Addition of 3-Digit Numbers Mathematics Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Mathematics
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 4
Age: 7-8 years
Topic: Addition of Two 3-Digit Numbers Without Exchanging or Regrouping
Sub-topic: Addition of 3-Digit Numbers
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Identify numbers from 510 to 530 and count from 1 to 530.
  • Write numbers from 510 to 530 in both numerals and words.
  • Add two 3-digit numbers without exchanging or regrouping.
  • Solve real-life problems involving the addition of 3-digit numbers.
  • Create and solve scenarios related to buying, selling, and collecting change.


  • Addition
  • 3-Digit Numbers
  • Regrouping
  • Numerals
  • Words
  • Real-Life Problems
  • Scenario

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by discussing a real-life scenario where addition of 3-digit numbers is used, such as adding the number of pupils in different classes or the total number of patients in different wards of a hospital. Use a number chart (510-530) to visually engage pupils with the counting and writing of numbers.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils should have prior knowledge of addition of 2-digit numbers and counting numbers up to 500.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with numbers
  • Number chart (510-530)
  • Chalkboard/whiteboard
  • Beads or counters
  • Audio resources (songs related to addition)
  • Real-life objects for creating scenarios

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The lesson will build on previous knowledge of addition of 2-digit numbers and number writing, introducing larger numbers (3-digit numbers). Pupils will apply the concept to real-life situations such as calculating populations or sales.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Problem-solving
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Digital literacy
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Leadership and personal development

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Number chart (510-530)
  • Beads or counters
  • Addition songs

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Primary Mathematics Textbook for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Number chart
  • Beads or counters
  • Chalkboard/whiteboard


1. Counting Numbers (510-530 and 1-530):

  • Count numbers from 510 to 530 and 1 to 530.
  • Write numbers from 510 to 530 in numerals and words.
    510 = Five hundred and ten
    530 = Five hundred and thirty

2. Addition of Two 3-Digit Numbers Without Exchanging or Regrouping:

  • Teach how to add two 3-digit numbers without regrouping (e.g., adding 431 + 125).
    431 + 125 = 556
  • 125


3. Real-Life Application of Addition:

  • Show how the addition of 3-digit numbers is used in real-life situations such as adding the number of pupils in different classes, the total number of patients in a hospital, or calculating sales in a shop.

4. Hands-On Activities:

  • Pair pupils and have them create scenarios about buying, selling, and collecting change.
  • Use number cards for pupils to practice adding two 3-digit numbers without regrouping.

5. Singing Addition Songs:

  • Teach a simple song related to addition that reinforces the concept of adding numbers without regrouping.

Evaluation Questions (15 fill-in-the-blank questions):

  1. The number after 510 is __________.
    a) 511
    b) 520
    c) 530
    d) 512
  2. 431 + 125 = __________.
    a) 556
    b) 554
    c) 555
    d) 550
  3. The expanded form of 530 is __________.
    a) 500 + 30
    b) 400 + 30
    c) 300 + 50
    d) 500 + 20
  4. What is 510 + 150?
    a) 660
    b) 650
    c) 640
    d) 630
  5. 423 + 222 = __________.
    a) 645
    b) 644
    c) 646
    d) 643
  6. The number before 530 is __________.
    a) 529
    b) 520
    c) 515
    d) 525
  7. What is 100 + 256?
    a) 356
    b) 355
    c) 345
    d) 340
  8. 512 + 123 = __________.
    a) 635
    b) 625
    c) 620
    d) 610
  9. 310 + 250 = __________.
    a) 560
    b) 550
    c) 570
    d) 590
  10. What is the expanded form of 512?
    a) 500 + 10 + 2
    b) 500 + 100 + 2
    c) 500 + 20 + 2
    d) 510 + 2
  11. 432 + 100 = __________.
    a) 532
    b) 532
    c) 433
    d) 421
  12. The number 431 can be expanded as __________.
    a) 400 + 30 + 1
    b) 500 + 50
    c) 420 + 10
    d) 520 + 10
  13. What is 511 + 120?
    a) 630
    b) 620
    c) 650
    d) 630
  14. 541 + 100 = __________.
    a) 641
    b) 651
    c) 531
    d) 630
  15. The number that comes after 520 is __________.
    a) 521
    b) 511
    c) 522
    d) 530

Class Activity Discussion (15 FAQs with answers):

  1. What does addition mean?
    Addition means combining two or more numbers to make a bigger number.
  2. Can we add 3-digit numbers without regrouping?
    Yes, we can add 3-digit numbers without regrouping if the numbers in each place (hundreds, tens, and ones) are small enough.
  3. How do we add two 3-digit numbers?
    We add the hundreds, then the tens, and finally the ones.
  4. Why do we use addition in real life?
    Addition helps us in everyday tasks like calculating total costs, counting items, or adding the number of people in different groups.
  5. What is the expanded form of a number?
    The expanded form is when we break a number into its place value parts, like 512 = 500 + 10 + 2.
  6. Can we use addition for buying things?
    Yes, we use addition when we add up the total cost of things we want to buy.
  7. How can we practice adding 3-digit numbers?
    We can practice with real-life examples like adding the number of items in different boxes or the total number of people.
  8. What does “without regrouping” mean?
    It means that the sum of the digits in each place value does not go beyond 9, so no carrying or borrowing is needed.
  9. What is a scenario for adding 3-digit numbers?
    For example, adding the number of patients in two wards of a hospital to get the total number of patients.
  10. What happens if we don’t regroup?
    If we don’t need to regroup, we simply add the digits in each column without carrying over.
  11. How can songs help us with addition?
    Songs can make learning addition fun and easier to remember.
  12. Why is it important to learn addition?
    Addition is important because it helps us in daily life, such as shopping, keeping track of time, and counting objects.
  13. How do we add numbers with different place values?
    We add each place value separately, starting from the ones, then tens, and finally hundreds.
  14. Can we use addition in schoolwork?
    Yes, addition helps in solving math problems, calculating scores, and organizing information.
  15. What do we do if the sum is more than 9 in a place value?
    We regroup by carrying over the extra value to the next higher place value.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Revise counting from 510 to 530 and writing numbers in words.
  2. Demonstrate how to add two 3-digit numbers without regrouping on the board.
  3. Lead the class in solving addition problems together.
  4. Have pairs of pupils create buying, selling, and change scenarios.
  5. Teach a simple addition song and encourage the class to sing along.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Count numbers from 510 to 530 aloud and write them in words.
  2. Solve addition problems of two 3-digit numbers without regrouping.
  3. Work in pairs to create and solve real-life addition scenarios.
  4. Participate in singing the addition song.


  1. Solve 431 + 125.
  2. Write 510 in words.
  3. Add 123 + 231.
  4. Expand the number 512.
  5. Solve 432 + 100.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is 512 + 100?
  2. What is the expanded form of 431?
  3. How do we add two 3-digit numbers?
  4. What is the sum of 523 + 100?
  5. What is the number before 531?


Review the lesson by going over examples of 3-digit addition and how it applies to real-life situations like counting people or objects. Make sure all students have understood how to add numbers without regrouping and can solve problems independently.

 1) 753



 2) 159
+ 713



3) 226
+ 258


 4) 136
+ 197



 5) 119
+ 791



 6) 217
+ 333



7) 353
+ 580


 8) 166
+ 647



 9) 121
+ 652



 10) 927
+ 362



At times the class teacher will need to remind the pupils the expanded method of doing addition of Numbers by expanding the figures that are given.

More illustrations

Study the following samples on expanded method of addition

123 = 100 + 30 + 3 = 1 Hundred + 2 Tens + 3 Units

476 =  400 +70 + 6 = 4 Hundreds + 7 Tens + 6 Units


Solve the following by doing expansion horizontally

1. 494 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit

2. 173 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit

3. 780  = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit

4.962  = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit



Presentation : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher asks the pupils the meaning of a noun
  • The class teacher makes the pupils to write out some parts of the body




Add the following numbers together

Expand the following numbers
1. 493 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
2. 555 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
3. 190 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
4. 324 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
5. 100 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
6. 444 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
7. 878 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
8. 710 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
9. 723 = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
10. = ____ Hundreds + ____ Tens + ____ unit
Add the following numbers together
  1.  586 + 300 = ____

  2. 732 + 700 = ____

  3. 566 + 900 = ____

  4. 514 + 300 = ____

  5. 928 + 700 = ____

  6. 851 + 200 = ____

  7. 703 + 900 = ____

  8. 851 + 600 = ____

  9. 622 + 500 = ____

  10. 128 + 100 = ____

  11.  432 + 400 = ____

  12. 867 + 400 = ____




Previous Lesson

Subtraction of 2-digit numbers with exchanging, carry over or remaining




Next Lesson 



