Second Term Examination Primary 4 Bible Knowledge


NAME: ______________________________________

General Instructions for Teachers and Students:

  • This examination contains multiple-choice, short-answer, and fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Read the instructions and questions carefully before answering.
  • Answer all questions to the best of your ability.
  • You are expected to work independently. Avoid any form of cheating or malpractice. It is important to follow the rules for fairness and honesty.
  • Take your time to think before writing your answers.
  • Write your answers neatly and clearly.

Part A: Objective Questions

Choose the correct option for each question:

  1. The act of communicating to God is known as _______
    (a) question
    (b) pledge
    (c) prayer
  2. ________ and _________ are conditions necessary for forgiveness of sins
    (a) pardon and truth
    (b) acknowledgement and repentance
    (c) prayer and answer
  3. When we feel sorry for our sins, ask for forgiveness and begin to lead a good life, it means____
    (a) forgiveness
    (b) repentance
    (c) greedy
  4. The story of the prodigal son teaches ______ and ______
    (a) repentance and forgiveness
    (b) greed and wasteful life
    (c) wicked and pure way of life
  5. When we are forgiven, we become children of ______
    (a) Satan
    (b) God
    (c) our Father
  6. The content of Jesus’ prayer are ________ and ________
    (a) questions and answers
    (b) adoration and request
    (c) bread and butter
  7. One of the importance of praying is _______
    (a) to abuse our friends
    (b) to tell God our needs so that they will be met
    (c) to cry and be sorrowful
  8. One of the reasons why Jesus prayed was _________
    (a) to bully Satan
    (b) to drive people away from Him
    (c) to honour God and glorify Him
  9. There are things to pray for except _____
    (a) wisdom and the gift of the Holy Spirit
    (b) to have power to fight both enemies and friends
    (c) to have long life and good health
  10. Jesus taught His disciples the ______
    (a) the Satan’s prayer
    (b) the food’s prayer
    (c) the Lord’s prayer
  11. As Christians, we should pray __________
    (a) once a year
    (b) twice a year
    (c) always
  12. One of the reasons why Jesus gave His life for us are the following except ______
    (a) For us not to perish
    (b) for us to have eternal life
    (c) for us to have bread and butter
  13. Examples of people who received forgiveness in the Bible are the following except ________ and _______
    (a) the Prodigal Son
    (b) the Paralytic man
    (c) John the Baptist
  14. Among things to pray for are the following except ________
    (a) wisdom and understanding
    (b) to have power to fight both enemies and friends
    (c) progress in our community
  15. When we have ________, we will receive an answer to our request
    (a) bribe
    (b) sugar
    (c) faith
  16. ______ is a very good condition for our prayer to be answered
    (a) weeping
    (b) faith
    (c) love
  17. When He saw his faith, He said “My son, your sins are forgiven”. Who said this statement?
    (a) John
    (b) Silas
    (c) Jesus Christ
  18. These are the occasions when Jesus prayed except ______________
    (a) when He wanted to choose His disciples
    (b) when He wanted to turn stone to bread
    (c) before His arrest and death
  19. “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing”, this statement was said by who?
    (a) Barnabas
    (b) Paul
    (c) Jesus Christ
  20. “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit”. This statement was said by who?
    (a) Moses
    (b) David
    (c) Jesus Christ

Section B: Theory

Answer the following questions in full sentences:

  1. What is sin?

  2. What are the conditions necessary for forgiveness of sins?
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  3. What are the two major contents of Jesus’ prayer?

  4. Mention two occasions when Jesus prayed:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  5. Mention two reasons why Jesus prayed to the Father:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________

Instructions for Students:

  • Double-check your answers to ensure they are complete.
  • Be honest and write your own answers.
  • Take your time but finish within the allocated time.

Good luck!

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