Introduction to Home Economics, Human Body, and Food

Review and Revision Test for Home Economics: First Term Topics for Primary 4

Subject: Home Economics

Class: Primary 4
Term: First Term
Week: 2, 3, and 4
Age: 9–10 years

  • Week 2: Introduction to Home Economics
  • Week 3: The Human Body
  • Week 4: Food and Nutrition

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lessons, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define Home Economics and explain its meaning.
  2. Identify the areas of Home Economics.
  3. Explain the importance and career opportunities in Home Economics.
  4. Identify the parts of the human body and their functions.
  5. Define food and explain its types, classes, and sources.
  6. Discuss the reasons for eating food.

Week 2: Introduction to Home Economics


  • Meaning of Home Economics
  • Areas of Home Economics
  • Importance and Career Opportunities


  1. Meaning of Home Economics:
    • Home Economics is the study of managing the home and family.
    • It teaches people how to take care of themselves, their homes, and their families.
  2. Areas of Home Economics:
    • Food and Nutrition
    • Clothing and Textiles
    • Home Management
    • Child Development
  3. Importance and Career Opportunities:
    • It helps us learn life skills like cooking, cleaning, and budgeting.
    • Career opportunities include being a chef, nutritionist, fashion designer, or teacher.

Evaluation Questions (15 Fill-in-the-Blank):

  1. Home Economics is the study of __________.
    • a. animals
    • b. managing the home
    • c. sports
    • d. mathematics
      (Answer: b)

(Continue this format for the remaining 14 questions.)

Week 3: The Human Body


  • Parts of the Human Body
  • Functions of Different Body Parts


  1. Parts of the Human Body:
    • Head, arms, legs, chest, stomach, etc.
  2. Functions of Different Body Parts:
    • Head: Contains the brain for thinking.
    • Arms: Used for holding and carrying.
    • Legs: Help us walk and run.

Class Activity (FAQs):

  1. What is the largest organ of the human body?
    (Answer: Skin)

(Continue with 14 more FAQs related to the human body.)

Week 4: Food and Nutrition


  • Meaning of Food
  • Types of Food in the Locality
  • Reasons for Eating Food
  • Classes of Food and Their Sources


  1. Meaning of Food:
    • Food is what we eat to stay alive and healthy.
  2. Classes of Food:
    • Carbohydrates (e.g., rice, yam)
    • Proteins (e.g., beans, fish)
    • Fats and Oils (e.g., palm oil)
    • Vitamins (e.g., fruits, vegetables)
  3. Reasons for Eating Food:
    • To grow.
    • To stay healthy.
    • To have energy.

Evaluation Questions (10 Short-Answer):

  1. What is food?
    (Answer: Food is what we eat to stay alive and healthy.)