1st Term Examination
Subject: C.R.S Class: BASIC 5
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
SECTION A: Objective
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the ______ (a) animal (b)earth (c)sea (d)land
- What did God did on the 7th day? (a)he swin (b)he worked (c)he rested (d)he created
- God said, “let us make ____ in our own image (a)fish (b)animal (c)plant (d)ma
- The first man God created was _____ (a)Abraham (b)Eve (c)Adam (d)Jacob
- Man is created from the _____ (a)water (b)dust (c)air (d)plant
- The things that God created are for _____ of man (a)interest (b)danger (c)distruction (d)disadvantages
- Man’s duty is to ______ God’s creation (a)destroy (b)spoil (c)condemn (d)take care
- How many son did Abraham has? (a)two (b)one (c)three (d)four
- How many men were thrown into the furnace of fire? (a)two (b)one (c)four (d)three
- _____ was delivered by God from the lion’s den (a)Shedrach (b)David (c)Meshach (d)Daniel
- ______ is our refuge and strength (a)Samson (b)God (c)Israel (d)Pharaoh
- God will _____ our needs if we ask him in prayer (a)sieze (b)provide (c)take (d)hinder
- God provided ______ for the Israelites (a)mammal (b)manna (c)stew (d)rice
- Jesus fed ______ people in the five leaves of bread and two fishes (a)three thousand (b)five thousand (c)two thousand (d)seven thousand
- God gave us _____ to save us from sins (a)Jesus (b)freedom (c)life (d)manna
- God also gave us the _______ to guide us in life (a)book (b)bible (c)Quran (d)rosary
- Joseph the earthly father of Jesus was a ____ (a)carpenter (b)shoe maker (c)tailor (d)welder
- An idle mind is the ____ workshop (a)devil’s (b)God’s (c)angel’s (d)Abraham’s
- Apart from food, which other thing is the plant in the garden of Eden used for? (a)clothes (b)book (c)medicine (d)shade
- God commanded that we should work, anyone that does not work may be tempted to _____ (a)steal (b)pray (c)fast (d)look for Job
- Write out the story of creation from the 1st to the 6th day
- Write out the ten commandments
- What does Philippians 4 vs 19 say?
- What was Daniel’s offence before he was captured?
- What did the king say that they should do to God f Daniel?
- When the prodigal son repented and decided to go to his father, what did he say?
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