Second Term Examination Primary 4 Bible Knowledge
NAME: ______________________________________
Table of Contents
ToggleGeneral Instructions for Teachers and Students:
- This examination contains multiple-choice, short-answer, and fill-in-the-blank questions.
- Read the instructions and questions carefully before answering.
- Answer all questions to the best of your ability.
- You are expected to work independently. Avoid any form of cheating or malpractice. It is important to follow the rules for fairness and honesty.
- Take your time to think before writing your answers.
- Write your answers neatly and clearly.
Part A: Objective Questions
Choose the correct option for each question:
- The act of communicating to God is known as _______
(a) question
(b) pledge
(c) prayer - ________ and _________ are conditions necessary for forgiveness of sins
(a) pardon and truth
(b) acknowledgement and repentance
(c) prayer and answer - When we feel sorry for our sins, ask for forgiveness and begin to lead a good life, it means____
(a) forgiveness
(b) repentance
(c) greedy - The story of the prodigal son teaches ______ and ______
(a) repentance and forgiveness
(b) greed and wasteful life
(c) wicked and pure way of life - When we are forgiven, we become children of ______
(a) Satan
(b) God
(c) our Father - The content of Jesus’ prayer are ________ and ________
(a) questions and answers
(b) adoration and request
(c) bread and butter - One of the importance of praying is _______
(a) to abuse our friends
(b) to tell God our needs so that they will be met
(c) to cry and be sorrowful - One of the reasons why Jesus prayed was _________
(a) to bully Satan
(b) to drive people away from Him
(c) to honour God and glorify Him - There are things to pray for except _____
(a) wisdom and the gift of the Holy Spirit
(b) to have power to fight both enemies and friends
(c) to have long life and good health - Jesus taught His disciples the ______
(a) the Satan’s prayer
(b) the food’s prayer
(c) the Lord’s prayer - As Christians, we should pray __________
(a) once a year
(b) twice a year
(c) always - One of the reasons why Jesus gave His life for us are the following except ______
(a) For us not to perish
(b) for us to have eternal life
(c) for us to have bread and butter - Examples of people who received forgiveness in the Bible are the following except ________ and _______
(a) the Prodigal Son
(b) the Paralytic man
(c) John the Baptist - Among things to pray for are the following except ________
(a) wisdom and understanding
(b) to have power to fight both enemies and friends
(c) progress in our community - When we have ________, we will receive an answer to our request
(a) bribe
(b) sugar
(c) faith - ______ is a very good condition for our prayer to be answered
(a) weeping
(b) faith
(c) love - When He saw his faith, He said “My son, your sins are forgiven”. Who said this statement?
(a) John
(b) Silas
(c) Jesus Christ - These are the occasions when Jesus prayed except ______________
(a) when He wanted to choose His disciples
(b) when He wanted to turn stone to bread
(c) before His arrest and death - “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing”, this statement was said by who?
(a) Barnabas
(b) Paul
(c) Jesus Christ - “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit”. This statement was said by who?
(a) Moses
(b) David
(c) Jesus Christ
Section B: Theory
Answer the following questions in full sentences:
- What is sin?
- What are the conditions necessary for forgiveness of sins?
(a) ________________________________
(b) ________________________________ - What are the two major contents of Jesus’ prayer?
- Mention two occasions when Jesus prayed:
(a) ________________________________
(b) ________________________________ - Mention two reasons why Jesus prayed to the Father:
(a) ________________________________
(b) ________________________________
Instructions for Students:
- Double-check your answers to ensure they are complete.
- Be honest and write your own answers.
- Take your time but finish within the allocated time.
Good luck!