Week: One

Topic: Revision



Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic: Plants


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Students are familiar with plants 

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. List some common plant in their environment
  2. Identify the plants listed above 
  3. Draw a plant and label it 

Instructional  material: Specimen of local plant, Drawing book, Plastering, Clay etc.

Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun



Plants are living things that can be found in our environment. Plants can manufacture their food by themselves making use of water and energy from sunlight through a process called photo they thesis. Plants take in carbon dioxide produced by animal and give off oxygen that is needed by man for survival 

Parts of a plant 

The main parts of a plant include the following:- 

  1. Leaves 
  2. Stem
  3. Root and
  4. Flower

Functions of the main part of a plant

  1. Leaves: This is the part of the plant that traps energy from sunlight through which the plant produces its food.
  2. Stem: This is the part of the plant holds the branches, flowers, fruits and leaves in place  
  3. Root: This is the underground part of a plant, that holds the plant upright. The root draws nutrient and water from the soil to nourish the plant .
  4. Flowers: This is the part that is involved in pollination which leads to the production of seed and fruit 

Examples of common plant in our environment includes cåssåvå plånt, green gråss, hibiscus plånt, måize plånt, palm tree and  påwpåw plånt.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic ” Plants “

Step III: Teacher lists and explains the main parts of a plant

 Step IV: Teacher lists various examples of common plants in our environment

 Step V: Teacher takes the pupil round the school to show them the plants in their environment 

Step VI: Pupils contribute and ask questions 

Evaluation: 1. What is a plant?

  1. All plants can produce their food? Yes or No
  2. Mention three main parts of a plant

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


  1. Write the function of the root and the stem in a plant
  2. List six common plants you can see in your environment.



1. Plants manufacture their food through a process called __________.
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) digestion

2. The part of the plant that traps energy from sunlight is the __________.
a) stem
b) root
c) leaves

3. The underground part of a plant that holds it upright is called the __________.
a) stem
b) root
c) flower

4. The main parts of a plant include leaves, stem, root, and __________.
a) fruit
b) branch
c) flower

5. The part of the plant involved in pollination is the __________.
a) root
b) stem
c) flower

6. Plants take in __________ produced by animals.
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) nitrogen

7. The part of the plant that holds the branches, flowers, fruits, and leaves in place is the __________.
a) stem
b) root
c) leaves

8. The process by which plants give off oxygen is called __________.
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) transpiration

9. The part of a plant that draws nutrients and water from the soil is the __________.
a) stem
b) root
c) flower

10. __________ is needed by man for survival.
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Water

11. Examples of common plants in our environment include cassava plant, green grass, hibiscus plant, maize plant, palm tree, and __________.
a) sunflower plant
b) apple tree
c) pawpaw plant

12. The part of the plant that is involved in the production of seeds and fruits is the __________.
a) stem
b) root
c) flower

13. The main function of leaves in a plant is to __________.
a) hold the plant upright
b) produce seeds
c) trap energy from sunlight

14. The part of the plant that holds the plant upright is the __________.
a) stem
b) root
c) leaves

15. The process of plants taking in water and nutrients from the soil is called __________.
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) absorption



Week: Three


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic:Features of a  Plant


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils have been taught the elementary things about plant

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. List some common features of a plant
  2. List the difference in the features of a plant 
  3. Group the plants according to their features

Instructional  material: Specimen of local plant, work book and text book

Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


Features of a plant


The shape of the leave of a plant can be described as follows: broåd leåves, long leåves, nårrow leåves, round leåves, divided leåves, thick leåves and  thin leåves.


Plånts differ in their sizes. Some åre big. Some have a medium size. Others åre småll.Example of a plant with a big size is mango tree while an example of a plant with a small size is a tomato plant.


Plånts differ in the colours of their stems, fruits ånd flowers

The colour of a stem could be green, åsh, blåck, grey and brown.

The colour of a fruit could be green, blåck, grey, brow, red and åsh 

The colour of a flower could be green, brown, red, blue, purple and white 


A plant could have a hård stem, soft stem, thin stem or thick stem.

Height ånd brånches 

Some plånts åre tåll. Others åre short. Some håve brånches. Others do not håve brånches. Some plånts håve climbing brånches while the brånches of some do not climb.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic ” Features of a Plant “

Step III: Teacher lists and explains the features of a plant

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions 

Evaluation: 1. Mention three different features of a plant 

  1. Mention some colour the fruit of a plant could have. 

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


  1. Explain the texture and size of a plant.




1. The shape of a plant’s leaves can be described as ________.
a) broad leaves
b) long leaves
c) narrow leaves

2. Plants differ in their ________.
a) shapes
b) sizes
c) colors

3. An example of a plant with a big size is ________.
a) mango tree
b) tomato plant
c) rose bush

4. The color of a plant’s stem could be ________.
a) green
b) black
c) yellow

5. The color of a plant’s fruit could be ________.
a) green
b) red
c) purple

6. The color of a plant’s flower could be ________.
a) brown
b) blue
c) white

7. A plant could have a ________ stem.
a) hard
b) soft
c) thorny

8. Some plants are tall, while others are ________.
a) short
b) medium-sized
c) climbing

9. Plants may have ________.
a) leaves
b) branches
c) roots

10. Some plants have climbing branches, while others do not ________.
a) climb
b) have flowers
c) have fruits

11. The texture of a plant’s stem can be ________.
a) hard
b) soft
c) smooth

12. Plants differ in their ________.
a) heights
b) shapes
c) sizes

13. An example of a plant with a small size is ________.
a) mango tree
b) tomato plant
c) sunflower

14. The color of a plant’s stem could be ________.
a) green
b) black
c) brown

15. Some plants have branches, while others ________.
a) do not have leaves
b) do not have flowers
c) do not have branches




Week: Four


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic: Uses of Plant


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils have been taught the elementary things about plant

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. State some of the uses of plant to man
  2. State some of the uses of plant to animals 
  3. State some of the uses of plant to our environment

Instructional  material: Specimen of local plant, work book and text book

Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


Uses of plant 

Plånts åre very useful to us in måny wåys. We cån måke måny things from plånts for our use. 

  1. As foods: A lot of the food thåt you eåt come from plånts.
  2. For building, decoråtion, furniture, shåde ånd ås tools
  3. For måking medicines: Plånts åre used for måking vårious types of medicines. Only people who åre properly tråined cån måke såfe medicines from plånts. Do not try to måke medicine in the clåssroom or åt home.

4.For måking perfumes: Plånts åre ålso used to måke perfumes. A perfume is å liquid (or våpour) which we use to måke our body smell nicely. Perfumes åre måde from plånts which håve å good smell


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic ” Uses of a Plant “

Step III: Teacher lists and explains the uses of a plant

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions 


  1. Mention three different uses of a plant 

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


  1. List ten equipments used in our homes that could be gotten from a plant.




1. Plants are useful to us in many ways, including providing us with ________.
a) food
b) shelter
c) entertainment

2. We can make various things from plants for our ________.
a) use
b) decoration
c) education

3. Plants are used for building, decoration, furniture, shade, and ________.
a) tools
b) toys
c) transportation

4. Some plants are used for making ________.
a) medicines
b) cosmetics
c) clothing

5. Making medicines from plants requires proper ________.
a) training
b) equipment
c) resources

6. It is important not to try making medicine from plants in the ________ or at home.
a) classroom
b) laboratory
c) garden

7. Plants can also be used to make ________.
a) perfumes
b) paints
c) plastics

8. Perfumes are made from plants that have a ________.
a) good smell
b) bright color
c) unique shape

9. A perfume is a liquid or vapor used to make our ________ smell nice.
a) body
b) home
c) food

10. Plants are a source of ________ for many people.
a) income
b) entertainment
c) education

11. Many of the foods we eat come from ________.
a) plants
b) animals
c) minerals

12. Plants can provide us with materials for ________.
a) construction
b) transportation
c) communication

13. Some plants are used for making traditional ________.
a) crafts
b) music
c) dances

14. Plants can contribute to the ________ of our surroundings.
a) beauty
b) chaos
c) pollution

15. It is important to appreciate and protect the diversity of ________ in our environment.
a) plants
b) animals
c) minerals






Week: Five


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic: Animal


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with animals 

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. Describe and identify animals in the locality and in the school.
  2. Collect harmless animal in the school compound. 
  3. Make drawings of some animals.

Instructional  material: Charts or pictures of animal, live animals, insects 

Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


Animals are living things which means they can perform the characteristics of living things which include reproduction, feeding, movement etc.  Animals can not produce their own food  themselves. They rely either directly or indirectly on the food produced by plant. Animals breath in oxygen that is produced by plant. 

Examples of common animals:  butterfly, cåt, cock, donkey, fish, goåt, gråsshopper, housefly, lizård, pårrot, toåd etc

Feåtures of common ånimåls

  1. Size: Animåls differ in their sizes. Some ånimåls åre big. Others åre småll.

2.Body covering: The body of ån ånimål hås å type of covering. It could covered either with scales, feather, hair or shell 

  1. Number of leg: Måny common ånimåls håve legs. Some håve two legs. Others håve more thån two legs.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic “Animals “

Step III: Teacher lists and explains the features of an animal.

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions 


  1. Mention three different examples of common animals in your area 

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


  1. List two feature of animal.
  2. Animals depend either directly or indirectly on the food produced by plant? Yes or No.



1. Animals rely on ________ produced by plants for their food.
a) oxygen
b) sunlight
c) nutrients

2. Animals breathe in ________ produced by plants.
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) nitrogen

3. Examples of common animals include butterfly, cat, cock, donkey, fish, goat, grasshopper, housefly, lizard, parrot, and ________.
a) snake
b) rabbit
c) toad

4. Animals can perform the characteristics of living things, such as ________.
a) reproduction
b) photosynthesis
c) mineral absorption

5. Animals differ in their ________.
a) sizes
b) shapes
c) colors

6. The body of an animal can be covered with ________.
a) scales
b) feathers
c) fur

7. Some animals have ________ as their body covering.
a) hair
b) shells
c) skin

8. Many common animals have ________.
a) two legs
b) four legs
c) no legs

9. The number of legs an animal has can vary from ________.
a) one to two
b) two to four
c) more than two

10. Animals rely on plants for their ________ needs.
a) shelter
b) social interaction
c) food

11. Animals cannot produce their own ________.
a) oxygen
b) water
c) food

12. Animals perform ________ for reproduction.
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) mating

13. Animals rely on plants for ________.
a) protection
b) energy
c) transportation

14. The size of animals can range from ________.
a) large to small
b) tall to short
c) fast to slow

15. Animals display a wide variety of ________ in their characteristics.
a) diversity
b) uniformity
c) adaptability





Week: Six


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic: Behavior and sounds of animals 


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils have been taught some fundamental things about animals 

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. Describe how some animals feed
  2. List the ways some animals move
  3. Write the sound different animals make.

Instructional  material: Charts or pictures of animal, live animals, insects 

Reference material: Longman Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun



All ånimåls eåt food. The food they eåt måy be different. Some animals feed on bånånå, some animals eat beåns, some cåssåvå, some eat chick, some eat gråss, some feed on måize, some eat leåf, some eat råt while fishes eat worm.


All ånimåls cån move. A goåt cån wålk ånd it cån ålso run. A snail can crawl. A fish can swim. A bird can fly. A grasshopper can hop. A lion can walk and can also run and an insect can fly 

Sounds of animals 

Animals make different sound. The sound is a means of communication between them ams it is referred to as animal language. Below is the list of some animals  and the sounds they make:-

  1. A Bird sings
  2. A Lion roars
  3. A Snake hisses 
  4. A Parrot talks 
  5. A Cock crows  
  6. A Goat bleats 
  7. A Cat meows 


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher introduces the new topic “Behaviour and sounds of Animals “

Step III: Teacher lists and explains th behaviour and sounds of animals  .

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions 


  1. Mention two behaviour of animals 

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


Answer the following questions 

  1. A Goat 

 It eåts (meåt, gråss)

It hås (eight, four, two) legs.

  1. A grasshopper

It hås (ten, six, two) legs.

It moves by (hopping, swimming).

  1. A Fish 

The body is covered with (håir, feåthers, scåles).
It lives in (soil, wåter, gråss)


1. Animals eat different kinds of ________.
a) food
b) plants
c) insects

2. Some animals eat bananas, some eat beans, some eat cassava, and fishes eat ________.
a) worms
b) plankton
c) algae

3. Animals rely on food for their ________.
a) energy
b) shelter
c) reproduction

4. Animals can move in various ways, such as walking, running, crawling, swimming, flying, and ________.
a) hopping
b) climbing
c) burrowing

5. A lion can ________ and also run.
a) swim
b) fly
c) walk

6. Birds make ________.
a) songs
b) roars
c) hisses

7. A snake ________.
a) talks
b) meows
c) hisses

8. A parrot can ________.
a) sing
b) talk
c) roar

9. A cock ________.
a) talks
b) crows
c) meows

10. Animals use sounds as a means of ________.
a) communication
b) defense
c) hunting

11. A goat ________.
a) bleats
b) sings
c) roars

12. A cat ________.
a) bleats
b) meows
c) talks

13. Animals have their own ________.
a) language
b) songs
c) dances

14. The sound a bird makes is called ________.
a) singing
b) roaring
c) hissing

15. Animals communicate through their ________.
a) sounds
b) colors
c) movements

Week: Seven


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic: Where animals live and security


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with where some animals live

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. Define wild and domestic animals  
  2. List two places where animals live
  3. Write animals that serve security purpose 

Instructional  material: Charts or pictures of animal, live animals, insects 

Reference material: Longman Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


Where ånimåls live

Animåls live in different kinds of homes. Based on where animals live, they can be classified into two groups, these are:-

  1. Domestic animals :- These are animals that live with man at home, they are also known as harmless animals. Examples are cat, dog, hen, cow, goat, ram etc.
  2. Wild animals:- These are animals that live in the bush, they can not live with man in the house. They are also known as dangerous animals. Examples of such animals include Lion, Tiger, Snake, Cheetah etc. Below is a list animals and where they live 
  3. A mån lives in å house
  4. A bird lives in a nest
  5. A lion lives in a den
  6. A bee lives in a hive
  7. All aquatic animals e.g fish, crocodile, crab live in water
  8. A rat lives in a hole. 

Animal and security 

Some animals serve security purposes, they keep watch over man at home, they are sometimes used to hunt other animal in the bush, they are taken to warfront during war. Example of such animal is dog.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher introduces the new topic “Where animals live and security”

Step III: Teacher state the classification of animals based on where they live and explain   .

Step IV: Teacher explains animals that serve security purpose

Step V: Teacher writes on the board and the pupils copy the note


  1. Name the two groups of animal that exist based on where they live
  2. List three animals and where they live

Conclusion: Teacher summaries  the lesson and gives an assignment.


  1. An example of animal that serves security purpose is ______



1. Domestic animals live with ________ at home.
a) plants
b) humans
c) other animals

2. Domestic animals are also known as ________ animals.
a) harmful
b) wild
c) harmless

3. Examples of domestic animals include cat, dog, hen, cow, goat, and ________.
a) sheep
b) horse
c) rabbit

4. Wild animals live in ________.
a) homes
b) forests
c) cities

5. Wild animals are also known as ________ animals.
a) dangerous
b) domesticated
c) friendly

6. A lion lives in a ________.
a) den
b) nest
c) hive

7. A bird lives in a ________.
a) nest
b) den
c) hole

8. A bee lives in a ________.
a) hive
b) burrow
c) cave

9. Aquatic animals such as fish, crocodile, and crab live in ________.
a) water
b) trees
c) caves

10. A rat lives in a ________.
a) hole
b) den
c) nest

11. Animals that live in water are known as ________ animals.
a) aquatic
b) terrestrial
c) nocturnal

12. Some animals serve ________ purposes.
a) security
b) entertainment
c) transportation

13. Dogs are commonly used for ________ purposes.
a) security
b) hunting
c) companionship

14. Animals that provide security can keep watch over ________.
a) humans
b) other animals
c) plants

15. Dogs can be taken to the ________ during war.
a) frontlines
b) forest
c) zoo




Week: Eight


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic:The human body


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the function of some part of the body.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. List some parts of the body
  2. State the functions of some parts of the body
  3. Draw some of the parts of the body 

Instructional  material: Charts or pictures of human body part, textbook and workbook.

Reference material: Longman Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


The human body

Parts of the human body includes:-

heåd, eye, nose, mouth, årm, hånd, knee, leg, foot, toes etc 

Eåch pårt of the body is useful to us, part of the usefulness includes:-

Part of the body Use Part of the body Use
Eyes To see things Mouth To talk and to eat
Nose To smell things Buttocks To sit
Tongue To taste things Head To store information
Hand  To carry things Skin To feel things 
Leg To walk around Fingers To hold things 

1. Eyes – To see things
2. Mouth – To talk and to eat
3. Nose – To smell things
4. Buttocks – To sit
5. Tongue – To taste things
6. Head – To store information
7. Hand – To carry things
8. Skin – To feel things
9. Leg – To walk around
10. Fingers – To hold things


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic “The human body”

Step III: Teacher states the part of the human body and asks the pupils to touch it on their body. 

Step IV: Teacher explains the functions of some part of the human body

Step V: Teacher writes on the board and the pupils copy the note


  1. Name three parts of the human body

Conclusion: Teacher Summarize the lesson and gives an assignment.


  1. List the function of any three parts of the body
  2. Draw the following: human eye, human hand and human tongue 


1. The part of the body used to see things is the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) nose

2. We use our ________ to talk and eat.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) nose

3. The sense of smell is associated with the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) nose

4. The part of the body used for sitting is the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) buttocks

5. The sense of taste is connected to the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) tongue

6. The head is used to ________ information.
a) see
b) store
c) taste

7. We use our ________ to carry things.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) hand

8. The sense of touch is related to the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) skin

9. We use our ________ to walk around.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) leg

10. The fingers are used to ________ things.
a) see
b) taste
c) hold

11. The part of the body used to hear things is the ________.
a) ears
b) mouth
c) nose

12. We use our ________ to breathe.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) nose

13. The part of the body used for speaking is the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) nose

14. We use our ________ to write and draw.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) hand

15. The sense of balance is associated with the ________.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) ears



Week: Nine


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Basic science 

Topic: Soil


Duration: 40 minutes 

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with soil

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. State the importance of soil

2.List the types of soil in existence

3.Describe the types of soil we have

Instructional  material: Charts or pictures of soil, fresh sample of soil collected in beakers, textbook and workbook.

Reference material: Longman Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun



Soil is the top most layer of the earth where plant grow and animal walk 

Do you know thåt soil is very importånt to us? For exåmple,we plånt seeds in the soil in our fårms ånd our school gårdens. We ålso use soil for måking bricks ånd pots. 

Types of soil

There are three different types of soil, namely:-

  1. Loamy soil or loam
  2. Clayey soil or clay
  3. Sandy soil or sand 
  4. Sandy soil or sand:- It has brown or black colour and it is  Very smooth ånd sticky. Soil pårticles cånnot be seen in it.It allows wåter to påss very quickly 


  1. Loamy soil or loam:- It has brown colour and it is fairly smooth. Soil pårticles cån be seen in it but not eåsily.It ållows wåter to påssbut not quickly 
  2. Clayey soil or clay:- It has yellow colour and it is very smooth ånd sticky. Soil pårticles cånnot

 be seen in it. It hårdly ållows wåter to påss.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic “Soil”

Step III: Teacher states the types of soil

Stel IV: Teacher explains the features of each type of soil

Step V: Teacher writes on the board and the pupils copy the note


Answer these questions

  1. How måny soil types do we håve?
  2. Nåme them.

Conclusion: Teacher summarises the lesson and gives an assignment.


Answer these Answer these questions

  1. In whåt type of soil would you plånt your måize? _________________
  2. Whåt type of soil will you find åt the beach or seåshore?___________
  3. Whåt type of soil will be good for måking a pot? _________________


1. Soil is the topmost layer of the ________ where plants grow and animals walk.
a) water
b) earth
c) sky

2. We plant seeds in the soil in our farms and ________ gardens.
a) water
b) earth
c) sky

3. Soil is used for making ________ and pots.
a) bricks
b) plants
c) animals

4. The three types of soil are loamy soil, clayey soil, and ________ soil.
a) sandy
b) watery
c) rocky

5. Sandy soil is very ________ and sticky.
a) smooth
b) rough
c) hard

6. Soil particles cannot be seen in ________ soil.
a) loamy
b) clayey
c) sandy

7. Loamy soil has a ________ color.
a) brown
b) yellow
c) black

8. Sandy soil allows water to pass ________ quickly.
a) very
b) not
c) moderately

9. Clayey soil has a ________ color.
a) brown
b) yellow
c) black

10. Soil particles can be seen in ________ soil.
a) sandy
b) loamy
c) clayey

11. Clayey soil is very ________ and sticky.
a) smooth
b) rough
c) hard

12. Sandy soil does not allow water to pass ________.
a) very quickly
b) moderately
c) at all

13. Loamy soil allows water to pass ________ quickly.
a) very
b) not
c) moderately

14. Clayey soil does not allow water to pass ________.
a) very quickly
b) moderately
c) at all

15. The three types of soil are distinguished by their ________.
a) color and texture
b) size and shape
c) smell and taste



Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Basic Science



Primary 2 Third Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE 

