Jesus Calls His Disciples Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Kindergarten
Term: Third Term
Week: 4
Age: 5 years
Topic: Jesus Calls His Disciples
Sub-topic: The Story of Jesus Calling His First Disciples
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioural Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
- Retell the story of Jesus calling His disciples.
- Identify the first four disciples (Peter, Andrew, James, John).
- Understand the meaning of a disciple.
Key Words
- Jesus
- Disciples
- Peter
- Andrew
- James
- John
Set Induction
Teacher shows a picture of a group of friends and asks if anyone knows what a team or group is.
Entry Behaviour
Pupils are familiar with the concept of friends and working together.
Learning Resources and Materials
- Bible storybook
- Pictures of Jesus, Peter, Andrew, James, and John
- Story audio
Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge
Ask pupils about their friends and what they do together.
Embedded Core Skills
- Listening
- Speaking
- Observing
- Identifying
Learning Materials
- Lagos State Scheme of Work
- Bible storybooks
- Illustrated story cards
Instructional Materials
- Picture cards
- Audio player
- Coloring sheets
- Introduction: Jesus began His ministry by calling His disciples.
- Jesus saw Peter and his brother Andrew fishing and called them to follow Him.
- Jesus then saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee, and called them as well.
- These men left their fishing nets and followed Jesus.
- Jesus called His first disciples while they were ____.
a) Farming
b) Fishing
c) Sleeping
d) Singing - The first two disciples Jesus called were Peter and ____.
a) John
b) James
c) Andrew
d) Matthew - Peter and Andrew were ____.
a) Brothers
b) Cousins
c) Friends
d) Strangers - The next two disciples Jesus called were James and ____.
a) Peter
b) John
c) Matthew
d) Andrew - The disciples left their ____ to follow Jesus.
a) Houses
b) Boats
c) Fishing nets
d) Fields
Class Activity Discussion:
- Q: Who did Jesus call first to be His disciples?
A: Peter and Andrew. - Q: What were Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus called them?
A: They were fishing. - Q: Who were the next disciples Jesus called?
A: James and John. - Q: What did the disciples leave behind to follow Jesus?
A: They left their fishing nets. - Q: What is a disciple?
A: A disciple is someone who follows a teacher or leader.
Step 1
The teacher revises the previous topic about “Jesus’ Baptism” with the pupils.
Step 2
The teacher introduces the new topic: “Jesus Calls His Disciples” by showing pictures and telling the story.
Step 3
The teacher encourages pupils to share about their own friends and what they like to do together. The teacher corrects any misinformation.
Teacher’s Activities
- Tell the story of Jesus calling His first disciples.
- Show pictures.
- Play a story audio.
Learners’ Activities
- Listen to the story.
- Look at the pictures.
- Share their own experiences.
- Who were the first disciples Jesus called?
- What were Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus called them?
- Who were the next disciples Jesus called?
- What did the disciples leave behind to follow Jesus?
- What is a disciple?
Evaluation Questions
- Jesus called His first disciples while they were ____.
- The first two disciples Jesus called were Peter and ____.
- Peter and Andrew were ____.
- The next two disciples Jesus called were James and ____.
- The disciples left their ____ to follow Jesus.
- What did Jesus say to Peter and Andrew?
- How did James and John respond when Jesus called them?
- Why did Jesus call disciples?
- What did Jesus promise to make His disciples?
- What lesson do we learn from the disciples following Jesus immediately?
The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and ensures they understand the story of Jesus calling His disciples.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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