First Term Mid Term Test Computer Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
Mid Term Test
Subject: Computer Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 7 years
Duration: 40 minutes
Answer all the questions. Write your answers clearly in the provided spaces.
Section A: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15 questions)
- The CPU is also known as the _______ of the computer.
- a) Heart
- b) Brain
- c) Leg
- d) Hand
- Use your _______ to head the ball.
- a) Forehead
- b) Nose
- c) Chin
- d) Top of the head
- The _______ executes instructions from programs and applications.
- a) Core
- b) Processor
- c) Heat Sink
- d) Memory
- The part of the CPU that keeps it cool is the _______.
- a) Core
- b) Processor
- c) Heat Sink
- d) Memory
- The CPU’s speed is measured in _______.
- a) Meters
- b) Kilograms
- c) Gigahertz
- d) Liters
- The part of the CPU that stores frequently used data is called _______.
- a) Heat Sink
- b) Memory (Cache)
- c) Core
- d) Processor
- Always _______ before shooting.
- a) Sit down
- b) Warm up
- c) Run
- d) Eat
- Bend your _______ slightly to reduce strain on your back.
- a) Elbows
- b) Knees
- c) Fingers
- d) Toes
- Stretch _______ and gently, do not bounce.
- a) Slowly
- b) Quickly
- c) Harshly
- d) Aggressively
- Keep your _______ open to track the ball.
- a) Ears
- b) Eyes
- c) Mouth
- d) Hands
- Hold each stretch for about _______ seconds.
- a) 5-10
- b) 10-15
- c) 15-30
- d) 30-60
- Make sure the area is _______ before shooting.
- a) Busy
- b) Clear
- c) Wet
- d) Dirty
- Avoid bending too _______ or forcefully.
- a) Slowly
- b) Quickly
- c) Carefully
- d) Lightly
- Breathe _______ while stretching.
- a) Deeply
- b) Normally
- c) Quickly
- d) Loudly
- The small, square chip with many tiny pins is called the _______.
- a) Heat Sink
- b) Processor
- c) Memory
- d) Core
Section B: Short Answer Questions (10 questions)
- What is the CPU also known as?
- Answer:
- What does the processor do?
- Answer:
- Why is the heat sink important?
- Answer:
- What is clock speed?
- Answer:
- What does the memory (cache) do?
- Answer:
- How does more cores affect a CPU’s performance?
- Answer:
- How can we identify the processor?
- Answer:
- What is the core inside the processor?
- Answer:
- Where can we find the heat sink?
- Answer:
- What kind of data does the memory (cache) store?
- Answer:
Section C: True or False Questions (5 questions)
- The CPU is the heart of the computer.
- a) True
- b) False
- The processor stores frequently used data.
- a) True
- b) False
- The heat sink helps to keep the CPU cool.
- a) True
- b) False
- More cores in a CPU can mean better performance.
- a) True
- b) False
- Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz).
- a) True
- b) False
Answer Key
Section A: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
- b
- a
- b
- c
- c
- b
- b
- b
- a
- b
- c
- b
- b
- b
- b
Section B: Short Answer Questions
- The brain of the computer
- Executes instructions from programs and applications
- It keeps the CPU cool by dissipating heat
- Measures how fast the CPU can process instructions
- Stores frequently used data for quick access
- More cores can mean better performance
- It’s a small, square chip with many tiny pins
- The part that reads and executes instructions
- Attached to the top of the CPU
- Frequently used data
Section C: True or False Questions
- b
- b
- a
- a
- a
More Useful Links
- Analogue, Digital, and Hybrid Computers Computer Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
- Features of the CPU and Its Functions Computer Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
- Identifying and Understanding the Functions of the CPU Computer Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes 6
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