Second Term Examination Primary 3 Basic Science

CLASS: Primary 3
SUBJECT: Basic Science
NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Objective Questions

  1. ____ is a colourless liquid which we need in our everyday life.
    (a) Water
    (b) Stone
    (c) Blood
    (d) Chemical
  2. Water is used to do the following except _____.
    (a) for drinking
    (b) for cooking
    (c) for laughing
    (d) for washing
  3. All are sources of water except _____.
    (a) River
    (b) Stream
    (c) Well
    (d) Blood
  4. All are properties of clean water except _____.
    (a) It has no colour
    (b) It has no smell
    (c) It is tasteless
    (d) It has colour
  5. All are examples of colours except _____.
    (a) Red
    (b) White
    (c) Stone
    (d) Blue
  6. Colours are grouped into two main categories, they are _____.
    (a) Primary and secondary colours
    (b) Black and white colours
    (c) Yellow and pink colours
    (d) None of the above
  7. We can mix two or more colours to get _____ colours.
    (a) Primary
    (b) Secondary
    (c) Temporary
    (d) Permanent
  8. We get colours from _____.
    (a) Dye
    (b) Food
    (c) Stone
    (d) Paper
  9. Dyes are produced from _____.
    (a) Plants and soil
    (b) Stone
    (c) Phone and television
    (d) All of the above
  10. All are importance of colour except _____.
    (a) To beautify objects
    (b) For protecting objects
    (c) For identification of objects
    (d) For stealing
  11. _____ is an act of representing a picture of an object on paper.
    (a) Drawing
    (b) Playing
    (c) Stealing
    (d) Smoking
  12. All are materials used for drawing except _____.
    (a) Pencil
    (b) Stone
    (c) Crayon
    (d) Ruler
  13. _____ is a drawing that does not involve the use of any instrument except a pencil.
    (a) Freehand drawing
    (b) Stone drawing
    (c) Biro drawing
    (d) None of the above
  14. _____ is the ability to do work.
    (a) Energy
    (b) Football
    (c) Swimming
    (d) Playing
  15. We have ____ forms of energy.
    (a) Five
    (b) Six
    (c) Two
    (d) Seven
  16. _____ is the energy at rest.
    (a) Potential energy
    (b) Kinetic energy
    (c) Sleep
    (d) Football
  17. Kinetic energy is _____ energy.
    (a) Sleeping
    (b) Moving
    (c) Resting
    (d) None of the above
  18. All are forms of energy except _____.
    (a) Light energy
    (b) Sound energy
    (c) Heat energy
    (d) Stone energy
  19. We have two main sources of light energy, which are _____.
    (a) Natural and artificial
    (b) Food and light
    (c) Sun and moon
    (d) All of the above
  20. Torchlight is an artificial light.
    (a) True
    (b) False
    (c) None
    (d) All of the above
  21. ____ is the natural source of light energy.
    (a) Moon
    (b) Candle
    (c) Sun
    (d) Torch
  22. The primary colours are ____.
    (a) Red, green, blue
    (b) Red, yellow, blue
    (c) Yellow, pink, orange
    (d) Black and white
  23. An example of artificial light is ____.
    (a) Moonlight
    (b) Candlelight
    (c) Sunlight
    (d) Starlight
  24. The energy used to cook food is ____.
    (a) Heat energy
    (b) Light energy
    (c) Sound energy
    (d) Mechanical energy
  25. Water is found in ____ states.
    (a) Two
    (b) Three
    (c) Four
    (d) One
  26. Which of these is not a source of light?
    (a) Bulb
    (b) Candle
    (c) Stone
    (d) Sun
  27. Clean water is _____.
    (a) Tasteless
    (b) Dirty
    (c) Oily
    (d) Coloured
  28. A colour made by mixing blue and yellow is ____.
    (a) Green
    (b) Purple
    (c) Orange
    (d) Black
  29. Water exists in liquid, solid, and ____ form.
    (a) Gaseous
    (b) Elastic
    (c) Metallic
    (d) Oily
  30. Energy at motion is called ____.
    (a) Potential energy
    (b) Kinetic energy
    (c) Stored energy
    (d) Sleeping energy

Theory Questions

  1. What is energy?
    b.) List the two forms of energy.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  2. What is water?
    b.) List two qualities of good water.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  3. List two importance of colour.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  4. List two examples of colours.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  5. What is potential energy?
    b.) What is kinetic energy?
  6. List two artificial sources of light.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  7. List two uses of light energy.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  8. State three properties of clean water.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
  9. Name two natural sources of light.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  10. Write two examples of materials used for drawing.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________

All are sources of water except _