Teaching Nursery Pupils to Respect Individual Differences

Lesson Plan Format

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Nursery One
Term: Second Term
Week: 7
Age: 3 years
Topic: Individual Differences
Duration: 30 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the simple meaning of individual differences.
  2. Identify individual differences among classmates (e.g., gender, height, complexion).
  3. Discuss the reasons and benefits of respecting and accepting each other in the class and society.


  • Individual
  • Differences
  • Respect
  • Acceptance

Set Induction

Begin by showing a picture book or poster featuring children of different heights, skin colors, and genders. Ask the pupils:

  • “Can you tell me what is different about these children?”
  • “Are we all the same?”
    Introduce the concept of individual differences.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have observed that their friends may look or behave differently from them.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Posters and picture books showing children with different traits.
  • Videos on individuality and respect.
  • Role-playing props for class activities.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Ask the pupils questions such as:

  • “Do you have a friend who looks different from you?”
  • “What makes your friend special?”

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Citizenship

Instructional Materials

  • Posters showing individual differences (e.g., gender, complexion, height).
  • Audio-visual resources, including short videos on respecting differences.
  • Examples of everyday situations highlighting acceptance and respect.


  1. What are Individual Differences?
    • Individual differences refer to the ways people are unique.
  2. Examples of Individual Differences:
    • Gender (boys and girls)
    • Height (tall or short)
    • Complexion (light or dark skin)
    • Abilities (some children are fast, others are careful)
  3. Why Should We Respect Individual Differences?
    • It helps everyone feel accepted and loved.
    • It makes the classroom a happier place.
    • It teaches us to live peacefully in society.
  4. Benefits of Accepting Each Other:
    • We can learn from one another.
    • We make new friends.
    • We create a supportive and kind environment.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Individual differences mean how people are ____.
    a) Similar
    b) Different
    c) Identical
    d) Unknown
    Answer: b) Different
  2. A boy and a girl are examples of ____.
    a) Gender differences
    b) Complexion differences
    c) Age differences
    d) None of the above
    Answer: a) Gender differences
  3. A tall and a short child show ____.
    a) Complexion differences
    b) Ability differences
    c) Height differences
    d) Personality differences
    Answer: c) Height differences
  4. We should respect others because it makes them feel ____.
    a) Sad
    b) Angry
    c) Accepted
    d) Ignored
    Answer: c) Accepted
  5. Respecting individual differences helps us to ____.
    a) Make enemies
    b) Make friends
    c) Lose friends
    d) Ignore others
    Answer: b) Make friends

(Continue with 10 more questions in the same format)

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. Q: What does “individual differences” mean?
    A: It means how people are unique or different.
  2. Q: Can height be an example of individual differences?
    A: Yes, some people are tall, and some are short.
  3. Q: Why should we respect individual differences?
    A: It helps everyone feel accepted and creates peace.
  4. Q: Is gender an individual difference?
    A: Yes, boys and girls are examples of gender differences.
  5. Q: What happens when we accept others?
    A: We make friends and create a happy classroom.

(Continue with 10 more FAQs in the same format)

Presentation Steps

Step 1:

  • Show pictures of children with different traits (height, complexion, gender) and discuss what makes them unique.

Step 2:

  • Explain individual differences and why they should be respected.
  • Show a video or tell a story about friendship despite differences.

Step 3:

  • Allow pupils to pair up and mention one difference they observe in their partner. Discuss how to respect and accept these differences.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the meaning of individual differences using visual aids.
  • Facilitate group discussions on the importance of respecting differences.
  • Guide pupils to share what makes them unique.

Learners’ Activities

  • Identify and mention differences among their classmates.
  • Participate in discussions on why respect is important.
  • Role-play showing acceptance and kindness.


  • Pupils will list two examples of individual differences.
  • Pupils will explain one reason for respecting others.
  • Pupils will match traits with the correct category (e.g., height = tall or short).

10 Evaluation Questions

  1. What are individual differences?
    Answer: Ways people are unique.
  2. Name two examples of individual differences.
    Answer: Gender and height.
  3. Why should we respect individual differences?
    Answer: To make others feel accepted and create peace.
  4. Give one benefit of accepting others.
    Answer: Making new friends.
  5. Is skin color an individual difference?
    Answer: Yes, it is.

(Continue with 5 more questions in the same format)


The teacher summarizes the importance of respecting individual differences. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate what makes them unique while showing kindness and acceptance to others.

Captivating Title: Teaching Nursery Pupils to Respect Individual Differences
Focus Keyphrase: Respecting Individual Differences
SEO Title: Civic Education Nursery 1 Week 7: Understanding Individual Differences
Slug: civic-education-nursery-1-week7-individual-differences
Meta Description: Learn how to teach Nursery 1 pupils about individual differences, respect, and acceptance with engaging activities and fun resources. Perfect for second term!