Primary 1 Third Term Examination Christian Religious Studies

Christian Religious Studies Primary 1 Third Term Examination

Underline the correct answer

1. Who created heaven and earth?

a. Peter b. Devil c. God

2. The last thing God created was?

a. Light b. Man c. Plants

3. Who was Abraham’s son

a. Jacob b. Cain c. Isaac

4. Who was the father of Esau and Jacob?

a. Isaac b. Joseph c. Adam

5. How many sons did Jacob have?

a. 8 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14

6. Did Joseph’s dreams come to true? (Yes or No)

7. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?

a. Aaron b. Joshua c. Moses

8. Joseph’s brothers sold him into ________________

a. Jail b. Slavery c. Riches

9. Saul is a _____________in Israel

a. King b. Prince c. Servant

10. What did God do on the Seventh day? a. Create b. Play c. Rest

11. Prayer is a practice of __________ a. singing b. talking c. closing one’s eye

12. Prayer is not good for Christian (yes/no)

13. ____________ gave us the Lord’s Prayer. A.God b.Jesus c.Angel Gabriel

14. We may start our prayer by calling ___________ a. the name of Jesus b. the name of Satan c. the name of your teacher

15. __________ prayed of wisdom and understanding a. David b. Adam c.Solomon

16. We should pray for _________ a. knowledge b. Wisdom C all of the above

17. Lazarus was raised up by ______ a.satan b. Jesus c. Peter

18. Hannah used to go to _____________ to pray for a son a. Shiloh b.Galile

19. Who is the mother of Jesus? A. Martha b. Hannah c. Mary

20. A child of God should not steal (true / false)


1.Explain what happened to Moses when God appeared to him

2. Explain what King Pharaoh did to Israelites