Scheme of work for Year 4 /GRADE 4 (2ND term)
Scheme of work for Year 4 / GRADE 4 (2ND term) Numeracy
Scheme of work for Year 4 (2ND term)
Numeracy | |
Weeks | Topics |
1 | Multiplication of whole numbers by 2 digit, multiplication of decimal by 2 digit numbers, multiplication of decimal by decimal by decimal. |
2 | Square of 1 & 2 digit numbers, square roots of 1 & 2 digit number, square root of perfect square up to 400. |
3 | Division of 2 or 3 digit by (a)numbers up to 9 with or without a remainder
(b) multiples of 10 up to 50 |
4 | Common multiples of numbers up to 9 (b) L.C.M of numbers |
5 | Factors of numbers (a) H.C.F of 2 digit numbers. |
6 | Estimation |
7 | Mid term break |
8 | Addition and subtraction of money (b) the use of money in everyday business transaction. |
9 | Multiplication / Division of money by a whole number (b) word problems on multiplication / Division of money. |
10 | Profit and loss |
11 | Revision |
12 | Examination |
Scheme of work for Year 4 / GRADE 4 (2ND term) Literacy
Scheme of work for Year 4 (2ND term)
Literacy | Topics | ||
Weeks | Grammar | Comprehension | |
1 | Adjectives / Possessive Adjectives | The family 01 unit 8 | |
2 | Comparative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs | The family 02 unit 9 | |
3 | Adverbs and Adverbials | Eke and the Golden Watch 25 | |
4 | Adverbs and Adverbial clauses Using if and when | Fire Safety unit 20 | |
5 | Prepositions | Road Accidents in Nigeria 17 | |
6 | Preposition and Phrasal Verbs | The Boy who cried Wolf | |
7 | Review and Assessment | Review and Assessment | |
8 | Similes pg. 50 school writing skills. | People and the Environment 28 | |
9 | Present / Past Continuous Tenses | The concept of print (1) 18 | |
10 | Modals and other auxiliaries | The concept of print (2) 24 | |
11 | Revision | Revision | |
12 | Examination | Examination |
Scheme of work for Year 4 / GRADE 4 (2ND term) Phonics
Phonics | |
Weeks | Topics |
1 | Revision / ar, are finding target words. |
2 | Word roots: arranging word families |
3 | Ir, ire: finding target words |
4 | Y, ending (nouns) finding and using target words |
5 | Adding s or es: identifying simple plurals |
6 | Words ending a, i, o, u: picture quiz |
7 | Review and Assessment |
8 | Silent letters |
9 | Unusual plurals |
10 | Able, ible, ably, ibly words building: word sums |
11 | Revision |
12 | Examination |
Scheme of work for Year 4 / GRADE 4 (2ND term) General Studies
Scheme of work for Year 4 (2ND term)
General studies | |
Weeks | Topics |
1 | Ethnicity: meaning, causes and solutions |
2 & 3 | Constituted Authority: meaning, duties of citizens to constituted authority,
responsibilities of constituted authority. |
4 | Rulers of old Nigeria/Struggle (Nationalist leaders) |
5 | Communalism: Meaning, how to promote the spirit of communalism |
6 | Democracy: Meaning, types (parliamentary and presidential). |
7 | Mid term break |
8 | Suspicious movement: meaning, ways of reporting suspicious movement in
the neighbourhood. |
9 | Characteristics of suspicious movement/consequences of failing to observe
suspicious movement. |
10 | Natural resources and raw materials. |
11 | revision |
Scheme of work for Year 4 / GRADE 4 (2ND term) Elementary Science
Scheme of work for Year 4 (2ND term)
Elementary science | |
Weeks | Topics |
1& 2 | Soil: meaning of soil, soil constituents, types of soil, characteristics of soil types, soil formation. |
3 | Soil fertility: meaning, causes of loss in soil fertility, how to enrich and
maintain soil fertility. |
4 | Weeds: meaning, common weeds around us, importance of weeds to farmers and the environment, method of weed control. |
5 | Pests and diseases of crop plants: common pest causal agents, common disease of plants, control measures, effect of using chemicals in controlling
pest and diseases. |
6 | Pathogens and diseases: meaning, common examples, way by which diseases are spread, diseases preventive measures |
7 | Mid term break |
8 | Water: evaporation, condensation and importance of water |
9 | Human body (feeding system): the teeth, the tongue, the lips |
10 | Locomotion and non- locomotion movement: meaning, example and demonstration |
11 | Revision |