1st Mid Term Examination 


Subject:   ELEMENTARY SCIENCE                 Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________                 Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Which of these people is in the home? (a) Father (b) Lion 
  2. Are children part of the people in the home? (a) Yes (b) No
  3. __________ is one of the things in the home (a) table (b) broken bottle 
  4. Which of these animals cannot be found at home? (a) Dog (b) Lion 
  5. Do you like things around your house? (a) Yes (b) No
  6. Which of these animals is in the forest? (a) sheep (b) lion 
  7. Which of these is an example of a bird in the home? (a) an owl (b) a peacock 
  8. An example of a bird in the forest is _______ (a) a parrot (b) an Eagle 
  9. ________ is what we eat that makes us grow (a) food (b) nylon 
  10. Which of these is not food? (a) Egg (b) Table 
  11. _________ protect our body from diseases? (a) paper (b) fruit 
  12. Is an orange a fruit? (a) Yes (b) No
  13. Goat meat is got from ________ (a) Dog (b) goat 
  14. The water we drink must be (a) clean (b) dirty 
  15. Is it good to drink colorful water? (a) Yes (b) No  


1st Mid Term Examination 


Subject:   HEALTH EDUCATION                                         Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________             Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. How many eyes do you have? (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4
  2. We use the nose for _________(a) smelling (b) eating (c) hearing 
  3. The toes are found on the _________ (a) legs (b) eyes (c) neck
  4. I have ________ neck (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
  5. Which of these is used for brushing teeth? (a) nail (b) water (c) stone 
  6. We must use tooth brush and _______ to brush our teeth (a) toothpaste (b) sand (c) palm oil
  7. We should brush our teeth ________ a day (a) twice (b) once (c) thrice 
  8. Tooth decay is when our teeth get ________ (a) good (b) bad (c) neat
  9. We should use ________ water to take our bath (a) clean (b) dirty (c) smelling
  10. Hair is mostly found on the _________ (a) head (b) neck (c) ear 
  11. Is it good to pour sand on our hair? (a) Yes (b) No
  12. The eyes are used for _______ (a) eating (b) seeing (c) hearing 
  13. How many eyes do you have? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
  14. Always use _________ handkerchief or tissue paper for the nose (a) clean (b) dirty  (c) smelling
  15. The ear are used for _________ (a) fasting (b) hearing (c) singing 




1st Mid Term Examination 


Subject:   SOCIAL STUDIES                               Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. A group of people who are related by blood or birth is called _________ (a) family (b) teacher (c) mother 
  2. The ________ is the head of the family (a) mother (b) father (c) sister 
  3. Who provides money for the family? (a) father (b) grandmother (c) children 
  4. _________ cook for the family (a) father (b) mother (c) visitor 
  5. Who take care of the home? (a) brother (b) mother (c) children 
  6. The _______ help in sweeping the floor (a) father (b) grandmother (c) children 
  7. A place where we learn how to read and write is called ________ (a) school (b) bank (c) market 
  8. A person who teaches in a school is called a _______ (a) pilot (b) teacher (c) banker 
  9. The way we show respect to people is by ________ (a) greeting (b) fighting (c) children 
  10. When greeting elders, a boy should __________ (a) prostrate (b) kneel (c) stand 
  11. When greeting elders, a girl should _________ (a) kneel (b) prostrate (c) stand 
  12. Is it good to greet our teacher? (a) Yes (b) No
  13. Is it good for children to know their name and surname? (a) Yes (b) No 
  14. My father is a ____________ (a) woman (b) man (c) gender 
  15. My mother is a __________ (a) man (b) woman (c) boy 



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1st Mid Term Examination 


Subject:   CIVIC EDUCATION                               Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. In the morning, we say _________ (a) “good morning sir/ma” (b) “good afternoon sir/ma”
  2. In the afternoon, we say ________ (a) “good night sir/ma” (b)” good afternoon sir/ma”
  3. Boys/men __________when greeting (a) clap (b) prostrate 
  4. We can also greet by ________ as friends/mates (a) running (b) shaking of hands 
  5. Parents are mother and _________ (a) papers (b) father 
  6. Is it good to respect our parents? (a) Yes (b) No
  7. A _______ teaches in a school (a) teacher (b) trader
  8. Good habits are the ________ things we always do (a) good (b) evil
  9. Is praying to God a good habit? (a) Yes (b) No
  10. Is it good to wash our hands before and after eating?    (a)yes    (b)no
  11. Is telling lies a bad habit? (a) Yes (b) No 
  12. __________ is the act of caring for others (a) hatred (b) kindness
  13. Is it good to wash our hands before and after eating? (a) Yes (b) No
  14. _________ is doing what you are told to do (a) fighting (b) obedience 
  15. What do you say when your mummy gives you food? (a) thank you, ma (b) I will not eat, 


1st Mid Term Examination 


Subject:  C.R.S                       Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. What is the name of the oldest book? (a) literacy book (b) Holy bible (c) number book
  2. Who created the world? (a) Adam (b) Cain (c) God 
  3. The bible is divided into two sections, called _________ (a) young and middle Testaments (b) single and double Testament (c) New and Old Testament
  4. Mention three things that were created

____________     ______________       _____________


  1. What did God create the first day? (a) book (b) light (c) chair 
  2. What is the name of the garden where the first man and woman stayed? (a) Egypt (b) Canaan (c) Eden 
  3. __________ is the name of the first man and woman (a) Joseph and Mary (b) Adam and Eve (c) Jacob and Esau 
  4. God made all the animals in the garden in twos (a) Yes (b) No
  5. What is the name of the man who God told to build an ark? (a) Abraham (b) Enoch (c) Noah 
  6. Who told Noah to build an ark? (a) Satan (b) God (c) Spirit 
  7. __________ are the children of Noah (a) Shem, Ham and Japheth (b) Caleb, Joshua and Moses (c) Benjamin, Dan and Joseph 
  8. What is the name of the basket boy? (a) Moses (b) Pharaoh (c) Caleb 
  9. What was used to make a golden calf? (a) wrist band (b) ear rings (c) leg chains 
  10. Was Jesus born in a manger? (a) Yes (b) No
  11. The shepherds went to _________ to see Jesus (a) Bethlehem (b) Judah (c) Samaria 


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   HAND WRITING                                       Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


1st Mid Term Examination 


Subject:  RHYMES                     Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


  1. Toys      Toys      Toys
  2. Early to bed
  3. Elephant the elephant where have you been
  4. Head, shoulder, knee and toes
  5. Trees are tall, tree are green
  6. Twinkle twinkle little star 


1st Mid Term Examination 

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Subject:  MUSIC                        Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


  1. Father Abraham has many sons
  2. Children tell me what you have
  3. There is no one, there is no one like Jesus
  4. I will enter his gate with thanks giving in my heart
  5. Take glory father take glory son 
  6. Praise him , praise him king of glory 


1st Term Examination 


Subject:  NUMBER WORK                     Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

  1. Count and write 1 – 100 


  • Count and write the correct number



  • Count and match objects with the correct number



  • Count and circle the correct number 


  1. Write these numbers in words 

7        =         ___________

6        =        ____________

4       =         ____________

3       =         ____________   

1       =        _____________

2       = ______________


5       =       ______________


8       =      _______________


9      =         ______________


10    =        _______________


1st Term Examination 


Subject:  LETTER WORK                     Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

  1. write Capital and small letter Aa – Zz 


  1. Identify and circle the vowels


Write the five vowels you have circled in the spaces below 

__________     __________     __________      _________    _________

  1. Write the consonants as you climb the ladders  




  1. Fill in the missing vowel to make a word 

d  ____ g

r ____ t

f ___ n

l  ____ g

b ____ g

h ____ n

j ____ g

k ___ y

s ___ n

n ___ t 

  1. Write (10) two letter words

___________      _________    __________    __________    _________

___________      _________    __________    __________    _________


1st Term Examination 


Subject:  QUANTITATIVE                      Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


  1. Count and match to the correct number




  1. Identify the numbers and write the correct number of circles.

1 =       _____________________

3     = _______________________

9 =______________________

10 = _______________________

4 = ______________________

  1. Count and write the correct number of circles in the boxes below. 


  1. count and circle the correct number 


  1. Counting  and match to the correct number 
  • 6

  • 2

  • 5

  • 4

  • 8


  1. Identify and match to the same number 


  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 8
  5. 1
  6. 4
  7. 10
  8. 9
  9. 7
  10. 2




1st Term Examination 


Subject:  VERBAL                                   Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


  1. Identify and circle out small letter D and C


  1. Match the capital letters with the small letters.  


Q t

S v

T q

U s

V u

W x

X y

Y z

Z w


  1. Fill the boxes and the circles with small and capital letters.


  1. Mark the words that starts with “A”



























  1. Match the words with the pictures


  1. Circle out small letter K and L


1st Term Examination 


Subject:  FINE ART                                  Class: NURSERY 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour


  1.      Identify and color this object


  1. This is an _______  (a)ball   (b)apple     (c)cup
  2. Where does it grow?     (a)tree      (b)water    (c)ground
  3. Apple is a  _______   (a)stone    (b)drug     (c)fruit 
  4. What shape does it have?     (a)flat      (b)round      (c)tinny 


  1. Identify and color this object



  1. The object above is a _______________     (a)light bulb   (b)orange     (c)egg
  2. What does it bring to the house?   (a)dark     (b)light       (c)sun
  3. It is used where there is ______________   (a)sun     (b)dark     (c)fire
  4. Where is it used?   ____________    (a)water       (b)house    (c)sun