The Fall of Man Understanding Creation and the Story of Adam and Eve Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Third Term
Week: Week 4
Topic: The Fall of Man
Sub-topic: Understanding Creation and the Story of Adam and Eve
Duration: 45 minutes
Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Define the term creation.
- Narrate the account of how God created Adam and Eve.
- Identify the differences between the creation of Adam and Eve and other creations.
Key Words: Creation, Adam, Eve, Fall, Man, God
Entry Behaviour:
Ask students if they know any stories about how the world was created or if they have heard about Adam and Eve.
Learning Resources and Materials:
- Bible storybooks with simplified explanations of creation and the story of Adam and Eve
- Pictures or illustrations of Adam and Eve and other creations (optional)
- Whiteboard and markers
Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Remind students of any previous lessons about God’s creation and introduce the concept of Adam and Eve as the first humans created by God.
Embedded Core Skills:
Listening, Speaking, Storytelling, Critical Thinking
Learning Materials:
Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies, reference books with simplified explanations of creation and the story of Adam and Eve
Instructional Materials:
The Fall of Man:
- Define the term creation:
- Creation means when something is made by God. 🌱
- Narrate the account of how God created Adam and Eve:
- God made Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. Then, God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs to be his companion. 🌟
- Identify the differences between the creation of Adam and Eve and other creations:
- Adam and Eve were the only ones created in God’s image, which means they were special. Other creations, like animals and plants, were not made in the same way as humans. 🕊️🌿
Evaluation :
- Creation means when something is made by _______. a) people b) animals c) God d) nature
- God created Adam and Eve to be the first _______. a) animals b) humans c) angels d) trees
- Adam was made from the _______ of the ground. a) water b) dust c) air d) fire
- God breathed _______ into Adam to give him life. a) water b) dust c) air d) fire
- Eve was created from one of Adam’s _______. a) arms b) ribs c) legs d) fingers
- Adam and Eve were made in the _______ of God. a) garden b) image c) sky d) river
- The creation of Adam and Eve was _______. a) special b) normal c) easy d) boring
- Animals and plants were created differently from _______. a) Adam and Eve b) each other c) angels d) birds
- Adam and Eve were given the job of taking care of the _______. a) garden b) animals c) sky d) ocean
- God gave Adam and Eve the power to _______. a) fly b) swim c) think d) sleep
- The story of Adam and Eve is found in the _______. a) Bible b) dictionary c) newspaper d) magazine
- The creation of Adam and Eve happened in the _______. a) ocean b) forest c) garden d) desert
- Adam and Eve were the first _______. a) children b) animals c) humans d) kings
- God created Adam and Eve to have _______ over the earth. a) power b) control c) love d) fear
- The creation of Adam and Eve shows us how much God _______ us. a) hates b) loves c) fears d) ignores
Class Activity Discussion
- What does creation mean? Answer: Creation means when something is made by God.
- How did God create Adam and Eve? Answer: God made Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. Then, God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs to be his companion.
- Were Adam and Eve the first humans? Answer: Yes, Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God.
- What is special about the creation of Adam and Eve? Answer: Adam and Eve were made in the image of God, which means they were very special and unique.
- How were Adam and Eve different from other creations? Answer: Adam and Eve were the only ones created in God’s image, while other creations like animals and plants were made differently.
- Where can we find the account of how God created Adam and Eve? Answer: We can find the story in the Bible, in the book of Genesis.
- How was Adam created? Answer: Adam was made from the dust of the ground, and God breathed life into him.
- How was Eve created? Answer: Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs, and God made her to be Adam’s companion.
- What job did God give to Adam and Eve? Answer: God gave them the job of taking care of the garden of Eden and all the animals.
- Were Adam and Eve the only ones living in the garden of Eden? Answer: Yes, Adam and Eve were the only humans in the garden of Eden.
- What power did God give to Adam and Eve? Answer: God gave them the power to rule over the earth and take care of it.
- How do we know that God loves us from the story of Adam and Eve? Answer: God created Adam and Eve to be with him and take care of his creation, showing us how much he loves us.
- Did Adam and Eve have any children? Answer: Yes, they had children named Cain, Abel, and others.
- What lesson can we learn from the creation of Adam and Eve? Answer: We learn that God made us in his image and loves us very much.
- How should we treat God’s creation based on the story of Adam and Eve? Answer: We should take care of God’s creation and show love and respect to all living things.
Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic which was:
Recap the previous lessons about creation and ask students to recall what they have learned about God creating the world and everything in it. The parable of the Sower and the Ten Virgins Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic:
Explain to students that today they will learn about the story of Adam and Eve and how they were created by God.
Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and corrects the pupils when and where necessary:
- Define the term creation: “Creation means when something is made by God.”
- Narrate the account of how God created Adam and Eve: “God made Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. Then, God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs to be his companion.”
- Identify the differences between the creation of Adam and Eve and other creations: “Adam and Eve were the only ones created in God’s image, while other creations like animals and plants were made differently.”
Teacher’s Activities:
- Guide the discussion by asking questions like: “Who can tell me what creation means?” or “How were Adam and Eve different from other creations?”
- Correct any misunderstandings gently and encourage students to participate.
Learners Activities:
- Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations and the storytelling.
- Share their thoughts and feelings about creation and the story of Adam and Eve.
Observe students’ participation and understanding during the discussion and storytelling.
Evaluation Questions:
- What is creation?
- How did God create Adam?
- How did God create Eve?
- What is the difference between Adam and Eve and other creations?
- Who can tell me why Adam and Eve are special?
- Where can we find the story of Adam and Eve?
- Why did God create Adam and Eve?
- How should we treat God’s creation?
- What lesson can we learn from the story of Adam and Eve?
- How does knowing about creation help us understand God’s love?
The teacher goes around to mark students’ participation and understanding. Provide feedback and encourage students to remember the lessons about creation and the story of Adam and Eve.
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