Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Civic Education Nursery 1 second term lesson notes, covering up to the 12th week:

Week 1: Revision of 1st Term Work

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to recall some of the topics covered in the first term.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils revise previous lessons with the teacher’s help.
    • Pupils attempt some evaluation questions individually to measure their progress.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, personal development.
  • Engaging Civic Revision for Nursery 1 – A Fun Start to Second Term!

Week 2: Emotion

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Explain the simple meaning of emotion.
    • Outline some actions that express emotions (e.g., crying, smiling, cuddling, tickling, hugging).
  • Activities:
    • Pupils watch video clips on emotions and explain their meanings.
    • Pupils identify and mention some emotional expressions in small groups.
    • Pupils demonstrate friendly behavior towards each other in pairs.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, personal development, citizenship.
  • Resources: Pictures of emotional expressions (happy face, sad face), storybooks, video clips.
  • Exploring Emotions – Helping Nursery 1 Pupils Understand Feelings and Actions!

Week 3: Basic Child’s Rights

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Give a simple meaning of basic rights.
    • Discuss some basic rights of a child.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils watch a video clip on the basic rights of a child and discuss its meaning.
    • Pupils mention and explain some of the basic rights of a child individually with teacher’s help.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, citizenship, leadership.
  • Resources: Pupils’ personal belongings, posters, video clips.
  • Teaching Basic Child’s Rights – A Fun and Interactive Civic Education Lesson

Week 4: Forming Bonds

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Explain the simple meaning of bonds.
    • Discuss some traits that strengthen healthy bonds among children (e.g., love, honesty, trust, acts of giving).
    • Tell a short story or sing a song on bonds.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils watch a video or chart on bonds and discuss the meaning of bonds.
    • Pupils demonstrate and mention traits that can strengthen healthy bonds in pairs.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Well-being, thinking, problem solving, leadership, personal development, citizenship, digital literacy.
  • Resources: Songs on bonds, video clips.
  • Building Healthy Bonds – Teaching Nursery Pupils Love, Trust, and Honesty

Week 5: Care of Belongings

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Give the simple meaning of personal belongings.
    • Analyse and say proper ways of taking care of personal belongings.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils identify and mention personal belongings (e.g., school bag, shoes, water bottle).
    • Pupils demonstrate proper ways to care for personal belongings in small groups.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, citizenship, personal development, leadership.
  • Resources: Pupils’ personal belongings, posters, picture books.
  • Teaching Nursery Pupils the Importance of Caring for Personal Belongings

Week 7: Individual Differences

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Explain the simple meaning of individual differences.
    • Discuss the individual differences amongst pupils in the class.
    • Identify reasons for respecting and accepting each other in class and society.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils individually identify and mention individual differences (e.g., gender, height, complexion) with the teacher’s help.
    • Pupils give reasons for accepting each other with teacher’s guidance.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, citizenship.
  • Resources: Posters, picture books, videos.
  • Teaching Nursery Pupils to Respect Individual Differences

Week 8: Quality Care

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Explain the simple meaning of quality care.
    • Enumerate and demonstrate actions of giving quality care to others.
    • Identify and mention some benefits of giving and receiving quality care.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils discuss the meaning of quality care with teacher’s help.
    • Pupils demonstrate actions of giving quality care (e.g., lifting someone who falls, picking up lost items).
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, citizenship skills.
  • Resources: Storybooks, games, mobile toys, picture books, charts, video clips.
  • Quality Care Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Lesson

Week 10: Gender Issues in Child Care

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Understand simple gender issues in childcare.
    • Discuss how both boys and girls can play and learn together.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils watch a video or chart discussing gender issues in child care.
    • Pupils discuss how boys and girls can work together and help one another.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, leadership, problem solving, citizenship.
  • Resources: Picture books, video clips.
  • Gender Equality in Child Care Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Lesson

Week 9: Giving and Receiving Help

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Explain the meaning of giving and receiving help.
    • Discuss the importance of helping others.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils discuss what it means to give and receive help in class and at home.
    • Pupils demonstrate helping each other by performing small acts of kindness (e.g., sharing, helping each other carry items).
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, leadership, citizenship.
  • Resources: Storybooks, videos, charts.
  • Teaching Kindness Through Helping Others

Week 10: Respecting Others

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Understand the meaning of respect.
    • Discuss ways to show respect to others (e.g., listening, not interrupting, being polite).
  • Activities:
    • Pupils listen to a story about respect and discuss the meaning.
    • Pupils role-play situations where they show respect to each other.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, leadership, personal development.
  • Resources: Picture books, role-play scenarios, video clips.
  • Teaching Respect to Build Friendships

Week 11: Working Together

  • Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
    • Explain the importance of working together.
    • Discuss how teamwork helps accomplish tasks.
  • Activities:
    • Pupils participate in a group activity (e.g., building something together or working on a group project).
    • Pupils discuss the importance of working together to achieve goals.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Communication, collaboration, problem solving, leadership.
  • Resources: Construction toys, group activities, storybooks.
  • The Power of Teamwork for Kids

Week 12: Review and Assessment

This completes the weekly breakdown for the second term Civic Education lesson plan for Nursery 1.

  • Captivating Title: Exploring Civic Education for Nursery 1: A Fun Learning Journey
  • Focus Keyphrase: Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term
  • SEO Title: Civic Education Nursery 1: Lesson Plans & Activities for Second Term
  • Slug: civic-education-nursery-1-second-term
  • Meta Description: Discover engaging lessons on basic rights, emotions, care, and teamwork for Nursery 1.