The Power of Jesus Christ Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9


The Power of Jesus Christ Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 9
Age: 7 years

Topic: The Power of Jesus
Sub-topic: Calming the Sea, Feeding the 5000, Great Catch, Water to Wine
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Describe the miracles Jesus performed: calming the sea, feeding the 5000, the great catch of fish, and turning water into wine.
  2. Explain the importance of faith in the miracles of Jesus.
  3. Understand how Jesus used His power to help and teach people.

Keywords: Power of Jesus, Miracle, Faith, Sea, Feeding 5000, Water to Wine, Catch of Fish

Set Induction

Ask the pupils, “Have you ever seen something amazing happen that you didn’t understand? What was it?”

Entry Behaviour

Pupils know some stories from the Bible about Jesus.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Bible (Mark 4:35-41, John 6:1-14, Luke 5:1-11, John 2:1-11)
  • Flashcards with pictures representing each miracle.
  • Whiteboard and markers.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Recall previous lessons about Jesus’ ministry, His teachings, and His power to heal and help others.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Faith
  • Trust in God
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials

  • Bible (Mark 4:35-41, John 6:1-14, Luke 5:1-11, John 2:1-11)
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Instructional Materials

  1. Visual aids showing each miracle: calming the sea, feeding the 5000, the great catch of fish, and turning water into wine.
  2. Printed Bible passages for easy reference.
  3. Role-play props for a skit on the miracles of Jesus.

Power of Jesus

1. Calming the Sea

  • One evening, Jesus and His disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee. A big storm came, and the disciples were afraid.
  • Jesus was sleeping, but when His disciples woke Him up, He stood and said to the storm, “Be still.” Immediately, the storm stopped, and the sea became calm.
  • Jesus showed His power over nature, teaching the disciples to trust Him even in scary situations.

2. Feeding the 5000

  • A large crowd followed Jesus because they wanted to hear His teachings.
  • Jesus asked His disciples to feed the people, but they had only five loaves of bread and two fish.
  • Jesus blessed the food, and it miraculously multiplied to feed over 5000 people, with twelve baskets of leftovers.
  • This miracle showed that Jesus could provide for everyone’s needs.

3. The Great Catch of Fish

  • After a long night of fishing, Peter and his friends caught nothing. Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat.
  • When they obeyed, they caught so many fish that the nets began to break.
  • This miracle showed the importance of following Jesus’ instructions and trusting Him.

4. Turning Water Into Wine

  • At a wedding in Cana, the wine ran out. Jesus’ mother asked Him to help.
  • Jesus told the servants to fill six jars with water. Then He turned the water into wine, which was better than the wine they had originally served.
  • This miracle showed Jesus’ care for people and His ability to transform situations for the better.

Examples of Jesus’ Power

  1. Jesus calmed the storm and showed His power over nature.
  2. Jesus fed 5000 people with just five loaves and two fish.
  3. Jesus helped Peter catch a great number of fish.
  4. Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding.
  5. Jesus used His power to show care, love, and provision.

Evaluation Questions on Power of Jesus

  1. Jesus calmed the _______ by telling it to be still.
    a) storm
    b) sea
    c) boat
    d) wind
  2. Jesus fed _______ people with five loaves and two fish.
    a) 5000
    b) 4000
    c) 2000
    d) 1000
  3. Jesus turned _______ into wine at the wedding in Cana.
    a) fish
    b) water
    c) bread
    d) juice
  4. Peter caught a great number of fish after following _______ instructions.
    a) his own
    b) Jesus’
    c) the fisherman’s
    d) the disciples’
  5. When Jesus calmed the storm, the sea became _______.
    a) bigger
    b) calmer
    c) more dangerous
    d) warmer
  6. Jesus’ miracle of feeding 5000 showed that He could _______ people’s needs.
    a) ignore
    b) understand
    c) meet
    d) abandon
  7. Jesus turned water into wine because the _______ ran out.
    a) guests
    b) wine
    c) food
    d) servants
  8. After catching the fish, Peter and his friends had to _______ the nets.
    a) throw
    b) mend
    c) break
    d) fix
  9. Jesus showed His power over _______ when He calmed the storm.
    a) the disciples
    b) nature
    c) the wind
    d) His disciples
  10. The great catch of fish taught the disciples to _______ Jesus’ words.
    a) ignore
    b) follow
    c) question
    d) reject

Class Activity Discussion Power of Jesus

  1. What did Jesus do when there was a storm on the sea?
    He calmed the storm.
  2. How did Jesus feed 5000 people with only five loaves and two fish?
    He blessed the food, and it multiplied.
  3. What happened when Peter obeyed Jesus’ instructions to cast the net?
    He caught so many fish that the nets began to break.
  4. Why did Jesus turn water into wine at the wedding in Cana?
    Because the wine had run out, and He wanted to help the people.
  5. What did the disciples learn from the miracles of Jesus?
    They learned to trust and obey Jesus.
  6. What does it mean for us to trust Jesus?
    It means believing He can help us, even in difficult situations.
  7. What miracle showed that Jesus could provide for everyone’s needs?
    The miracle of feeding the 5000.
  8. What is important about the miracle of turning water into wine?
    It showed Jesus’ care for people and His ability to transform situations.
  9. Why is it important to follow Jesus’ instructions?
    Because He knows what is best for us and can help us succeed.
  10. How can we show faith in Jesus today?
    By trusting Him to guide us and help us in everything we do.

Presentation Steps

  1. Revising the Previous Topic
    Recap the lesson about the calling of the disciples and how they followed Jesus.
  2. Introducing the New Topic
    Introduce the miracles of Jesus by explaining how He used His power to help people and show God’s greatness.
  3. Encouraging Pupils to Contribute
    Ask the pupils about other miracles of Jesus they may have heard about, and encourage them to share their thoughts.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Read the Bible passages about each miracle.
  2. Show the visual aids to help pupils understand each miracle.
  3. Lead the pupils in a discussion about the importance of faith in Jesus.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the miracles of Jesus.
  2. Participate in the discussion and share their thoughts.
  3. Answer questions and engage in the role-play activity.

Evaluation Questions (Short Answer)

  1. What did Jesus do when there was a storm on the sea?
  2. How did Jesus feed 5000 people?
  3. What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?
  4. What happened when Peter followed Jesus’ instructions to catch fish?
  5. What can we learn from the miracles of Jesus?
  6. How did the disciples respond when Jesus calmed the storm?
  7. What lesson can we learn from the miracle of feeding the 5000?
  8. Why did Jesus help the people at the wedding?
  9. How did Jesus show His power over nature?
  10. How can we trust Jesus in our daily lives?


The teacher goes around to mark pupils’ work, provides feedback, and encourages them to trust Jesus and have faith in His power to help them.

Jesus Baptism: The Beginning of His Ministry Christian Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3