Parts of the Body. A Fun Lesson for Nursery 2 Pupils


Parts of the Body:

  1. Head: The top part of your body where your face is. 😊
  2. Nose: The part of your face that you use to smell things. 👃
  3. Eyes: The things on your face that help you see. 👀
  4. Mouth: The part of your face where you eat and talk. 👄
  5. Hands: The things at the end of your arms that you use to pick things up. 🖐️
  6. Fingers: The little parts on your hands that you use to touch and hold things. 🤚
  7. Legs: The long parts of your body that help you walk and run. 🦵
  8. Toes: The little parts at the end of your feet. 👣

Parts of the Body Song:

  • Sing together:
    • “My head”
    • “My shoulder”
    • “My knee”
    • “My toes” (3 times)
    • “They all belong to you, God”


Classwork :

questions with options:

  1. I have one _______. a) Head b) Hand c) Leg d) Eye
  2. I have two _______. a) Eyes b) Fingers c) Toes d) Ears
  3. I have one _______. a) Mouth b) Nose c) Foot d) Arm
  4. My head is where my _______ is. a) Eyes b) Ears c) Mouth d) Hair
  5. I have ten _______. a) Eyes b) Arms c) Fingers d) Legs
  6. My nose is for _______. a) Seeing b) Smelling c) Hearing d) Tasting
  7. I have two _______. a) Hands b) Noses c) Feet d) Heads
  8. I have one _______. a) Arm b) Eye c) Leg d) Nose
  9. My mouth is for _______. a) Smelling b) Tasting c) Hearing d) Seeing
  10. My ears are on the sides of my _______. a) Head b) Mouth c) Stomach d) Back
  11. I have two _______. a) Toes b) Hands c) Ears d) Noses
  12. I have one _______. a) Foot b) Hand c) Finger d) Eye
  13. My fingers help me to _______. a) See b) Smell c) Touch d) Taste
  14. I have two _______. a) Legs b) Eyes c) Arms d) Noses
  15. My toes are at the end of my _______. a) Fingers b) Arms c) Legs d) Hands