Class:  S.S.S 2    Subject: BIOLOGY      Time: 

`                    Answer all question in this section

  1. Euglena moves by the (a) Beating of its cilia (b) Whipping action of its flagellum (c) pushing out water from an organelle (d) Beating the pseudopodia and cilia simultaneously 
  2. Autotrophic nutrition may be defined in terms of food obtained (a) From other organism in exchange for some products (b) By the breakdown of complex substance (c) By synthesizing simple substance using energy from external source (d) By an organism utilizing its own store of energy 
  3. The scientist who discovered the honeycomb from the bark of an oak tree is (a) Robert Hooke (b) Gabriel Jesus 

(c) Johann Mendel (d) Aristotle Theophrastus 

  1. The entire purpose of cellular respiration is to (a) Breakdown glucose (b) Control the release of energy (c) Generate energy for various metabolic 
  2. Viruses are economically important because they (a) Can only reproduce inside living cells (b) Do not have cell structures (c) Cause diseases in plants and animals (d) exist as crystals outside living cells 
  3. The cytoplasm of the cell is considered a very important component because it (a) regulates the amount of energy 

(b) Is the outermost part of the cell (c) suspend all cell organelle (d) suspends all cell organelles

  1. An organism that operates at the cellular level organization, carries out its physiological activities by using its 

(a) Organelles (b) Cell membrane (c) Small size (d) Cytoplasm 

  1. Which of the following processes involves diffusion (a) Absorption of digested food into the villi (b) Absorption of water through the hair roots (c) Opening and closing of stomata pores (d) Turgidity of herbaceous plants 
  2. Kreb’s cycle occur in the _______ (a) Mitochondria (b) Cytoplasm (c) Nucleus (d) Ribosomes 
  3. Which of the following activities promotes forest conservation (a) Lumbering (b) Afforestation (c) Use of firewood for cooking (d) Production of paper
  4. The muscle cell fluid for an athlete was tested immediately after a 100m race and was found to contain a high concentration of lactic acid.  Explain what could have caused this. The (a) Athlete must have eaten food containing lactic acid just before the race (b) Athlete must have injected lactic acid into his blood just before the race (c) athlete`s muscle must have carried out anaerobic respiration during the race (d) Athlete must have inhaled lactic acid from the environment during the race 
  5. The name of the enzyme that catalyses’ the conversion of glucose to glucose -6-phosphste at the beginning of glycolysis is (a) Phospho-fructo-kinase (b) Glucose isomerizes (c) Hexokinase (d) Glucose-6-kinase 
  6. In which of the following yam tissue will osmosis occur (a) Boiled and peeled (b) Raw and peeled (c) Boiled and unpeeled (d) Roasted and peeled 
  7. The following organism have structure for movement except (a) Amoeba (b) Spirogyra (c) Volvox (d)Paramecium 
  8. Hydra is considered to be at a tissue level of organization of life because it (a) Has numerous cells that perform different functions (b) Has developed organs and system (c) Has poorly developed nervous system (d) reproduce by building 
  9. The exchange of gases between the environment and the respiratory organs of vertebrate is referred to as (a) Inhalation  (b) Respiration (c) Expiration (d) Breathing 
  10. A pandemic is an outbreak of disease that (a) Is confined to a town (b) Is wide spread (c) Will not spread (d) Limited spread 

Use the illustration below to answer question 18-20
A student used the following step in testing for a non-reducing sugar: (i) added benedict solution to the sugar (ii) added dilute hydrochloric acid to the sugar solution and boil it(iii) added sodium hydroxide solution to the solution in II and boiled (iv)added Benedict solution to the cooled solution in III

  1. Why did the student add dilute hydrochloric acid to the sugar solution in step II? To (a) oxidize the sugar solution (b) Hydrolyses the sugar solution (c)  Dry the sugar solution (d) Increase the volume of the sugar 


  1. What Is the importance of step II in the testing process (a) Neutralize the sugar solution (b) Soften the sugar solution (c) Change the color of the sugar solution (d) Increase the acid content of the sugar solution  
  2. The color change to be observed in step IV is (a)Blue-black (b) Brick-red (c) Purple (d) Violet 



                   Answer any four question, question four is compulsory 

1a. List the three forms in which living cell exist 

  1. Give one example each of the forms listed in 1ai above 

1b. In a tabular form, state the three differences between a plant cell and animal cell 

1c. State one similarity between a plant cell and animal cell

2a. Make a diagram, 6cm-10cm long, of a typical plant cell and label fully 

2b. State the function each of the following 

  1. Nucleus
  2. Chromosomes 
  3. Mitochondria 

2c. State two cell theory 

3a. Explain in full details why an athlete have to breathe in and out deeply or pant heavily after a race 

3b. Define Cellular respiration 

3bii. Write the chemical equation for the type of respiration which requires oxygen to breakdown glucose into water, carbon dioxide and water__________

4a. Specimen A is a food mixture, carry out the instructions given in 1a(i) to 1a(ii) and record your observation and inference as shown in the format of the table below 



  1. Put a drop of A on a white tile and add a few drops of iodine solution. Record your observation and inference 
  2. Smear a drop of the mixture of A on a piece of white paper, hold the paper against the light, record your observation and inference 

4b.Which of the classes of food in mixture A is likely to be absorbed first into the blood stream after digestion 

4c.For each class of food identified in mixture A 

  1. Name one local source 
  2. State one use to the human body 

5a. Explain the feeding in Amoeba

5b. Explain the following 

  1. Autotrophic nutrition
  2. Heterotrophic

5c. Define catabolism

  1. With the aid of diagram, explain kreb`s cycle.