Understanding Prayer: Hindrances and Answers

Lesson Plan

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 3
Age: 7 years
Topic: Understanding Prayer: Hindrances, Requests, and Answers
Sub-topic: The Meaning of Prayer, What Can Hinder Prayer, and How God Answers Prayer
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define prayer and explain its importance.
  2. Identify three things that can hinder prayer.
  3. State how God answers prayers.


  • Prayer
  • Hindrance
  • Request
  • Answer
  • Faith

Set Induction

The teacher will ask, “Have you ever prayed for something and it did not happen immediately? Why do you think that is?”

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with prayer and may have their own experiences of praying for help or guidance.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Picture charts of people praying
  • Flashcards with key points
  • Bible storybooks

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will remind the pupils of the last lesson on “Evidence of Prayer and People that Prayed in the Bible” and discuss how God answers prayers.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Listening
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication

Learning Materials

  • Charts showing prayer scenes
  • Bible storybooks
  • Flashcards

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Children’s Bible Stories

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards with keywords
  • Bible illustrations


Definition and Explanation

  1. Prayer:
    • Talking to God.
    • Asking for His help, guidance, or giving thanks.
  2. Hindrances to Prayer:
    • Sin: Disobeying God can block prayers.
    • Doubt: Not believing that God can answer.
    • Lack of forgiveness: Holding grudges against others.
  3. Requests in Prayer:
    • Asking God for help, protection, or blessings.
  4. How God Answers Prayer:
    • Yes: God grants the request immediately.
    • No: God does not grant the request because it is not good for us.
    • Wait: God answers at the right time.

Examples of Prayer in Action

  1. Daniel prayed for wisdom and was answered (Daniel 2:19).
  2. Hannah prayed for a child, and God gave her Samuel (1 Samuel 1:27).
  3. Jonah prayed in the belly of the fish, and God saved him (Jonah 2:1-10).
  4. Jesus prayed on the cross and trusted God’s plan (Luke 23:46).
  5. Elijah prayed for fire from heaven, and God answered (1 Kings 18:36-38).

Presentation Steps

Step 1: Teacher Revises the Previous Topic
The teacher reminds the pupils of the last lesson on “Evidence of Prayer and People that Prayed in the Bible.”

Step 2: Teacher Introduces the New Topic
The teacher says, “Today, we will learn more about prayer, what can stop prayer, and how God answers our prayers.”

Step 3: Teacher Engages the Pupils
The teacher tells stories of people in the Bible who prayed and how God answered their prayers.

Step 4: Teacher Guides the Pupils
The teacher explains hindrances to prayer and encourages pupils to avoid them.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Define prayer and explain its importance.
  2. Share stories of people who prayed in the Bible.
  3. Discuss hindrances to prayer and God’s way of answering.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Listen to Bible stories.
  2. Answer questions about prayer.
  3. Share personal experiences of prayer.

Class Activity Discussion

10 FAQs with Answers

  1. What is prayer?
    • Answer: Talking to God.
  2. What is a hindrance to prayer?
    • Answer: Sin.
  3. How can doubt affect prayer?
    • Answer: It shows we do not trust God.
  4. What happens when we hold grudges?
    • Answer: It blocks our prayers.
  5. How does God answer prayers?
    • Answer: Yes, No, or Wait.
  6. Who prayed in the belly of a fish?
    • Answer: Jonah.
  7. Why does God sometimes say “No”?
    • Answer: Because the request is not good for us.
  8. What is an example of a prayer God answered immediately?
    • Answer: Elijah’s prayer for fire.
  9. Why is faith important in prayer?
    • Answer: It shows we trust God.
  10. Can God answer all prayers?
    • Answer: Yes, in His own way.

Evaluation Questions

10 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Prayer is talking to ____.
    • a) God
    • b) People
    • c) Animals
    • d) Plants
      (Correct answer: a)
  2. Holding grudges can ____ prayers.
    • a) Block
    • b) Help
    • c) Change
    • d) Speed up
      (Correct answer: a)
  3. God answers prayers by saying ____.
    • a) Yes, No, or Wait
    • b) Now, Later, or Never
    • c) Only No
    • d) Only Yes
      (Correct answer: a)

(Include a total of 10 questions.)


10 Short Answer Questions

  1. What is prayer?
  2. Name one hindrance to prayer.
  3. Why is doubt bad for prayer?
  4. Who prayed in the belly of a fish?
  5. Name one way God answers prayers.
  6. What happens when we hold grudges?
  7. Why does God say “Wait”?
  8. What did Elijah pray for?
  9. How can sin affect prayer?
  10. Why should we trust God when we pray?


The teacher moves around to review and mark pupils’ work. Pupils are encouraged to avoid hindrances and trust God in their prayers.