Ways to Know Someone Who Has Abused Drugs for Primary 3

Lesson Plan: Ways of Knowing Someone Who Has Abused Drugs

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 3 (Basic 3)

Term: Second Term

Week: 3

Age: 8–9 years

Topic: Ways of Knowing Someone Who Has Abused Drugs

Sub-Topic: Identifying Signs of Drug Abuse

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define drug abuse.
  2. List at least five signs of someone who has abused drugs.
  3. Explain how drug abuse affects individuals’ behavior and health.
  4. Recognize the importance of avoiding drug abuse.


  • Abuse
  • Signs
  • Behavior
  • Mood
  • Appearance

Set Induction

The teacher narrates a short story about a child who started acting strangely after taking an unknown substance. Pupils are asked to guess what might have caused the strange behavior.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with people taking medicines when they are unwell.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Storybooks or printed case studies about drug abuse.
  • Flashcards with signs and symptoms of drug abuse.
  • Visual charts showing behavioral and physical changes caused by drug abuse.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher asks pupils if they have noticed unusual behavior in anyone after taking medicine or any substance.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision-making

Learning Materials

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work.
  2. Basic Science textbooks.
  3. Illustrated posters showing signs of drug abuse.

Instructional Materials

  • Picture charts depicting changes in appearance or behavior.
  • Role-play scenarios involving signs of drug abuse.


Definition and Explanation

  1. Drug Abuse: Using drugs in a wrong or harmful way, especially without a doctor’s advice.
  2. Ways to Know Someone Has Abused Drugs:
    • Physical Signs:
      • Red or watery eyes.
      • Unusual weight loss or gain.
      • Constant shaking or trembling.
    • Behavioral Signs:
      • Acting secretive or withdrawn.
      • Sudden mood changes (e.g., extreme anger or sadness).
      • Loss of interest in school or activities.
    • Health Issues:
      • Frequent headaches or stomach pains.
      • Difficulty in speaking or walking.
    • Appearance:
      • Dirty or untidy clothes.
      • Unkempt hair or nails.
  3. Examples of Behaviors Seen in Drug Abusers:
    • A boy who used to perform well in school begins failing exams.
    • A girl who used to play happily with friends now avoids them.
    • A person who always looks tired and sleepy.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Drug abuse means using drugs in a _______ way.
    • a) Helpful
    • b) Correct
    • c) Harmful
    • d) Friendly
      (Answer: c)
  2. Red or watery eyes can be a sign of _______.
    • a) Good health
    • b) Drug abuse
    • c) Happiness
    • d) Exercise
      (Answer: b)
  3. Sudden changes in _______ may indicate drug abuse.
    • a) Behavior
    • b) Food
    • c) Weather
    • d) Classwork
      (Answer: a)
  4. People who abuse drugs may lose interest in _______.
    • a) Games
    • b) School
    • c) Reading
    • d) All of the above
      (Answer: d)
  5. Unusual _______ can be a sign of drug abuse.
    • a) Smiling
    • b) Dancing
    • c) Weight loss
    • d) Reading
      (Answer: c)
  6. _______ is not a sign of drug abuse.
    • a) Mood changes
    • b) Red eyes
    • c) Healthy eating
    • d) Dirty clothes
      (Answer: c)
  7. Constant shaking or trembling may be a sign of _______.
    • a) Happiness
    • b) Drug abuse
    • c) Hunger
    • d) Exercise
      (Answer: b)
  8. Loss of interest in school activities is a _______ sign of drug abuse.
    • a) Physical
    • b) Behavioral
    • c) Health
    • d) None of the above
      (Answer: b)
  9. Someone who looks _______ may have abused drugs.
    • a) Neat
    • b) Tired
    • c) Smart
    • d) Happy
      (Answer: b)
  10. Drug abusers may often have _______ headaches.
  • a) Constant
  • b) Temporary
  • c) None
  • d) Regular
    (Answer: a)

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is drug abuse?
    Drug abuse is using drugs in the wrong or harmful way.
  2. How can you tell if someone is abusing drugs?
    By observing changes in their behavior or appearance, such as red eyes or mood swings.
  3. What does weight loss indicate in drug abuse?
    It may show that the person is not eating properly due to drug use.
  4. Name a behavioral sign of drug abuse.
    Sudden mood changes or acting secretive.
  5. Why should we avoid drug abuse?
    It harms our health and future.
  6. Can dirty clothes indicate drug abuse?
    Yes, because drug abusers may neglect self-care.
  7. What is a health issue seen in drug abusers?
    Frequent headaches or stomach pains.
  8. What happens to school performance with drug abuse?
    It may decline.
  9. Why do drug abusers avoid friends?
    They feel ashamed or guilty.
  10. How can we help someone who abuses drugs?
    Encourage them to see a doctor or talk to a trusted adult.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Meaning of Drug Abuse and Methods of Taking Drugs.”
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Ways of Knowing Someone Who Has Abused Drugs,” using storytelling and visual aids.
  3. Step 3: Pupils contribute by describing behaviors they think might indicate drug abuse, and the teacher corrects and guides them.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Narrate a story about someone showing signs of drug abuse.
  • Show flashcards and posters of signs and symptoms of drug abuse.
  • Guide pupils in identifying signs from role-play scenarios.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the story and identify key signs of drug abuse.
  • Participate in discussions and role-play activities.
  • Answer the teacher’s questions.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is drug abuse?
  2. Mention two signs of someone who has abused drugs.
  3. What does red or watery eyes indicate?
  4. Give one behavioral sign of drug abuse.
  5. Name a health issue caused by drug abuse.
  6. Why might a drug abuser lose interest in school?
  7. What happens to a person’s appearance when they abuse drugs?
  8. How can you tell if someone is avoiding friends due to drug abuse?
  9. What should you do if you see someone abusing drugs?
  10. Can constant mood swings be a sign of drug abuse?


The teacher moves around to mark pupils’ work and provides feedback on the signs of drug abuse.

Effects of Drug Abuse Social Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5