HomeExamination QuestionsAmi Ohun ati Iwulo Eko ati Ise Ile Yoruba Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
Ami Ohun ati Iwulo Eko ati Ise Ile Yoruba Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
Yoruba Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
Subject: Yoruba Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 9 years Topic: Ami Ohun ati Iwulo Eko ati Ise Ile Sub-topic: Ami Ohun: Fifi Ami Ohun si Ori Oro Yoruba; Asa: Iwulo Eko ati Ise Ile; Litireso: Kika Iwe Litireso Ere Onise Duration: 1 hour
Behavioural Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Identify and apply different tone marks (ami ohun) in Yoruba words.
Understand the importance of education and household chores.
Read and discuss a literary text focusing on character traits and behaviors.
Ami Ohun
Ekun Owawa
Ise Ile
Ere Onise
Set Induction
Start with a brief review of Yoruba tone marks (ami ohun) and their importance in distinguishing word meanings. Show examples using familiar words.
Entry Behaviour
Pupils should have a basic understanding of tone marks and the significance of education and chores from previous lessons.
Learning Resources and Materials
Yoruba language textbook
Flashcards with tone marks
Pictures depicting educational activities and household chores
Literary texts focusing on character traits
Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge
Review previous lessons on tone marks and their application in Yoruba words.
Discuss the significance of education and household chores from earlier lessons.
Embedded Core Skills
Tone mark recognition
Vocabulary development
Understanding the importance of education and chores
Reading comprehension
Instructional Materials
Flashcards with tone marks
Pictures of educational activities and household chores
Yoruba textbook
Literary texts
Ami Ohun (Tone Marks):
Fifi Ami Ohun Si Ori Oro Yoruba: Practice using tone marks in Yoruba words:
Ila (Line) – mark placement.
Ere (Prize) – tone marks for correct pronunciation.
Ekun Owawa (Loud Cry) – applying tone marks to show intonation.
Examples and Exercises: Practice inserting and using tone marks in sentences.
Asa (Importance of Education and Chores):
Iwulo Eko ati Ise Ile: Discuss the importance of education and household chores:
Eko: How education helps in personal and academic development.
Ise Ile: Importance of performing household tasks and their impact on family life.
Litireso (Literature):
Kika Iwe Litireso Ere Onise: Reading a literary text that emphasizes character traits and the importance of education and chores. Discuss characters’ actions and the lessons derived from them.
Step 1: Review the concept and use of tone marks in Yoruba.
Step 2: Introduce and discuss the importance of education and household chores.
Step 3: Read and analyze a literary text that highlights positive behaviors and the value of education and chores.
Teacher’s Activities
Use flashcards to teach and practice tone marks.
Explain and discuss the significance of education and household chores.
Read and facilitate a discussion on the literary text focusing on character traits.
Learners’ Activities
Practice identifying and using tone marks in Yoruba words.
Discuss the importance of education and household chores.
Read the provided text and answer questions about character traits and lessons learned.
Observe pupils’ ability to correctly use tone marks in Yoruba words.
Evaluate understanding of the importance of education and chores through discussion.
Check comprehension of the literary text through questions and discussion.
Evaluation Questions
What is the function of tone marks in Yoruba?
Provide an example of a Yoruba word with the tone mark “ila.”
How does education benefit individuals according to the lesson?
Describe the importance of household chores in family life.
Write a sentence using the word “ere” with the correct tone mark.
What did you learn about “iwulo eko” in today’s lesson?
How can good tone mark usage improve communication in Yoruba?
Share an example of a household chore and its benefit.
What is the main lesson from the literary text you read?
Construct a sentence with the word “ekun owawa” using the appropriate tone mark.
Recap the use of tone marks and their importance in Yoruba.
Ensure pupils understand the significance of education and household chores.
Review pupils’ comprehension through discussion and evaluation.
Edu Delight Tutors
First Term Primary 4
Awon iwa ti obojumu ni anpe ni ………………. [a] agidi [b] imele [c] omoluabi
Ewo ninu awon iwa wonyi ni ko dara……….. [a] jagidijagan [b] siso otito [c]bibowo fagba
Okan lara ona ibara eni soro laye atijo ni…………..
…………… kiise ona ibani soro loode oni. [a] lilo telfonu [b] ilu [c] lilo ero alagbeka
Ona ibanisoro laye atiijo dara ju toode oni lo [a] beeni [b] beeko [c] gbogbo e
……………. Je ona kan Pataki ti afin saralooge. [a] orun [b] omi mimu [c] ila kiko
Hale tumo si……………….. [a] kia gbiyanju [b] ki apa eniyan [c] ki eniyan saalo
Alifabbeti Yoruba je…………. [a] 18 [b] 24 [c]25
Leeta to paari alifabeeti ede Yoruba ni……………… [a] u [b] y [c] a
Leeta kiko pin si ona ………………… [a] meji [b] kan [c] mejo
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