Mid-Term Test First Term Business Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
Business Studies JSS 2 First Term Mid-Term Assessment – Week 7
Assessment Components
Part A: Objective Questions
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options (a, b, c, d)
- A _________ bank is a financial institution that provides services like loans and deposits.
a) Commercial
b) Central
c) Investment
d) Cooperative - The primary service of banks is to accept _________.
a) Loans
b) Deposits
c) Withdrawals
d) Investments - Ethical banking involves ensuring ________ in all transactions.
a) Profit
b) Fraud
c) Transparency
d) Risk - A _________ account is designed for everyday transactions.
a) Savings
b) Current
c) Fixed
d) Loan - The process of lending money with the expectation of repayment is known as _________.
a) Borrowing
b) Investing
c) Lending
d) Saving - The services provided by commercial banks include _________.
a) Only loans
b) Deposits and loans
c) Only deposits
d) Insurance - Banks charge _________ on loans given to customers.
a) Fees
b) Interest
c) Commissions
d) Taxes - The main purpose of a savings account is to _________.
a) Withdraw daily
b) Earn interest
c) Spend freely
d) Take loans - A bank’s responsibility to protect customer information is known as _________.
a) Security
b) Privacy
c) Confidentiality
d) Transparency - _________ is a key ethical issue in banking.
a) Competition
b) Fraud
c) Marketing
d) Networking - The _________ market is where companies issue shares to raise capital.
a) Money
b) Commodity
c) Capital
d) Foreign - The role of a wholesaler is to _________.
a) Sell directly to consumers
b) Distribute products in bulk
c) Manufacture goods
d) Provide services - A customer’s trust in a bank can be affected by _________.
a) High interest rates
b) Ethical practices
c) Low fees
d) Free services - A bank provides payment services to facilitate _________.
a) Investments
b) Withdrawals
c) Transactions
d) Deposits - Commercial banks earn profit through _________.
a) Fees
b) Taxes
c) Loans
d) Donations - The term “liquidity” refers to the _________ of an asset.
a) Safety
b) Stability
c) Availability
d) Value - A loan that is paid back in installments is called a _________.
a) Mortgage
b) Grant
c) Fixed loan
d) Revolving loan - Interest rates are determined by _________.
a) Government regulations
b) Supply and demand
c) Bank policies
d) Customer requests - A financial institution that provides investment services is known as a _________.
a) Commercial bank
b) Credit union
c) Investment bank
d) Savings bank - A current account typically offers _________.
a) Higher interest rates
b) Unlimited withdrawals
c) Fixed deposits
d) Loans
Part B: Theory Questions
Short Answer Questions
- Define a commercial bank.
- What are the primary functions of a commercial bank?
- List three services provided by banks.
- Explain what is meant by ethical banking.
- Why is transparency important in banking?
- Describe the difference between a savings account and a current account.
- What is the role of interest in banking?
- Define liquidity in financial terms.
- What are the ethical issues banks face?
- How do banks protect customer information?
- Explain the importance of loans to a bank’s business model.
- What is a capital market?
- Describe the function of a wholesaler in distribution.
- What is the purpose of payment services in banks?
- How can customer trust impact a bank’s operations?
- Define the term “investment bank.”
- What factors determine interest rates?
- Explain the difference between short-term and long-term loans.
- What is a mortgage?
- Why do banks need to manage risks?
Part C: True or False Questions
- A commercial bank only provides loans to businesses. (True/False)
- Ethical issues in banking include customer privacy. (True/False)
- Savings accounts typically offer lower interest rates than loans. (True/False)
- Wholesalers sell products directly to consumers. (True/False)
- Banks must ensure transparency in their operations. (True/False)
- A current account is best for saving money. (True/False)
- Commercial banks can engage in investment banking. (True/False)
- The capital market deals with short-term investments. (True/False)
- A loan is a liability for the borrower. (True/False)
- Banks are not responsible for preventing fraud. (True/False)
- Liquidity refers to how quickly an asset can be converted to cash. (True/False)
- All bank transactions are completely private. (True/False)
- Interest rates are always fixed. (True/False)
- Ethical banking practices build customer trust. (True/False)
- A deposit account is the same as a loan account. (True/False)
- Transparency can lead to increased customer loyalty. (True/False)
- Commercial banks cannot offer insurance services. (True/False)
- The money market is primarily for short-term financing. (True/False)
- Banks can lose customers due to unethical practices. (True/False)
- Current accounts usually have transaction limits. (True/False)
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions
- A __________ bank provides services like accepting deposits and giving loans.
- The main purpose of a savings account is to __________.
- Banks charge __________ on the loans they provide.
- Ethical banking ensures __________ in all transactions.
- The __________ market is where long-term securities are traded.
- A __________ account is used for everyday transactions.
- Liquidity refers to how quickly an asset can be __________ to cash.
- Commercial banks provide __________ services to help customers make payments.
- The term “interest” refers to the __________ charged on borrowed money.
- A __________ is a loan secured by real estate.
- Banks must protect __________ to maintain customer trust.
- The __________ market deals with short-term loans and securities.
- Fraud is an ethical __________ banks must guard against.
- A __________ account typically offers higher interest rates.
- Banks earn profit through fees and __________ on loans.
- Ethical issues in banking include __________ of customer information.
- The role of a wholesaler is to distribute goods to __________.
- Interest rates can vary based on __________ and demand.
- A financial institution that invests in stocks is called an __________ bank.
- Current accounts allow for __________ withdrawals without penalties.
This assessment covers key concepts learned throughout the first half of the term and prepares students for a deeper understanding of business studies.
CLASS: JS 2 Time:
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any three questions
- Mention five (5) documents handled by a receptionist (5mks)
- State how a male and female receptionist should dress (5mks)
- What is a filing system (5mks)
- Mention five (5) types of filing system (5mks)
- Mention ten (10) examples of both the sales and purchases document and indicate by writing sales or purchase in front of each of them (10mks)
- State four (4) importance of trade (4mks)
- List the classification of home and foreign trade (5mks)
- What is import (1mk)
- 5a. mention four (4) methods of buying
- What is?
- Cash sales
- credit sales
- buying
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