French Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

French Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Primary 1 French Second Term Topics:

Week-by-Week Outline:

  1. Week 1: Greetings in French (Bonjour, Bonsoir, Salut)
  2. Week 2: Numbers 1–10 in French (Les Nombres)
  3. Week 3: Days of the Week in French (Les Jours de la Semaine)
  4. Week 4: Common Classroom Objects (Les Objets de la Classe)
  5. Week 5: Colors in French (Les Couleurs)
  6. Week 6: Simple Classroom Instructions (Les Instructions Simples)
  7. Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment and Break
  8. Week 8: Family Members in French (La Famille)
  9. Week 9: Parts of the Body (Les Parties du Corps)
  10. Week 10: Fruits and Vegetables (Les Fruits et Légumes)
  11. Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered
  12. Week 12: Examination of Topics Covered

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