

Lesson Plan for Week 10: Stitches and Types of Stitches

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 4
Term: Second Term
Week: 10
Age: 9-10 years
Topic: Stitches and Types of Stitches
Sub-topic: Types of Stitches (Temporary, Permanent, Decorative)
Duration: 40 minutes

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Summarize the meaning of stitches.
  • List the different types of stitches.
  • Explain the types of stitches.


  • Stitches
  • Temporary stitches
  • Permanent stitches
  • Decorative stitches
  • Basting stitch
  • Backstitch
  • Hemming stitch
  • Running stitch
  • Tacking stitch

Set Induction

  • Begin by showing the pupils a needle and thread.
  • Ask if they know what these are used for and if they’ve ever seen someone sew.
  • Briefly introduce the concept of stitches and their importance in sewing.

Entry Behavior

  • Pupils should already have a basic understanding of fabric and its use.
  • They may have some knowledge of tools like needles and threads from earlier lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Chart showing different types of stitches.
  • Real objects: Needle, thread, pin, tape measure, fabric samples.
  • Video clips of stitching techniques.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Connect the lesson to the previous topic, “Use and Care for Simple Tools.”
  • Recall tools like the needle, thread, and fabric and how they are used for sewing.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and Collaboration: Students will discuss stitches in small groups and practice stitching.
  • Creativity and Imagination: Students will explore different stitching techniques and apply them creatively.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Students will identify and distinguish between different types of stitches.

Instructional Materials

  • Chart on Stitches and Types of Stitches
  • Video clips demonstrating stitching techniques
  • Real sewing materials (needle, thread, pins, fabric)
  • Whiteboard and markers


Stitches and Types of Stitches

  1. Stitch Definition:
    • A stitch is a way to join two pieces of fabric together or to create a design on fabric using a needle and thread.
    • Stitches are grouped into three categories: Temporary stitches, Permanent stitches, and Decorative stitches.
  2. Temporary Stitches:
    • Purpose: Hold fabric together temporarily until it is permanently stitched.
    • Examples:
      • Tacking stitch: Temporary stitch used to hold fabric in place.
      • Basting stitch: Used for fitting or holding fabric together before permanent stitching.
      • Backstitch: Provides a guideline for permanent stitches.
      • Hemming stitch: Holds a hem in place before permanent stitching.
      • Running stitch: Commonly used for basting or gathering fabric.
  3. Permanent Stitches:
    • Purpose: Hold fabric together permanently.
    • Examples:
      • Straight stitch: Basic stitch used for regular sewing.
      • Zigzag stitch: Often used for finishing edges.
      • Backstitch: Strong stitch for securing seams.
  4. Decorative Stitches:
    • Purpose: Add designs or embellishments to fabric.
    • Examples:
      • Chain stitch: Creates a chain-like pattern.
      • Satin stitch: Used in embroidery to create a satin-like finish.
      • Cross-stitch: Forms “X” patterns used in designs.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. A stitch is a way to __________ two pieces of fabric together.
    a) dye
    b) join
    c) cut
    d) wash
  2. The three main categories of stitches are __________, permanent, and decorative stitches.
    a) zigzag
    b) embroidery
    c) temporary
    d) backstitch
  3. A __________ stitch is used to hold fabric together temporarily.
    a) Straight
    b) Backstitch
    c) Basting
    d) Running
  4. A __________ stitch is used to hold a hem in place temporarily.
    a) Hemming
    b) Running
    c) Satin
    d) Backstitch
  5. A __________ stitch is used to create a permanent seam.
    a) Tacking
    b) Backstitch
    c) Basting
    d) Pinning
  6. Decorative stitches are used to create __________ on fabric.
    a) seams
    b) designs
    c) patches
    d) folds
  7. A backstitch is used to create a __________ for a permanent stitch.
    a) guideline
    b) hem
    c) patch
    d) seam
  8. The running stitch is commonly used for __________ fabric.
    a) dyeing
    b) gathering
    c) cutting
    d) washing
  9. Pinning is a method of __________ fabric together temporarily.
    a) sewing
    b) dyeing
    c) gathering
    d) holding
  10. A basting stitch is used to __________ fabric before permanent stitching.
    a) secure
    b) cut
    c) gather
    d) press

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is a stitch?
    • A stitch is a way to join two pieces of fabric together or to create a design on fabric.
  2. What are the three main categories of stitches?
    • Temporary, permanent, and decorative stitches.
  3. What is a temporary stitch?
    • A stitch used to hold fabric together temporarily until it is permanently sewn.
  4. What is a permanent stitch?
    • A stitch that holds fabric together permanently and is strong.
  5. What is a decorative stitch?
    • A stitch used to add designs or embellishments to fabric.
  6. What is a backstitch used for?
    • To create a guideline for a permanent stitch.
  7. What is a running stitch used for?
    • It is used for basting or gathering fabric.
  8. What is a hemming stitch used for?
    • To hold a hem in place temporarily before sewing it permanently.
  9. What is pinning used for?
    • Pinning is used to hold fabric in place temporarily before sewing.
  10. Why are temporary stitches useful?
    • They help hold fabric in place for adjustments or while sewing permanently.

Presentation Steps

  1. The teacher revises the previous topic:
    • “In our last lesson, we learned about the use and care for simple tools like needles and thread.”
  2. The teacher introduces the new topic:
    • “Today, we are going to learn about stitches, their types, and how they are used to join fabrics or create designs.”
  3. The teacher allows pupils to contribute:
    • “Can anyone tell me why we might use different types of stitches in sewing?”
  4. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Explains types of stitches.
    • Demonstrates each type using charts and fabric samples.
    • Encourages students to practice stitching.
  5. Learners’ Activities:
    • Observe the demonstration.
    • Practice making different types of stitches.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is a stitch?
  2. What are the three main categories of stitches?
  3. What is a temporary stitch?
  4. What is a permanent stitch?
  5. What is a decorative stitch?
  6. What is a backstitch used for?
  7. What is a running stitch used for?
  8. What is a hemming stitch used for?
  9. What is pinning used for?
  10. Why are temporary stitches useful?


  • The teacher circulates around the class, marking students’ work and providing feedback.
  • “Remember, stitches are important in sewing, and practicing them will help you become better at making clothes and designs.”