Application of Computer Keyboard Special Characters – Primary 5

Computer Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes

Week 4: The Application of the Computer Keyboard Special Characters

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Age: 9 – 10 years

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: The Application of the Computer Keyboard Special Characters

Sub-topic: Uses and Examples of Special Characters

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify special characters on a computer keyboard.
  2. Explain the uses of special characters in typing.
  3. Demonstrate how to type and apply special characters in documents.
  4. List common special characters and their functions.


  • Special characters – Symbols on the keyboard used for special functions.
  • Keyboard – A device used for typing on a computer.
  • Symbols – Characters such as @, #, $, %, etc.
  • Application – How special characters are used in typing.

Set Induction (Teacher’s Introduction)

The teacher asks the pupils to mention some symbols they have seen on their phones or computer keyboards. The teacher then explains that these symbols are called special characters and are used for different purposes in typing.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have used mobile phones or computers and have seen some special characters like @, #, $, and %.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • A computer keyboard or a printed keyboard chart.
  • A projector (if available) to display a virtual keyboard.
  • Printed worksheets with exercises on typing special characters.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils already know how to type letters and numbers on a keyboard. This lesson will introduce them to special characters and their uses in typing.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical Thinking – Understanding how special characters improve typing.
  • Digital Literacy – Learning to use keyboard symbols effectively.
  • Communication – Using special characters correctly in writing.

Reference Book

Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5, Computer Studies Textbook.

Instructional Materials

  • Computer with Microsoft Word or Notepad.
  • Keyboard layout chart.
  • Printed handouts of special characters.

Lesson Content

1. What Are Special Characters?

Special characters are symbols on the keyboard that perform different functions apart from letters and numbers.

Examples of special characters:

  • @ (At symbol) – Used in email addresses (e.g., [email protected]).
  • # (Hash or Pound Sign) – Used in social media tags (e.g., #Education).
  • $ (Dollar Sign) – Used in currency representation (e.g., $50).
  • % (Percentage Sign) – Used in percentages (e.g., 50%).
  • & (Ampersand) – Used to join words (e.g., Boys & Girls).
  • *** (Asterisk)** – Used for emphasis or bullet points (e.g., Important).
  • ( ) [ ] { } (Brackets and Parentheses) – Used for grouping text.
  • : ; (Colon and Semicolon) – Used in punctuation and lists.
  • “ ” ‘ ’ (Quotation Marks and Apostrophes) – Used in writing and contractions.
  • \ | / (Slash and Backslash) – Used in URLs and file paths (e.g., C:\Users).

2. Uses of Special Characters

  • Typing Emails – The @ symbol is used in email addresses.
  • Programming – Symbols like {}, [], and ; are used in coding.
  • Social Media – The # symbol is used for hashtags.
  • Mathematics – Symbols like + – * / % are used in calculations.
  • Currency – Symbols like $, , and represent money.
  • Punctuation – Quotation marks, colons, and apostrophes help in sentence structuring.

3. How to Type Special Characters on a Keyboard

  • Shift + Number Keys – To type characters like @, #, $, %, &, etc.
  • Alt + Numeric Codes – Holding Alt and typing numbers on the numeric keypad (e.g., Alt + 64 = @).
  • Ctrl + Symbol Keys – Some symbols work with Ctrl shortcuts.
  • On-Screen Keyboard – Special characters can also be found using the virtual keyboard.

Evaluation Questions (Fill in the Blanks with Options)

  1. The @ symbol is used in _______ addresses.
    a) Social media
    b) Email
    c) Mathematics
    d) Games
  2. The # symbol is commonly used for _______.
    a) Punctuation
    b) Hashtags
    c) Mathematics
    d) Currency
  3. The % symbol represents _______.
    a) Addition
    b) Percentage
    c) Multiplication
    d) Subtraction
  4. The & symbol is called _______.
    a) Asterisk
    b) Dollar sign
    c) Ampersand
    d) Hash
  5. The $ symbol is mainly used in _______.
    a) Emails
    b) Social media
    c) Currency
    d) File names
  6. Which key must you press to type uppercase letters and special characters?
    a) Shift
    b) Space
    c) Enter
    d) Delete
  7. The asterisk (*) symbol is often used for _______.
    a) Emojis
    b) Bullet points
    c) Coding
    d) None of the above
  8. The backslash () is commonly used in _______.
    a) Web addresses
    b) File paths
    c) Both A and B
    d) None of the above
  9. The quotation mark (“ ”) is used for _______.
    a) Emails
    b) Highlighting text
    c) Writing dialogues
    d) Both B and C
  10. The parenthesis ( ) is used to _______.
    a) Show calculations
    b) Group text
    c) End a sentence
    d) None of the above

Application of Computer Keyboard Special Characters – Primary 5

Class Activity Discussion – FAQs

  1. What are special characters?
    Special characters are symbols used in writing, computing, and communication.
  2. How can I type special characters on a keyboard?
    By using the Shift, Alt, or Ctrl keys.
  3. Where is the @ symbol found on a keyboard?
    It is located on the 2 key and is typed using Shift + 2.
  4. What is the use of the # symbol?
    It is used for hashtags on social media and numbering.
  5. How can I type the ₦ (Naira) symbol?
    By using Alt + 8358 or copying from the character map.

Presentation Steps

  1. The teacher revises the previous lesson on typing letters and numbers.
  2. The teacher introduces the topic and explains special characters.
  3. The teacher demonstrates typing special characters on a real or virtual keyboard.
  4. Pupils practice typing special characters in a document.
  5. The teacher guides pupils to complete exercises on special character usage.

Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities

  • Teacher: Shows a keyboard and explains special character locations.
  • Learners: Practice typing special characters in a word processor.
  • Teacher: Gives exercises for students to complete.
  • Learners: Answer questions on the use of special characters.

Assessment (Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define special characters.
  2. List five special characters and their uses.
  3. How do you type the @ symbol on a keyboard?
  4. Explain how special characters are used in social media.
  5. Mention two ways to type special characters on a computer.


The teacher summarizes the lesson, marks the pupils’ exercises, and provides feedback.

Uses of Special Keys on the Keyboard Computer Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9 and 10