Vocabulary English Studies Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: English Studies

Week: 6

Date: [Insert Date]

Duration: 40 minutes

Period: 3rd

Time: [Insert Time]

Class: Primary 3

Average Age: 8-9 years

Topic: Vocabulary

Sub-topic: Building and Expanding Vocabulary

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of words and their meanings.

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Picture cards with words
  • Vocabulary worksheets
  • Dictionary (simple, age-appropriate)
  • Storybooks

Reference Materials:

  • English textbook
  • Workbook
  • Online vocabulary resources (if available)

Specific Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of a rich vocabulary.
  2. Learn new words and their meanings.
  3. Apply newly learned vocabulary in sentences.
  4. Demonstrate improved word recognition skills

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Language comprehension
  • Vocabulary development
  • Critical thinking
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Creativity and expression


  1. Word: Familiar
    • Meaning: Well-known or recognized.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /fəˈmilyər/
    • Dictionary Meaning: Well known from long or close association.
    • Sentence: The park was a familiar place for our family picnics.
  2. Word: Courageous
    • Meaning: Brave and willing to face challenges.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /kəˈreɪdʒəs/
    • Dictionary Meaning: Not deterred by danger or pain; brave.
    • Sentence: The courageous firefighter saved the kitten from the burning building.
  3. Word: Shimmer
    • Meaning: To shine with a flickering or wavering light.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: /ˈʃɪmər/
    • Dictionary Meaning: To shine with a soft tremulous or fitful light; glimmer.
    • Sentence: The stars shimmered in the night sky.
  4. Word: Grumble
    • Meaning: To complain in a low, discontented way.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: /ˈɡrʌmbəl/
    • Dictionary Meaning: To complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way.
    • Sentence: The tired hiker began to grumble about the steep trail.
  5. Word: Nudge
    • Meaning: To push or poke gently.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: /nʌdʒ/
    • Dictionary Meaning: To push or prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract their attention.
    • Sentence: He gave her a nudge to remind her of the meeting.
  6. Word: Glance
    • Meaning: To take a quick look.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: /ɡlæns/
    • Dictionary Meaning: To take a brief or hurried look.
    • Sentence: She gave a quick glance at her watch to check the time.
  7. Word: Curious
    • Meaning: Eager to learn or know about something.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /ˈkyo͝orēəs/
    • Dictionary Meaning: Showing a desire to know or learn something.
    • Sentence: The curious child asked many questions about the stars.
  8. Word: Fragile
    • Meaning: Easily broken or damaged.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /ˈfrajəl/
    • Dictionary Meaning: Delicate; easily damaged or broken.
    • Sentence: Be careful with the glass, it’s very fragile.
  9. Word: Enthusiastic
    • Meaning: Showing a lot of excitement and interest.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /ɛnˌθjuːziˈastɪk/
    • Dictionary Meaning: Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
    • Sentence: The students were enthusiastic about the upcoming field trip.
  10. Word: Puzzled
    • Meaning: Confused or uncertain.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /ˈpəzld/
    • Dictionary Meaning: Unable to understand; perplexed.
    • Sentence: She looked puzzled when the math problem seemed difficult
  11. Evaluation
      1. stars in the night sky often ________ with a gentle light. a) Grumble b) Shimmer c) Nudge d) Glance
      2. Courageous people are known for their ________ in facing challenges. a) Fear b) Bravery c) Laziness d) Sadness
      3. The teacher encouraged the students to be more ________ during the class discussion. a) Puzzled b) Curious c) Familiar d) Tired
      4. He gave her a gentle ________ to get her attention. a) Glance b) Shimmer c) Nudge d) Grumble
      5. The child looked ________ when asked a difficult question. a) Familiar b) Enthusiastic c) Courageous d) Puzzled
      6. The kitten was in a ________ box, so we had to be careful. a) Fragile b) Grumble c) Shimmer d) Nudge
      7. The old man likes to ________ about the weather every morning. a) Glance b) Shimmer c) Grumble d) Enthusiastic
      8. Our teacher always encourages us to be more ________ learners. a) Puzzled b) Enthusiastic c) Fragile d) Familiar
      9. When we saw the beautiful sunset, we couldn’t help but ________. a) Nudge b) Glance c) Shimmer d) Grumble
      10. The explorer was very ________ about the mysterious cave. a) Fragile b) Enthusiastic c) Courageous d) Curious
      11. The glass is very ________, so be careful not to drop it. a) Puzzled b) Familiar c) Fragile d) Shimmer
      12. She gave her friend a friendly ________ to greet her. a) Grumble b) Nudge c) Glance d) Enthusiastic
      13. Explain the importance of building a rich vocabulary.
      14. Define the term “word class” in the context of vocabulary.
      15. Why is pronunciation important when learning new words?
      16. How can context help you understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word?
      17. Provide an example of how you can use the word “courageous” in a sentence
  1. Introduction to the significance of vocabulary.
  2. Presentation of new words and their meanings.
  3. Interactive word recognition activities.
  4. Practice exercises for using vocabulary in sentences.


Step 1: Start by discussing why having a good vocabulary is essential.


Step 2: Present new words using picture cards and provide simple definitions.


Step 3: Engage students in activities where they match words to their meanings and use them in sentences.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the importance of vocabulary.
  • Present new words and their meanings.
  • Facilitate word recognition exercises.
  • Guide students during vocabulary practice.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively during the lesson introduction.
  • Observe and interact with picture cards and definitions.
  • Participate in word recognition and sentence-building activities.


  • Assess students’ understanding by asking them to use new vocabulary words in sentences.
  • Review completed worksheets for accuracy.
  • Encourage students to share new words they learned during the lesson.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the value of expanding one’s vocabulary for better communication and comprehension.

Assignment: Ask students to read a short story from a storybook or article and identify five words they didn’t know before. Write these words and their meanings in their notebooks. In the next class, they will share their new vocabulary with the class