1. ____is a place we should respect (a) court (b) toilet (c) kitchen
2. We should respect police stations (Yes/No)
3._____household be respected (a) Thief by Government (c) Mad
4. We should observe the rules and regulations in _____(a) market (b) river (c) school
5. Should we encourage people to visit places of respect (Yes/No)
6. Should we respect time (Yes/No)
7. We should respect national symbols (Yes/No)
8. We should respect Bible and _____(a) Quran (b) Novel (c) Magazine
9.We should respect Public Utilities (Yes/No)
10. What should we do to sing the national anthem (a) We should sit (b) We should be walking (c) we should stand at attention
11.One of the important of civic education is ___________
(A.)Learning about systems of government (b.) fighting (c.) killing
12. School rules and regulations guide has to do with _________ and ______ that guides pupils (a.) Flogging/ crying (b.) reading/writing (c.) do’s and don’t
13. Rules and regulations guide ______ a. pupil’s b. birds animals
14.__________ is a school rule a.jumping b. sleeping c. punctuality
15. Regularity and neatness is _________ a. school names b. school rules c. school teachers
16. Being polite is a school rule a. yes b. no
Every citizen has the right to education (true/ false)
17. Citizen should pay tax to the government (true/ false)
18. Honesty means_______ a. lying always b.telling the truth c. working hard always
19. Greeting is a way of showing politeness. (True/ false)
21. One of the important of civic education is ___________
(A.)Learning about systems of government (b.) fighting (c.) killing
22. School rules and regulations guide has to do with _________ and ______ that guides pupils (a.) Flogging/ crying (b.) reading/writing (c.) do’s and don’t
23. Rules and regulations guide ______ a. pupil’s b. birds animals
24. __________ is a school rule a.jumping b. sleeping c. punctuality
25. Regularity and neatness is _________ a. school names b. school rules c. school teachers
26. being polite is a school rule a. yes b. no
27. Every citizen has the right to education (true/ false)
28. Citizen should pay tax to the government (true/ false)
29. Honesty means_______ a. lying always b.telling the truth c. working hard always
30. Greeting is a way of showing politeness. (True/ false)
1. State (3) three ways of showing politeness
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Edu Delight Tutors
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